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Everything posted by Nom

  1. Thought this might be worth bumping for the fact that Green Day: Rock Band has been announced. Harmonix went from The Beatles . . . to Green Day. WTF, seriously.
  2. Nom


    Erm, at least in America it's still the first season when it comes back in March. The break is just that, a break. I don't know if I'll be tuning back in though. Last episode was decent but there's just so much wrong with the show as a whole. The worst offender is Joseph Fiennes' acting. Horrendous. Plus the character is a complete nutjob. Why on earth would you pull a stunt like that on the Hong Kong lady. Idiot. Plus they just have too many storylines that just hang there. None of the cliffhangers are ever addressed, characters are out of the picture completely until the writers want to develop their story a little more, which ends up failing because I don't care anything about them because they've hitherto been absent. Meh, look at me whining on my own thread. Lol.
  3. Nom


    ^ Schrödinger's cat
  4. I'm on Facebook right now, chatting. I would never do half my homework if not for Facebook.
  5. Nom


    Haha this thread reminded me I had a few weeks of Misfile to catch up on . . . It disappeared from my address bar drop-down menu so I forgot about it :razz:
  6. Nom


    I really don't think you can survive a fall from that high. I'm surprised they bothered with a gurney. A trash bag would have been more practical. I agree, the last episode was good on the whole. The infiltration team was unbelievably obvious though.
  7. Nom


    I was starting to worry that breathing through both nostrils was abnormal :-?
  8. I heard it's going to be canceled this season.
  9. The points give perspective. No, they are not strictly related to "Big Bang vs Genesis", but the mere fact that I was replying to a post someone else made links it to the general topic. And what was the Reformation all about? Interpretation of the Bible. Seems pretty huge when you're talking about whether or not Genesis should be taken literally. But since I don't really feel like getting into an argument that will go nowhere, I simply left some information that people on both sides of the argument can take into account. Which I see is working fantastically so far, as you just in effect told me I wasted my time.
  10. Um, what? Firstly, as a general gripe, people need to stop pointing at the Crusades like they're the critical piece of evidence in a murder case. The Crusades were really nothing more than the personal campaigns of corrupt popes who thought they had a claim to Jerusalem. There was no such thing as fundamentalism to disagree with at the time of the Crusades. Rome was the center of the world, and the pope was the most powerful ruler in Europe. Whatever he said went. The Bible was available only in Latin or Greek, making interpretation limited to those who could read it, which was basically the clergy, which answered to the pope. No random peasant could read the Bible for himself and decide on a fundamentalist interpretation. He couldn't read the damn thing. That was a major point of contention in the Protestant Reformation, which began in the early 1500s, 300 years after the Crusades. Why did Martin Luther and others like him want reform? Because they disagreed with the policies of a Church that had built itself an empire and was now primarily interested staying on top. That meant keeping the common folk ignorant of the actual contents of the Bible. So how much can such a secular interpretation be counted on? Martin Luther ended up leading a rebellion because the Church was selling indulgences, which I'm sure can be universally agreed upon as wrongheaded. The Church reformed itself at the Council of Trent, and much later again at Vatican II. If you want to look at it this way, it could be said that the Church is still fixing itself up from the days when popes publicly acknowledged illegitimate children and appointed them as bishops. Basically I got kind of annoyed at how the Crusades are thrown around, because people seem to think they are a hell of a lot more significant that they actually are. I'm not sure if there's a real driving point behind this post other than a history upchuck, but hopefully the upchuck will add a bit more depth to the "damn Christians just kill everyone" argument. Take what you will out of the fact that no one but Church officials could read the Bible until the sixteenth century. It's also worth nothing that the Church put Galileo on trial and forced him to recant his heliocentric model. Only huge amounts of scientific evidence--Copernicus, Galileo, Magellan sailing around the world--finally forced the Church to reconsider its own literal interpretation. And remember, the Church's interpretation had been somewhat muddled by the secular politics of Christendom. So whether it was valid in the first place is questionable. And holy crap this thread just exploded.
  11. Nom


    I'm still watching, and probably will until the end of the season, for better or worse. Fortunately I thought the last episode was pretty good. The kangaroo sighting was very nicely done. "That is the best Halloween costume I've ever seen!" Yet they STILL insist on replaying the visions. Ugh. I was ecstatic when the scene where Lloyd walks into the Benfords' house cut to a commercial without showing a single one, then it came back and BAM. MORE FRICKEN HAIRY CHESTED LLOYD ON THE BENFORDS' COUCH. Christ people, we get it. Anyone who's been watching this long will understand instantly that when Lloyd looks around at the living room, he's recognizing it. The show does lack in the acting department, but that doesn't exactly require an ace to pull off. Don't be put off by my ranting, I still thought the episode was pretty good.
  12. Awesome. Love that album art too. Currently on 10,000 Feet.
  13. What the hell. I didn't exactly watch this in theaters (don't shoot me, I stumbled across it quite by accident . . . temptation) and discovered that there are differences between the version being shown in theaters and the original. Including the ending. Apparently the one I watched was the unedited original version. For anyone who's curious . . . Anyway. I spent most of the movie waiting for something to happen. Not that the buildup wasn't good, I was just impatient. The last fifteen minutes though . . . holy crap.
  14. Nom


    Yeah I really didn't like this episode. Pretty much every scene just came out of left field. I really had no idea why they were suddenly in DC when it started =\ I hate to compare things to Lost because it's really not fair (plus I'm a huge fanboy) but that show has it right. Focus on one character. This episode had pretty major bits of story for three characters, and none of them were served justice. Whoever chooses the music for this show is a complete idiot. I've been struck almost every episode how out-of-place the music seems, but I've NEVER seen something so glaringly inappropriate as what they chose for the end. Seriously. It was bad. And stop insulting the viewers' intelligence by re-showing the FFs so much. We KNOW she's dying and we KNOW it's contrary to what she saw, no need to chop the scene to pieces by inserting the entire freaking vision again! Same thing with Pen--Olivia's FF. We know she saw Lloyd, stop replaying it every time they bump into each other. I want to like this show but it's starting to piss me off.
  15. 40 NPS? There's no way. There is a physical limit on how many of the same note the guitar can strum in a second, and it's around 30 IIRC. I thought that strumming was like 23-ish NPS. WMG axed my End of Heartache FC vid. I'm a sad panda. Sony also flagged my Best Of You one, but it looks like they're not as douchey as WMG.
  16. Nom


    My suggestion would be to chillax and forget about it. It's been almost five years already. Just let yourself be surprised when he finally does finish the damn thing.
  17. Nom


    I'm reading Hamlet right now. I really like it but I like Macbeth more, if only because Hamlet is a sorta lame name while Macbeth is just BA. Let's see . . . read the Oedipus plays . . . The Great Gatsby (overrated) . . . I have a huge to-read list if I ever find the time. Looking forward to more Faulkner. Also, Everything That Rises Must Converge, because I'm a Lost addict. The copy I picked up has some rather weird diary-esque notes written in it, in Spanish =\
  18. Nom


    Give them a few episodes to get back to EP3's cliffhanger. Considering we just now saw more of the terrorist woman and the babysitter from the Pilot, I'd say there is a trend of not immediately following up on things. Which I hope isn't true this time because DOMINIC showed up! I'm also finding myself a bit bemused by the relationships in this show . . . Who knew the Nicole would be hanging out with Aaron Stark? Just who is that guy anyway, just a family friend or what? Maybe I missed something.
  19. Finally got my copy yesterday. Tilt activation sucks balls, it's the one huge problem I have with the game. It's ruined several sightreads as I either jumped around the room trying to tilt activate or tried to hit the button, which I'm bad at. The Takedown is the most amazingly fun chart ever, and anyone who has a problem with charting violin should take a look at this week's RB DLC. Master Exploder is really annoying. The chord switches are way harder than in the RB version, which I'm close to FCing. But the solos are easier. Give and take, I guess. Passed all songs on sightread, though Eruption just barely because of the stupid tilt activation failing to work in the tapping. Speaking of tapping, there are slider notes EVERYWHERE. Almost every single song has them, even if it's just two or three inserted in some random fill. And there are some seriously wierd things done with the charts, including several hold+tap note sections. And Jump and one other song have you holding a green sustain while hitting chords. Weirdest thing ever. I like it but I really hope it exports. The GH5 engine is far superior.
  20. I, in full knowledge and awareness of my actions, did not watch tonight's episode. So, was it at all worth watching?
  21. Nom


    Didn't people say the same about Heroes? :razz: Regarding the end of the last episode:
  22. Nom


    Right, I kinda figured that people would have seen some of the impressive advertising, but yeah. Basically the entire world blacks out for two minutes and seventeen seconds. As you can imagine it causes global disaster--planes down, massive car crashes, etc. But each person who blacked out also saw a glimpse of their own future, April 29, 2010. About half the main cast consists of those who are investigating the event, trying to find out how and why it happened, if it will happen again. The others (so far) tend to be more average people who saw something significant in their futures.
  23. Nom


    Anyone watching this? I thought the Pilot was a bit lacking and rushed, but it has definitely picked up in the two episodes since. The concept is just so interesting and there is so much they can do with it. I'm a bit disappointed that we have a typical FBI/doctor/general superpeople cast (minus a few exceptions) but it's working out pretty well. Have to say that tonight's episode was great. Some acting issues, but on the whole the best one yet. They've all had some great endings. I don't want to post anything specific about the episodes when I have no idea who I may spoil. So post!
  24. Seriously. I mean, check out those huge [wagon] craters. Reminds me of the LHC. NASA know what they're doing.
  25. Lol here's the FC of Eruption: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQaqCaIDW1Q (Last set of triplets one-handed >_> Geez.) Second FC, BucketBlue got the first one :lol: I think the two week bet is a little off, lol. No more than a few days, and that's only if I'm the One gives him trouble. In other news, it looks like WII IS GETTING SCREWED with the free offer. Apparently someone emailed CS and they said it will be another few days before they finish shipping all the 360 copies, THEN they move to the [bleep]ing PS3. Dammit. EDIT: Conflicting reports, some say Wii games will start shipping as soon as tomorrow. Gah.
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