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Everything posted by AdamRexic

  1. Lol i wish i found party hats lying around runescape ^^
  2. lmao i found it hysterical and i love it how the spammer said mmk? afterwards lolol 1ol o1l 1ol1l11l1ol1!!! i have more:
  3. Everyone talks about it. Many people pm me and say silly things like: "Woah, I dreamt last night that I got a party hat!" Hmph, I myself have never had a dream of runescape that I remember . Maybe you have had some dreams that maybe came true, or just those dreams that you wish were real, but once you woke up, you thought you were unfortunately just dreaming. :XD: Hm, if your dreams came true, what would you want to dream of? What were some of the dreams you may have had in the past? Discuss.
  4. I died by a goblin. Back then, I was all confused.. very confused.. how did I re-appear back in the town I started in? I was also worried that I got hacked because my items were missing lol. :ohnoes:
  5. Image removed due inappropriate content ~Kill Life :D :ohnoes: Officiallly the most funniest spammer in all of lightning chat history.
  6. Were you talking about the Supa Spammer guy? EDIT: Wait nvm he wouldn't have been next to you on the list. No, another person that begins with a T. But i cannot mention names.
  7. Gratz ! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  8. Mhmm.. I always thought that particular chat were better than that, obviously a small minority is ruining the reputation of the entire chat. Idk what they were trying to achieve there lol, idiots Yes, other websites seemed to be obsessed with talking about tipit. This website's popularity and overall strong players is definitely intimidating them in my opinion :D
  9. Woot nice! When I kill a monster and get a half key drop, I'm impessed as I only usually get them from random events :thumbsup:
  10. Imagines.. 1337Pk3r: KILL THE MOD!!!! uberpwnrange: KILL THE MOD!! and so on and so forth... Lol!! *imagines some more:* 1337Pk3r: kill the mod or he'll mute us!!!! Adamrexispam: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Adam Rexic has just been killed 1337Pk3r: w00t! now lets kill ********************
  11. Oak larders ftw, many people told me it is very good expirience, and if you have quite a lot of money to spend, it works out very well \
  12. Yup. 50 assignments may seem like a lot, but it will go quickly. If you think about it too much, time will pass you by and you will get bored enough to quit your goal. Good luck! :thumbsup:
  13. Most player opinions I've heard say that Blacks dont drop visage at nearly the same rate as Irons/Steels. Still go for that query though, otherwise you need to work with player opinions as there are no stated facts
  14. lol, a lot. Depends on the monster, though. Maybe around 50+ ?
  15. Yep, Zanaris is the way to go. And some people with higher lvl slayer even say that Zanaris is good to go even if you do happen to get 100+ combat as the Shilo master can sometimes give some odd tasks
  16. When I am at the wilderness agility course, or in fact anywhere in the wilderness, when I talk or say please dont PK me, they say: "Why should I spare you?" or they just dont talk at all and pk me. Even when I'm at public places, and I do talk aloud making people know I am a moderator and stop making fun of me, they still proceed as if I have never spoken and say "yeah, i would never want to be a mod because they get made fun of a lot and they're weird, and so on" :shame:
  17. I would just go to Ardougne and fight the dogs by the mansion.
  18. Ahh, I didn't even think of the possibility that you can combine several normal items to make something you wish to summon :D Do you think you can summon an enemy... to like... protect you? lvl 702 jad for the rescue ! :thumbsup:
  19. Haha, I am excited :D I will probably get pked very very early though unless I get some high lvls to protect me, lolol. :thumbsup:
  20. It's sorta sad to see that theyre slowly taking away rsc :shock:
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