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EU Slayer

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Everything posted by EU Slayer

  1. This +1 ... =D> =D> =D> I love my bandos hoodie, not cause like other ppl have said that I wanna show off I play rs, but that I love the hoodie itsself. Only got asked once about it, from another rS player at a mall and I have sense added them ingame. I think this t-shirt/hoodie wearing bit has alot to do with Maturity of the person ... :^_^:
  2. LOL at the responces in this thread... You play the game but wouldn't be caught dead wearing runeScape apperall :rolleyes: Anyhow I ordered the combat triangle one, looks the best in my opinion. Wish i had gotton the ZMI Hoodie when I had the chance :mellow:
  3. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! My poor TDs! Sorry, i love TD's too, just a sinking feeling i got..And a GF to Korsai's sword and claws in CLan wars if this absoration is applied to bandos, which i think it will be
  4. Anyone else think claws will crash harder?
  5. Very good fictonal!!! Stories comming along nicely.. I agree whole heartly with the first article, as i'm a "Fun-do-nothing-somtimes-sit-at-ge-and-talk-to-friends" kinda player.. Needs more fun rs players imo... Socond one, I agree, magic isn't that well repensented in dungeoneering
  6. I do, and i know I can speak for others in my "clan" that do to. Its all about the journey, not the ending in my honest opinion..
  7. ^ This is basically word for word what I was thinking when I saw this thread... Basically waht I've seen is if ya don't feed the trolls they eventually give up and go away.. (hopfully they get the hint that is) As for the elitist..NO ONE CARES HOW "SUPER EFFICENT" YOU ARE BUT YOU. So for the kindness of the community stfu and gtfo, and let People play how they want to... :shame: [/rant] Why can't we all just get along...
  8. Gree-gree's. Nope. (missing both big monkeys, and the zombie ones.) Monkeyspeak Amulet. Check. Enchanted Water Tiara. damn Well 1.5/3 is good????
  9. Hmmm obv. Answer: new quest next week!!!! Smart ass remark: maybe next weeks update has somthing to do with monkeys ?
  10. there is a video few pages back. i didn't see a link or video.. Link plz?
  11. HAHA this ^ i'm 25, and i got friends on my list i talk to regularly that are 35-40... Tweens don't know any better yo :shame: I just ignore them
  12. Loving the story! like, omg will they stay or go :ohnoes: As for the editorials, not much to say on them
  13. Didn't read the first 2 as there no interest to me, I only play the game, all others like community events, QnA, etc i have no interest in as i don't have time to commit to them. maybe one day. :unsure: The first fictonal was a Lil anticlimatic, but was good. The second was, I dunno yet, story got me hooked, but we'll see how it goes
  14. Prove me wrong. He made unsourced, unfounded claims, I stated facts. Who's wrong here? It is not a fact that corp teams are the only ones keeping the bgs up in price, nor has it been verified that only a small portion of the demand is from 'noobs'. That's not what I was referring to. Then what ARE you refering to ?
  15. My comment wasn't just directed at you but all story makers here at Tip.it, But yes I am a fan of your writing Ts even if sometimes I may not agree with it. What i'd love to see personally is a fictional story based on the events that happened in While guthix sleeps, Nomads Requiem, and The Lastest elf quest (temple of light?, not sure)
  16. You better not >=) And woot =D my favorite part of tip.it times has always been the stories, should resolve to put out alot more of em in 2011 for people like me, tbh.. :pray:
  17. I Love fictional articiles, as i rarely read the other articiles as i find them opinion pieces and most ppls opinions don't match But ye looking forward to the rest of these 2 stories <3 Don't let me down ts_Stormrage, you got somthing quite interesting with your story going
  18. And so, alot of 12 yr old whiny inmature Kids will probably be feale characters when pking, cause it apperently sounds like a "prono" Sad.
  19. The ghost is easy. He travelled slightly to the future; therefore he answers before you ask. Simply read what he says then pick the dialogue option that would cause it. Eg he says "Why you are rude" so you say "Sheesh your an idioit" He says "Well you are a fine man, that sounds like a good idea" so you say "Sorry I did not mean it, let me buy you a beer." etc. ye gathered that after i read the dialouge :P
  20. LOL, best post of the year :thumbup: I'm glad to see more fictional Stories on Tip.it Times again, Oh how I missed thee.
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