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Everything posted by britrockdude

  1. Thanks for posting all of that, I've only caught part of the dialogue and always forget to look it up later. ....Hm, I could have turned on the subtitles.... It's funny actually, I, at one time felt like some of you posters. After I saw it for the first time, I was a bit like "er.... riiiight". But every time I watch it I enjoy it more. I dunno, like the Matrix, I felt like the more I talked to people about what they got out of it, the more I got out of it.
  2. After seeing those pictures and hearing about it, I wish I had signed up for RSC when I had the chance....
  3. I agree with the "looting is okay, helping them to die is not" crowd. Trapping people and so on is cruel and wrong to be honest, and anyone doing that is quite a lowly life form. Most people play to have fun, and that takes away the fun for certain. I have no problem if something gets killed normally looting though. It's just gonna disappear anyway. If I see the people again, I might give it back, depending on how nice they are about it. If they say "give me back my items" I'd say no right out. I also agree that it's good to help people. I once was in the tz-haar caves and somebody was getting low on health, I helped (hoping to get the items, none of which came), and the guy was really thankful, giving me a mage short as thanks. It CAN pay to be nice, thats for sure
  4. Psh, it wouldnt do anything. All that would happen would be that everybody would all go to Ardougne and steal them all at once. NEXT!
  5. Thats awesome!!!! You should wait outside when they say if anybody has any objections and go: Meeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I also like the cheap gold ring thing, thats pretty funny. Wow, people actually share items and money? Thats sad....) I wanna crash some RS weddings now.... Not in the movie sense, but disrupt them, that'd be awesome.
  6. Veeeery interesting. Mind you, since I'm on F2P at the moment, I report macros just because I'm bored. And hey, maybe someday they'll make me a mod for it....
  7. I love the riding the demon and cow one. I'm not sure how this works, are people voting? Who can vote?
  8. What god book was the person preaching from? They're the biggest idiots if it's zammy. They csn't be that serious if it was zammy.
  9. Hey, who else thinks V for Vendetta is awesome? Such a good film showing problems with governments! I can't decide whether V for Vendetta or The Matrix is better! Anybody wanna discuss some of the stuff in that movie? I've seen it about 5 times now and like it more every time I see it. Kinda like the Matrix in that way too....
  10. Gone away yet? Thats so weird, but hilarious, those comments there!
  11. Dude, seriously, make a weird name, not something that coulda been a typo. Best idea. I doubt you'll see much... Hang on! Britrockdude!!!! OMG! Google Results 1-7 of 7. Jagex forums, tipit forums. Nuff said.
  12. A fence! Yeah! That woulda been a much better idea. It's much more obvious, then again I havent been up to the wildy for a while now.
  13. It should be all or none teleporting I think.
  14. Excellent article. Fantastic points about outsmarting. Thats what it's there for. If you can think quickly, you can prevent any of those things that people would call noob on. Maybe they just can't equal the quick wit of some.
  15. I hate american taxes, I've been in England since July, and I still had to pay tax on what I earned here. Stupid US government.
  16. Thats hilarious! I haven't seen threads like that in ages! I'll keep a lookout for them though!
  17. It's good to unwind to. Simple as that. I like playing it after work especially.
  18. I havent had any chain emails in ages either. Though on youtube I'm starting to see chain comments. Wth is with that? Some people just have way too much free time I guess.
  19. Think we should start another thread about why, or why you're not afraid of death? Or we could carry on in this, it's really a pretty sensible answer for most people.
  20. No, of course not, but I'm not afraid of it.
  21. Yeah man, if we wanna debate the usefulness/uselessness of the American constitution, lets start another thread. A quick note though, people have been tearing up the constitution, throiwng it on the ground, stomping on it an burning it as of recent. Ever heard of the patriot act? "Drive by stabbings" lol, weird....
  22. I'm agreeing with the jamaican, indian, and.... yeah, why not the pirate as well.
  23. I agree with several things said in this thread. A ban won't reduce crime, but perhaps roadblocks to getting guns would. It's too easy and that's the biggest problem. I think the USA would be tons better without loads of guns (one reason I don't plan to move back, at least right now) but too many people have the idea that if you can own guns, then you should own a gun. That, in my opinion is a dumb thing to think. Oh and: Simply Brill! =D>
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