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Everything posted by blackrainbow

  1. If you remember when runescape was in black & white
  2. Your parents mean well and want the best for you. They know that the qualifications/grades that you gain through school/college/university will take you further in life than the levels that you gain in an online java game. But that doesn't mean you can't have fun along the way. As long as you prioritise you workload. Negotiate a compromise. Work first, then play. let playing RS be your reward for doing well at your studies.
  3. It's laughable how many P2P noobs complain about F2P getting updates and then in the same sentence call F2P players the whingers. Did you play when all of RS was F2P? Do you remember why Jagex stated that they introduced P2P? Do you remember that Jagex stated that F2P would get all of the updates that P2P got, only at a later date? do you know whey they reneged on that promise?
  4. When your membership is going to expire, bank everything in your inventory and have at least 2 F2P items in your bank that you're going to use/store.
  5. here is my level 3 noobie account. had this account for years, but made it after you could choose classes. chose adventurer on my main btw it has 9hp because jagex changed the xp levels when they released RS2. I went from 108 to 112 when RS2 came out on my main.
  6. True, the amount has hugely rissen since Pest Control and Construction. More like meant I see my own character :oops: I see a noob every time I log in. 123 for life!!
  7. I just shoot them on the spot, far more efficient. Not very good xp though :evil:
  8. Stream of consciousness writing isn't really the best way to get across a point.
  9. When you first started playing RS did you read all the rules and the guides to get started or did you just dive in and start playing and learn as you went along?
  10. I'd say to my level 3. "Quit now or you'll still be playing this game 6 years from now. You have access to the knowledge of the world from your PC, why do you want to waste your time only using your PC to play a game".
  11. True. Jagex have stated that the sub-routine that decides what drop you get after killing a NPC works like a roulette wheel, if the ball lands in the rare/valuable item slot a second wheel is spun to decide what item you get. You need to bear in mind that what Jagex considers a valuable item doesn't always coincide with what players do.
  12. I've not read all the replies, so this may have been suggested already but here is how I would change it. Back in RSC when you could pk anywhere except in or around Lumby you had the choice of choosing to be pk or non-pk. That's what I'd introduce. I'd get rid of the noob ditch and when you entered the wild you would get a menu appear asking if you want choose to be able to attack and be attacked by other players or not. You would also be able to set your options from the control panel, similar to turning on accept aid, to save you getting the menu all time. If you choose pker option the following rules apply: No level restrictions-you can attack anyone any level in any part of the wildy No tele at any level All wildy Multi combat For non Pkers Can only attack or be attacked by NPC's No level restrictions on where you can tele After 20 minutes in wildy you scull. leaving wildy resets timer. (wilderness is meant to be dangerous, this is price you pay for not being able to be pked)
  13. hmm. just noticed that this post has been moved without an explanation. Seems some things still don't change. Jagex still keep getting richer, Scapeboard admins still can't show any manners. =D>
  14. I read an article a while ago that stated if microsoft was a country it would be the seventh richest in the world.
  15. :thumbsup: I can name one member of a high ranked clan who camps out at bandits. prior to every war/mini so all the clan can have 6 pizzas each when they set out.
  16. Think the point of the article is summed up by this line Think it's un-likely that Jagex will grant special priviliges to this or any other fansites. After all the staff at this/these sites are not picked or vetted by Jagex so they don't have complete control over which staff and how many fansite staff become party to advance information.
  17. Started playing around Spring 2001, so I suppose that makes me an "Old-Timer". Here's my stats from when RS2 was released went from 108 to 112 combat because of the change in the way combat level is calculated in RS2
  18. Paul Gower: "let's devise a skill where players literally run around in circles and pay good money to do it on P2P servers". Andrew Gower:"Good Idea. What shall we call it? Paul Gower: "how about agility"?
  19. especially if the're on this list level 100's Nov 2002 Lot's of old names on here
  20. Quite a poorly wrote article, and extremely mis-leading. it begins by informing of the Tip.It amnesty and then goes on to discuss in-game bannings. The inference is that the bannings from this site were for infractions of the rules in runescape, which in a lot of cases isn't correct. The bannings for the most part were for the draconian enforcement of Tip.It's board rules, not Jagex's game rules. As far as I'm aware Tip.It just a fan site and in no way connected to Jagex, although Lightning did give all the Jagex staff mod powers on these boards at one time it wasn't a two-way agreement(incidentally, did you know that Andrew Gower banned all the Jagex staff from posting on here due to security issues with this site. Wonder if that ban has been lifted). it would be interesting to note what the ratio of banned:unbanned accounts was before this amnesty.
  21. That's ok. I don't mind getting reported :P
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