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Everything posted by Rskellington

  1. 6/10 your sig is the better version
  2. Granted. But insted of making you go fater, you slow down and everyone else moves at normal speed. I wish i had the ability to camaflage to any surface.
  3. Granted, you forget that you ever saw the movie... unfortunately in the process you became brainwashed and watched the movie evereyday for the rest of your life. I wish i could stop time.
  4. You did. But you looked straight into it and blinded yourself. I wish i could have 1 million $'s.
  5. 9/10 (big scary guy with white hair)
  6. Sadly this is how i found the game nearly three years ago... there is nothing new about this popping up
  7. I scored twice at ape atoll [hide=Phaper Plane][/hide] [hide=Picard7777][/hide]
  8. 9/10 for the flower macro... its great quality
  9. 6.... someone needs to stop the smilies :twisted:
  10. Pro: It keeps your nails in tip top shape Con: it makes you look crazy sleaping during the day and staying awake at night
  11. Banned for not believing that inanimate objects can speak.
  12. I happen to own a ss and i was not aware that it was dropping until i asked a friend to check the price.(he was at ge and i was training agility) And it worries me that it might drop down to low for it to come back. But i think im going to wait it out and see how things play. If not this will mean losing a lot of money. :wall:
  13. I feel sorry for those lemons
  14. Banned for not giving a reason why you banned someone else.
  15. A mudkip comes and drowns you I press the button with a hole in the middle.
  16. Here's one that i think is forum exceptible... One day a man comes home from work and is greeted by his wife who is sitting on the couch waiting for him. The man says to her, "what's wrong honey?" She replies, "I think you are a petifile." The man looks at her and says, "Petifile? Thats a big word for a forteen year old."
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