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Everything posted by gman019

  1. Dammit, this one last week pissed me off. These two black guys were jumping and yelling at each other, not fighting because they were [kitties], but pushing and shoving. So my dumb [wagon], (in the middle of lunch) yells out "IF YOU'RE GONNA F**KING HIT HIM, DO IT!" So then they start to fight, 15 minutes goes by, and finally the administrators show up. I got 5 days of suspension, they got 2. :roll: RACIST [cabbage]. D: I also got in trouble because I stole 15 pencil sharpeners out of teachers' classrooms.
  2. Ok, cardio to rid your midriff of excess fat. (Running, swimming, etc.) Then once you have, (but not gone anorexic) ab-work like a [bleep]. You can go to your local gym, or do your own workouts at home. Don't know any? Google it.
  3. Glad we agree. And don't worry, he won't win this arguement. :roll:
  4. Obviously he doesn't, being a practicing Christian. >_>; I know, the Bible doesn't say incest is wrong, or racism. But oh no, if someone wants to be happily together with somebody else, BLASPHEMY! Anyways.. I think it's stupid how so many "gay-bashers" will say, "Oh, well, if Gays weren't calling anymore who is against gay marriage a bigot, then maybe we'd compromise.'' WTF? All of 2% of the gay community actually does that, (they pretty much are bigots, anyways :roll: ) and you know, there was a little thing called the Civil Rights' Movement, in which VIOLENCE was used, as well as passive protest, and that (for the most part) was succesful.
  5. gman019

    Bad Habits

    I bite my nails like it's nobody's business. :wall:
  6. Bisexuals say hi. I think that's what you meant. I dunno. "Reading the context" says hi. :thumbdown: I was talking about the choice of being homosexual.
  7. Hmmm... I would suggest finding her on MySpace or Facebook (or some other form of public communication) and politely re-introducing yourself. Talk for a while, ask for her number, talk more, see if you're compatible, and let your relationship blossom.
  8. Okay, wow. As soon as I saw "a question our pastor from our church asked", I became very biased. BUT, I'm going to do my best to put that aside. You're assuming they will use the baby for the rest of their lives. The parents would care for the baby just as well as they cared for Jeff as he grew up. Three embryos destroyed: If the parents never decided to have a child again after Jeff in the first place, what's the big deal? If they did, can't they start a new? The baby isn't going to make any choices, and your view is going to let someone who has already developed and started growing die? WHAT THE [bleep]? Jeff should die instead of living with the disease? Didn't you just say the baby's blood would cure the disease? EPIC FAIL.
  9. It's not a full 100% choice. Heterosexuality is the "normal" view almost everywhere you go :roll: . Think about it: When you're a child, you see mommy and daddy. You go to school and see other kids' mommies and daddies. What with the use of gay as a derogatory term, (You're a [bleep]!) it's pushed upon you to be straight. Gay people don't have 100% choice either. Most gay people, (before they are gay even) will act differently and be verbally harassed for it. So, you have two options: Tolerate it, or join a group that is like you (other gays). [ It's gotta be one way or the other, dude. However, I don't think someone just wakes up one day and says, "Hey, I think I'll start liking the same gender from now on." It's an emotion that is considered for a while. You undergo experiences that make you think particular ways. (A little boy goes to pet a wolf, the wolf lashes at him. Ergo, all wolves are bad.) A person doesn't just become a "chosen one", (for lack of a better term) either.
  10. I'll be on until 10 A.M. EST, then heading to my mom's house. IF I'm on (which I will post) It'll be probably around 2-3 P.M. EST.
  11. To add to the above posts about the video, you also have to remember this: A video is a compilation of good things, so in order to get all those 40's (which were mainly on 1 itemers :roll:) he probably attacked way more then that. You wouldn't show 0 splashes (which he did, which kind of withers away my point) all the time. Video = useless.
  12. Dragon breath potions. WOULD BE THE [cabbage].
  13. In the time you've been posting, you probably could've killed another 50 or so. :o
  14. Though that's not necessarily WoW-specific. MMO's have done it long before WoW did.
  15. Yeah, it's like 6.5Gigs, and like .5 Gig a patch.
  16. Just finished the quest. Sheer. Awesomeness.
  17. Hello there. I'm a noobie, as you can see, to these forums. I played RuneScape about 2 years ago, then quit 1 1/2 years ago, and now I'm playing again. I've been using tip.it for awhile, so I figured, what the heck, why not sign up at the forums? Hope to see you around, gman019
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