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Everything posted by purpieman2

  1. Getting off of academic probation a year ago was so relieving. I will take school much more seriously like the answer i put when i first enrolled (stating that college was very important to me and family and the like). Also finally knowing somewhat what i want to do in life.
  2. Some more things that annoy me include reality tv shows. Dating ones mostly and the one where a girl says she wont cheat on her boyfriend and ends up doing it anyway. I think they are fake and that children's cartoons teach people more about dating and how to act socially than these shows, except for the part about telling if someone is being unfaithful. Annoying how there are beeping sounds most of the show instead of dialogue as well. Also drivers that dont know how to drive that tell others they should drive because they dont know how to. And the rude drivers that made a mistake and call they other driver(s) rude and idiots when they were a rude idiot. Also some elders that are jerks and say bad things about this generation as if everyone has the negatives.That's another elder i dont respect, though i respect most.
  3. I remember when regular whips were millions. But alternatives is always the reason for price drops besides the items being more common with more people obtaining them
  4. purpieman2


    ill avoid tht movie. I get scared quite easily Think caves. Think being stuck in a cave. Then think of I Am Legend-like zombies things. Then think everyone dies. Pretty much sums up the entire movie. I think i saw that movie on a list of scariest movies, but that might be only one person's opinion
  5. Reaching goals like levels for somthing coolis always good. Also finding shows from your childhood are easily found online is nice. And being rewarded for search engines for searching
  6. Been away for some time. How do you upgrade the bowl and what does it do?
  7. purpieman2


    ill avoid tht movie. I get scared quite easily
  8. What was going on? i can't see how one party is losing out in this case
  9. An old one, but back in shool when i was expecting a C in a difficult class to avoid a D (Not passing, need to retake), i actually got a B. First time i thought i might have deserved a lower grade, but i did get an A in the paper which was easy, but took some time. It was a summary
  10. My guess is SoF and SGS outclass the rest by a huge margin. The number of people that go "Oh its only $20 in spins" or "Oh I really like that outfit, I'll buy the $50 pack of coins" is staggering. Not saying that cosmetics are a bad thing, and not wanting to go into the issues on spins, but those two easily dwarf the income from membership. Maybe they don't make that much from memberhsip and ads alone, so they jumped on the microtransactions. Now, i dont think they make as much as when more people played and had membership.
  11. Yep. They're not achievements at all and don't mean anything outside of having what they cheated to get.
  12. Just saw this thread. Are the bans in game and on this forum?
  13. purpieman2


    Played some RS and got used to the even a bit. Also getting used to RS3. Watching despicable me 2 online now. I've been looking forward to it
  14. Those who claim to be in the military and think there is something wrong with those who are in the reserve or something like NG. Also those who say arguing about the presidental election is for civilians only and imply that civilians are all automatically lesser people. Also those who say people born in poor countries have only themselves to blame and dont explain more on it because they can't blame people for being born poor.
  15. purpieman2


    Seems awful. But maybe it's a money issue and not the internal aspect of the landlord? Stinks either way for the friend
  16. purpieman2


    Surprised. China's high schools cost money and College is even more.
  17. Those that dont understand the process of assimilation for generations of those in the U.S, and think ithose who are assimilated are pretending to be in another culture and assumes negative stereotypes of people. Also those who claim to be unfortunately American and doesnt know how much it stinks elsewhere, and likes to say they dont like being American regularly. But one examples of those people were freshmen in college and i think she's mostly young and naive.
  18. Eating/drinking something i liked that i haven't had in months or years is great. Then it isn't as good after a while however
  19. purpieman2


    I learned of the card game "Bang!", which is fun. Too many people makes it slow and kind of boring though. Also getting back into board games. Some zombie ones are actually really fun
  20. Naive optimists, pesimists, and a new term i made up- Naive pesimists, who are those who think all humans are evil and selfishness is human nature, and think everything that can go wrong already has.
  21. Sad but true bluntness. What also makes me smile is when there is actual positve news, like lives being saved rather than being taken. More lives saved than all the ones lost combined in the gap between news stories.
  22. Agreed. Actually, i enjoyed almost all books i had to read for English class in HS.
  23. purpieman2


    Actually a few days ago but wanted to share how terrified i was of swimming. Never did it young, and i probably wpould have been really scared then. Four seconds underwater felt so much longer than on land holding my breath. I will do this though
  24. purpieman2


    Ive somehow kind of managed to accomplish nothing yet. Just some time online not doing much important. Routine sites.
  25. That's Jagex's defense of how players aren't always buying their way to success. Stinks whether or not you bought spins.
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