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EU Slayer

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Everything posted by EU Slayer

  1. Isn't that the same Icon you see when recharging prayer at a altar ? (if you have the mouse icon thing enabled)
  2. I know what you mean... The quest came up a litle.. Short. Over all a interesting 20 min breaking from woodcutting :)
  3. Does anyone know what those muddy keys do ?
  4. Avainsie ability = Can only be ranged during combat. ANd i think it'd be pretty funny to see a avainsie or icyene in full dragon or full bandos lol
  5. Lvl 50 i guess, as i have both the sara and zam hood and cape. go me lol
  6. well for me it was a real no brainer and lack of creativity.. newfie (i'm from newfoundland, canada) and chris is my name, thus was born: Newfie_chris
  7. Last lvl 3 clue i did, had 3 high wilderness clues (with chart, watch, sextant), 2 puzzles and 2 double agents and all i got was a rune longsword 20 rune nails and 4 blue firelighters. the best lvl 3 clue i did was my first one inwhich i got Zammy d'hide top, and a saradomin kite. (which i had backed up my files to prove that) Lately my lvl 2 clues are better loot wise that my lvl 3's. I dunno if its luck or what but man, there (clues) are hardly worth doing anymore.
  8. I posted this in the mobilizing armies Thread.
  9. The blue one is special unit contract, the others ones are the unit contracts :P
  10. Talk to one of the Cadets near the bank with a ring of chroas equipted AND you get this: You gotta select the charm option, and he talks about sabotaging the special units and messing with commander's orders. I hate H.A.M
  11. If everything goes as planned, there will be another fictional next week. And the author of war running will be writing the fictional series next month. As for the articles: :thumbsup: YAAY@! :thumbsup: \ I still want war running though ;P
  12. I olny look forward to Tip.it times for fictional stories. None this week. :( What ever happened to the story: war running?
  13. this ^ 115 cb and 1709 total, i call myself a "combat-skiller" LOL. But seriously, If i couldn't fight to earn money as well as skill i'd go nuts,
  14. umm probaby prayer Emote, or Runecrafting
  15. Log-out timer Increased to 5 mins from 90 secs. Pvp worlds Summoning (very useful at higher lvls) Grandmaster quest. (release of dragon platebody and Dragon claws came with it) All I remember off the top of my head.
  16. Or any bandos item for that matter.. My chest like crashed today, lost 1.6m and counting just in today :wall:
  17. if its 'barely degraded' it won't cost 100k, Durh
  18. The story is great, a lil intrugied now :thumbsup:
  19. Don't get mad at merchant clans for your own lack of knowing when to sell off your supplies.. You tried to make a profit off sharks and you failed. Somehow, life goes on..
  20. Well in all fairness, this is a RUNESCAPE forum..
  21. Zamorak betrayed Zaros...hit him from behind, tripped and became a god.. To ME it sounds like Zamorak is the weak one, Jealous of Zaor's power or somthing I like Zaros, cause theres not much know abut him, and his Magiks own! :thumbsup:
  22. I've never laughed so hard at a comic before...
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