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Everything posted by Iamdan

  1. It's because we have a lot of younger people here. Most people seem to think they are in love after just a few months until they have had a bit more experience.
  2. Iamdan


    I'm headed to the beach but stuck in bad traffic due to an accident. ENTERTAIN ME OT
  3. Iamdan


    At least in Australia, the woman has to be the one to buy the morning after pill. When a partner of mine had to get one, the pharmacist told her it's basically just a strong dosage of the regular pill. In any case, it's highly unlikely that she is pregnant even if she isn't on the pill. Her body makes it difficult to get pregnant as a part of natural selection. Some couples try for ages to have a baby. Also if it happened outside her fertile part of her cycle, which is just before her period, then it reduces the chances greatly again.
  4. I've been friends with a girl for 7 or 8 years and we have a sexual history from last year. She got a boyfriend a few months ago and I met him more recently, and we hit it off. He's a good bloke and seemed to like me a lot at first. As in he would bug her to have me over more. I wanted to tell him about our history but didn't want to get between them and wasn't sure if it was my place. Now she's told him and he acted cool with it but he has gotten pretty distant since. I was thinking I could sit him down and bring it up and talk it out but my girlfriend pointed out he is a little immature and it might not be beneficial. Does anyone have any suggestions? Edit: oh and she openly flirts with me, and he knows I've had sex with another girl in front of her boyfriend, and also she flashed me her [bleep] a few weekends ago which all probably makes it worse.
  5. Iamdan


    I just made a white Russian by drinking cream, milk, vodka and kahlua out of the bottle and swishing it around in my mouth. I'm in the car going to a shindig and don't have a cup.
  6. Iamdan


    Just coming to that conclusion puts you ahead of the crowd - if you stick with it. If you keep making realistic goals and strive to constantly push yourself to be better then the sky is the limit. Especially with the help of the internet, there wouldn't be too many problems you can't solve.
  7. Iamdan


    I still go out, I just get bored of clubs quickly. Especially when I have a girlfriend, unless it's a gay club and I can entertain myself by trying to get free drinks with suggestive comments. Meeting women during the day is much better than at night anyway imo. I ended up sleeping for like an hour, then when more guys started coming back I got back into the bears. A few of the single blokes came home with girls and since we had so many people in the rooms one guy had sex with a young german backpacker in the air conditioning closet. Good times, and only 1 thing was broken the whole night.
  8. Iamdan


    I'm sobering up in a penthouse with 2 blokes passed out and the rest out in the clubs. [bleep] I'm over clubs, they reek of desperation and attention [bleep].
  9. Iamdan


    Today I got paid to drink beer, and now I'm suited up and going to a ball with all you can drink :D
  10. Iamdan


    I ponied up $82 for a bottle of rittenhouse. Expensive but it tastes so so good.
  11. Iamdan


    [bleep] My voice course got cancelled due to a lack of numbers, I even took time off and was really looking forward to it ;(
  12. Iamdan


    Tops weekend of a cocktail party and then a poker night (which I won) and now just 1 more week of tafe. Also organised my next weekend of a ball with all you can drink with an afterparty with a bar tab, and then I'm staying in a penthouse on the beach the next night with a bunch of mates to hit up the clubs.
  13. I know for some jobs a suit isn't necessary for the interview, but to disregard it completely because "it's cliche" is a bit far.
  14. Still need more to go on. Superficial can mean anything from "when will they realise I'll treat them better then the jerks they usually date" to "i want a girl I can sit at home with and play scrabble, when will they get out of their superficial party phase?" Same with the others.
  15. You're assuming everyone shares the same ideas and priorities of "better."
  16. Iamdan


    Nope, I still have it mildly, and thinking back I did it myself.
  17. Iamdan


    I went from being a skinny gamer with social anxiety who couldn't hold a conversation to making massive progresses in my success with women, got an amazing job and career for life, amazing girl and I'm making gains in the gym I'm really happy with and I'm nobody special. I'm basically stress free, I've got big plans and only going up from here. Why can't you? Instead of stressing, figure out how to solve your issues. If you had timed your stay in Brisbane to the free fork ticket you would be in brissy on $1000 a week by now. If you didn't like the job you would be finding a better one while you worked. You can't find a job? I could barely put a sentence together. If you deal with.[cabbage] effectively it gets easier. It's all out there, all you need to do is work for it.
  18. If anyone is interested in a good job hunting reference book which includes some really good interview tips I can recommend "what colour is your parachute?" I'm not particularly bouncy and sociable but I seem to do well in interviews. Including nailing an entry level job with over 3000 applicants for 40 or 50 spots. I put it down to good body language, planning ahead and bull [cabbage]ting skills.
  19. Over the years I have found that games I actually enjoy are becoming harder to find. I Haven't payed for a game I haven't played first since css., because they're all so disappointing. (apart from tales of monkey island which was a day.1 buy because I'm a fanboy) When I played games like monkey island, kotor and rayman 2 i couldn't wait to get back into it next when I stopped playing. I play most of the big titles and nowadays a struggle to find any that I can stand past a couple hours, let alone ones worth paying for. Thinking back I'm struggling to think of 5 games released in the last 5 years that I enjoyed, yet my games folder is hundreds of gb. This includes popular titles like oblivion, cod, bioshock, fallout 3, assassins creed etc that I couldn't play more than a few hours, so I'm wondering if it's me that's changed. I guess I'm still chasing the old feeling I got when I played games like kotor, monkey island and hon.
  20. That question has way too many variables to answer in black and white. However I wouldn't think she has a lack of principals or think less of her for that if that's what you're after. I think that way of thinking is just as common and just as bad as the one I'm talking about though.
  21. I personally wouldn't consider that quickly jumping into a sexual relationship unless she was like 16. It just seems like being that judgmental about something like that is treating women like a 1 dimensional being. Of course he is entitled to that opinion, I just think it's unhealthy and unhelpful.
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