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Everything posted by phiagre

  1. I imagine this would work with just about any curse/bind. Worth trying. =D> Great idea. :thumbsup:
  2. Oh... :oops: Thanks SOOOO much everybody-I didn't see that I had started it... I thought it was some sort of, ;ike, mini-quest. Again, thank you SOOOOOOOOOO much. :thumbsup: Locked as per request - Slimfar.
  3. Ok, so today I finally finished the Underground Pass quest. Afterwards, as I expected, the king talks about his evil brother, etc. etc. etc. He also says that, once his Magi are done ressurecting the Well thingie, he'll contact you. I thought that, as in Runescape time is non-existent, they'd never complete it. Well, I was wrong. I was using Iban Blast on guards, when, all of a sudden, a messanger pops up. He says to go to the king, so I do. The King sends me on a mission through the pass, to kill his brother. What I need is this: What to bring, what to expect, and any other usefull information. Thanks! P.S. I won't check this for a while, but thanks for bumps or advice.
  4. He did something good? :lol: My opinion: Bush= :^o Edit: First: A few bumper stickers: "Be nice to America, or we'll bring democracy to YOU'RE Country!" "Well, at least the war on the middle class is going well..." "Can you impeach someone who wasn't elected in the first place?" Also, in response to someone who mentioned the Civil War, no, it was not about slaves, not until Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, and then it was, IN PART about slavery. What the war actually was about was taxes.
  5. Finished! EXACTLY 65 hours and 36 minutes after its release in the New York Time Zone.
  6. Hehe, this kinda thing happened to me... I was AFK (actually browsing the forums, but oh well...) (Lol) So, I was sitting in Edgeville wild, waiting for someone to attack (remember, I was browsing, so I didn't want to skull). I was using a ddp(++) with the special on, and he attacked me. I checked on my guy and thought there was a fight under me. I started browsing again, the realized it was ME fighting...I came back, and he was running! I chased him to the edge, turning special on again, and he stopped... 1 square away from safety... He said "Lol," thinking he was safe I came up, speced him... and KOed him! \ Then, even better, he didnt have protect 1 item on, so i got another ddp(++)! :D Anyways, good luck on future pks! Cya all...
  7. Give me actual, hard evidence that it's NOT true, and I'll believe you. Also, let me point out something: Many of the ships/planes have had the best of everything, an expert crew, plenty of fuel... Transmit something like: "Clear sky. Progress favorable. except us to arrive early." And never transmit again... Explain THAT...
  8. Do you seriously think that Jagex put in the "$5 rule" just to make the game harder? I've noticed, with a few exceptions, that F2P players generally don't understand basic life skills, namely "money" and "spelling." Are you honestly saying that a greater percent of members understand money and spelling? Money, maybe, but chances are that most have their memberships paid by parents. Spelling is a blatant lie. Of the members I see, 80% of them have no intention of spelling things correctly. Jagex can do what they wish with their game. If they want F2P to have skill capes, they can give them to them. They have made it clear that they don't, however. But I still think we should get an emote-only version at the very least. Firstly, I pay for my own membership, always have. I also almost always spell well, even in-game... What do you mean at the end? They get just the emote?
  9. yes, but would it really make people to become f2p just because of capes? the only reason you pay the 5$ is because of all the benifits, would you stop paying just for the cape that becomes f2p? ? Makes no sense...
  10. I'd love it... I'd go around to the popular yews/mines/fishing places and talk my head off! :lol: :thumbsup:
  11. First: all players have played in F2P who now have P2P, 'cept for a few... And I wouldn't just pay money for a game that I know nothing about... Adds on members "pages" (you mean severs?) wouldn't make much dififference... Think about it. No F2P-no adds there anymore-no big deal-ads on members servers-no big deal... And advertising COST MONEY, as you said earlier... And word travels by mouth even better...
  12. Exactly. You rather not die. So go fight the other people that are out there for loot. Some people are out there because they enjoy the risk, as well as the higher chance of rewards. Therefore, it's courtesy to fight people with an equal attitude towards the chances of dying. If you choose to safe, and whoever you're fighting would rather not waste their food and time, then they're at perfect liberty to run. Flaming IS an issue though. The way I see it, just telling the other person you don't want to fight is fine. Calling people safers doesn't make things better. The only reason anyone should flame for this is if you persist in trying to attack them even if they've made it clear they will not fight you. The WILD. Anything goes. And it takes the "fun" out of it if you can't: Run, Pray, Surprise Attack, Tag Team, Safe, Bind, Ensnare, Entangle, Farcast... Etc. Etc Etc. I don't DO these, but there are no rules in the Wild. Well... I guess, besides the RS rules... ANYTHING GOES!!!!!
  13. Everyone with decent stats would quit. Imagine finally getting to the day you got 99 in everything! Perhaps you're the tenth person in RS history to do that! You go to sleep that night, having a strange sense of accomplishment, knowing that now, YOU, are a RS Legend. The next day, you decide to go pk. You Log In. You're stats are: 10 hp. 3 Combat. Everything else, that you worked SO hard for... Is reset. To one. Would YOU keep on playing? I wouldn't... It would make them lose too much money, Members quitting and all... Never. They wouldn't do it, and I know I would HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :shame: Also, I would love a RS3, but not if my stats got reset... They kinda suck, ( :oops: ) but they took a while to get...So I'd stick with RS2 if that did happen...
  14. Haha, nicely said... I was just about to say that, even if it is from an extremely popular series of movies, history is bound to repeat itself. In the crisis, Prime Chancellor Palpatine (played by President Bush!) appoints himself "temporary emergency powers...to be removed upon the end of the crisis." There's the Republic, the evil "Sith," the crisis because of the Separtists (or, in our case, terrorists)... The whole nine yards... Look at the subject of this... Lol.
  15. hahaha you ignorant fool. Members have more than enough bank space f2p has 1/6th the bank space that members have. Y does it matter to u if we get more space its not like they are taking it from u to give to us. :roll: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Actually, they do pay... In adds. Also, it would help us, so I think there should be atleast some more f2p bankspace. And, just a comment, since members have so many more things-runes, armours, foods-that you're both right, partly. P.S. Add me to supporters.
  16. Congrats! I like your guide, but I have a correction. 9/10, though! =D> If you're ptp and are doing lobsters, then don't waste money! Go into the karamja volcano, into the nearby cave and to that bank. It's free, and faster! Also, there WILL be high level monsters, but these are non-agressive. :thumbsup:
  17. 10/10. I loved it. =D> :!: Also, I'm posting here to see if my signature works...
  18. My steel plate, I was like lvl 20 pking in edgeville, it was X-mas, he came up to me, traded, offered the plate. I offered a few trout, he hit accept (woulda without trout) I was sooo excited, I treasured that plate for ever. Also, it was always my most valuable item (I had 25 prayer) so I always kept it. :oops:
  19. Ok, well, I have checked Tip.it ten times... and it's not there. So, here goes... "A crate found in the tower of a church is your next location." Anyone know?
  20. Here's my theory: Although it is random, you have a greatly increased chance of getting one while doing something. For example: I get roughly 20 randoms an hour when wcing/fming/fishing etc. etc. When merchanting, I get around 5 an hour. See my point? :-k
  21. how about everyone under 15 <_< >_> everyone under the 17,8 \ and macroers... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What's everyone got against young players? A 10 year old is no more likely to be a noob/"1337 speaker"/scammer/all around noob than a thirty year old... So, to wrap up my point, not all young people are ignorant noobs and immature idiots. Which is why I COULD call you predjeduiced, narrow minded fools.
  22. :roll: I was waiting for that answer. I'd say autoers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ But autoers make good exp! I'm an "auto exterminator."
  23. I saw muskee... But before I knew about screenies... And she was level 124. In Draynor, inbetween the guards and the bank.
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