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Everything posted by TheLad1

  1. I voted yes, mainly due to the fact I regularly have to leave 2 scrolls on ground from a Slayer task (Metal Drags & Ice Strykes seem to be the biggest offenders in multiple scroll dropping). I enjoy doing the scrolls as a quick distraction from the 'game' - Agree that most of the time the rewards do not justify the time, however there is always the chance of getting something good. I've had 3rd Age Mage Legs before (spookily enough it was on Good Friday 5 years ago!!). What I would prefer though is an increase in the split between Elite & Hard Clue drops - Elites are still far too rare imo.
  2. 1st - Attack (courtesy of Slaying with Whip) Most Recent - Thieving (77-99 @ Pyramid Plunder & no Ibis!!) Next - Who Knows, I don't tend to train skills past their usefulness.
  3. I'm bored of fishing & want to try a bit of variety. Would Cavefish be an alternative to the other methods (Barb & monks + C2's)? I will be using fishing pots (would rather use Admiral Pie but too much invent space would be used) & Granite Lobbies to try & speed things up a bit.
  4. I did exactly that - my Steel Titan was killing the lower levels while I just stood in the middle, with them splashing on me. I did feel a bit sorry for them in the end :)
  5. How do I start a game of FOG 1-1? Does the rating have to be exactly the same - I'm 241 & a friend is 229 but we couldn't start ! W92 is never full anymore
  6. Just log out to the Lobby. The Aura doesn't reset as it continues to run when you are logged off. I literally clicked log-in as soon as it appeared, shouldn't take anymore that 5 seconds. Your Skoll boots will lose all their charge sometime in May I think - so best to use them before then.
  7. I've recently got 85 Agility, from 81 (so I could do the Elite Task by pieing to 90). I used my Skoll boots until they ran out & made sure I took a bite of summer pie to boost stats. I then logged off after each completed lap of the advanced Gnome Course (a completed lap should take 45 seconds with no fail or 55 seconds if you do fail the wall run). Logging off & on resets the timer & therefore allows you to do the laps only ever using 1 bite of pie. The only problem comes when you get called by the Talent Scout or a random, in which case you have to start again. I also purchased the Greater Surefooted Aura which lasts for 40 minutes & stops you failing obstacles - I then went all out for the 40 minute duration of Aura & back to slaying for the 2 hour recharge. This stopped me getting too bored. I managed to get my Agile Legs & Top by completing 250 laps whilst still only being 85 Agility using this method. Other than that, it is really dull !!!!!
  8. Oooops, I knew what I meant !!! I'm not being giving the option of a 'global instance' - do I have to do something to get the choice?
  9. I'm looking to get some Hybrid Chest from Fight Pits but can't seem to find anyone participating. Is there a specific world? Does anyone else looking for the Chest want to 'swap' kills?
  10. I've maxed the Easy & Med ones, but the hard ones are so slow to lvl - I've got them both to mid 30's now but it's just so slow. My concern is that I'll need at least 500 points to get the Elite Morytania one (tele using Games necklace), however, will now wait until next week to see what is actually required - I mean there's no point punishing myself at the moment when it may or may not be required (& there may be rewards to help!!).
  11. As Komodo said, this was by far the most 'profitable' event, with drops coming very quickly. I ended up with just over 1.4m worth of loot (helped by 18 noted Torstol drop). Dk's would be so much better if it wasn't such a pain to get to, Jagex should have left the short cut open. All in all a fun event, once again with lots of new faces there.
  12. I'll be there - I haven't been to DK's for a long,long while - be good to have a go again.
  13. Thanks all, you've basically all confirmed that I'm sort of doing the right thing & it doesn't really get any faster :( Guess I'd better persevere. I may even fish after doing my Tree Run & a couple of Hundred K smith & Construction Xp this coming BXPW. Should be getting around 2.2 x multiplier at this stage which might be more bearable.
  14. I'm losing the will to live - I need to get 85 Fishing to finish off the Fally Elite task list (will Pie to 90) & it's not going well..... I've tried various methods, none of which seem overly fast. Barb fishing is too click intensive for me with all that dropping or alching. C2 Dung'ing is ok - is it best to quit the floor once all the spots have been exhaused or finish boss & start new floor? I'm back to doing Monks with Rock Lobster & Decorated Urns. I can't actually tell you what XP rate I'm getting at them moment as I tend to lose interest very quickly !! Any pointers would be gratefully received.
  15. I recently went from 77 to 99 Thieving at PP & did exactly that, looted as many urns as time allowed in the 2nd last room, then looted all in end room + opened engraved sarcophogus for chance of Sceptre of Gods (albeit never got one!!). It is better to loot less in 2nd last room than miss urns in the final one, even if you finish with time to spare - just exit the pyramid & start again.
  16. I only lasted 2 hours due to needing my beauty sleep :) During the 1st hour I managed to snare several decent drops 2k cannonballs being the best, came away with 52 Blue & 26 Crimson & some other assorted junk. The 2nd hour was basically loot free. There did seem to be a higher proportion of 'noob' players at this event many with names I did not recognise from Tif, although I guess it is more evident at Corp than say Bandos. All in all I enjoyed the trip & look forward to the next one - we must be due for a major drop soon !!!
  17. I'll definitely be there, I missed the 1st Corp event. I assume the normal rules apply - No looting or standing on bones?
  18. I should be able to make it. Is there a contingency to swap to 2-3 worlds if hoards of people turn up (like the last bandos trip)? In case anyones worried my LSP has completely dissapeared now, so no grabbing all the drops :)
  19. Quest Cape K managed to catch for me :) Memo to self, must get Hunter up :(
  20. I dont know if anyone still catches these - i've got 1 trapped at Rogues Den W5 if anyone would like to come & catch it
  21. I'm in the same state of mind with Slayer as you - It was (is) my favourite skill but I can now earn more money just by standing still! I was hoping to get 50m XP within the next few weeks - I can't see that happening now :( The effigy situation hasn't helped either - I used to only do Black Demon tasks for the high(ish) effigy drop rate - outside of these they were crap. That applies to several tasks, even the Elite Clue drop rate seems to have decreased. I see no reason (apart from Jagex's lasiness) that Slayer cannot be the next skill to get the 120 treatment, with more unique monsters & drops that a) actually do something & b) generate a decent source of income.
  22. I was LS corping for a couple of days before the Bandos event & missed an Ele Split, so my LSP was fairly high. In this respect, I do agree with your statement as the 'system' is open for abuse should any individual wish to go down this route & 'hoover' up all the drops which would not be fun for anyone else. Last night I was getting the vast majority of the drops, however, I left them on the floor (aside from a few Ourg bones) so that everyone had a fair chance of getting them when they showed. My LSP probably took a hammering, but then again it will dissapear anyway & I don't plan on Corping again for a bit. In my opinion, these events are for fun & not money making - over time I think the TMHT members will all realise that.
  23. Don't forget to thank your friendly High LSP drop leaver :D
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