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EU Slayer

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Everything posted by EU Slayer

  1. taking 6 months to do the beginners Island, cause I had no idea you could rotate the camera.. Anyhow, got that done, and I learned that 2 weeks prior the Easter event was there, and was giving out free "egg rings" #-o
  2. Stance: No, Keep it the way it is now. Religion: Christian Straight I'm not to going to debate my opinion on this, I feel its better to leave it the way it is..
  3. That is not true. I'd help Zaros back to power in a heartbeat. So would I This God Zaros is quite interesting, and his Magiks are awesome =]
  4. I assumed the increased Log-out timer was a *BIG* Update this year, but I guess not.. As far as storylines go (for questers), This new quest, even though just novice, was pretty cool, and opened a lot of background info on the Marajatt (spelling?) people.
  5. somone must know how to do the fire raft bit.. HELP ME
  6. Anyone know how to do the fire raft puzzle... Starting to irrate me now :x
  7. That was a Eggcelent Pun =D> I'm liking these seers journials ALOT!
  8. I've had no trouble at all today :S *knocks on wood*
  9. This. +1 If you don't like the event, don't do it. #-o Leave the event for those of us, who think its a nice short break from the dulldrums of killing/skilling/questing. I had not expectations for this easter event, so the carrot (although it looks like a deformed club) was alright, and the emote is pretty nifty =]
  10. that'd be pretty neat :pray: Although, why in the world would saradominist want to wake up zaros...(even if its to wake up zamorak, wouldn't it be better to wake up say Guthix, or call saradomin himself?)
  11. Well It did say with the first DD, that these are a "new line of development diarys." #-o
  12. My raven's emo :cry: Although, its quite funny to when talking to it, and you get him saying: Quoth I, nevermore! =D>
  13. Thats a evil tree. Its to let you know there was one near by :) Anyone got a guide for this quest?
  14. Any link to a timezone thing so I can see when 1-2gmt time is in my timezone ? (newfoundland timezone)
  15. Well not there not going to say: Massive Quest with multiple parts. now are they?
  16. I personally believe that it will lead to a lot more problems, basically to the tune of: "Mod Mmg promised that the 150th quest would be coming out this month, where is it?" "Mod Mmg promised that Bounty Hunter would be coming back this week, where is it?" "Mod Mmg promised..." Players used the BTS as a type of guarantee that such and such an update was coming out. What Mod Mmg is doing now isn't much better than that; since he's the CEO, people will believe that he knows the exact release dates of every update coming. Not good. Not good at all. I kinda see your point, but I disagree. MMG is the CEO and thus works with his teams. Unlike the BTS, he has a good idea of when updates are coming since he can look at the teams progress and base it off that. The BTS was not like that, because it listed upcoming updates regardless if they were ready for not. If the team caught a snag, they would almost be forced to release an update if it was ready or not. MMG is simply giving us a general time period of when updates will be ready. "Sometime this month" is a pretty vague statement. He is not listing weeks like the BTS did. If a team needs to postpone all the updates until the last week of the month, they can now do so. I expect MMG to stay true to his word, but that dosen't mean to take his word so literal. If he says an update is comming this month, it will come this month, but that dosent mean we will have an update every week. If he says an update is comming soon, that dosent necessarly mean it will come this week, or this month. Soon can mean several weeks away...so just be patient. EDIT: Another reason not to take him so literal: Somones got amazing comic timing there Least I hope its that and that he wasn't serious #-o
  17. Defence noob, prayer noob, and my personal favorite: firemaking noob =D>
  18. Hey man in pyre need was my favorite quest mannn Joking. Don't kill me please Hopfully quest 150, will be wayyy better than Rfd
  19. I like My RSN - Newfie Chris I also got a funorb account that i recently Did the rs turtorial with: Deadlynorb (deadly n Orb - Mage thing I guess)
  20. Keep on reading through next month. You'll be surprised and hopefully not disappointed. yaay!!! =D> =D> I loved that story, was really well written. Saradomin sun i'm sad it ended, but in my opinion ended on a cliffhanger..
  21. Is there gonna be anymore of the story: "war running" ?
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