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Everything posted by Naraku893

  1. off-topic? beside he's not fully extending his arms so he's not working the muscles fully... much harder to do chin ups with arms fully extended..
  2. Disruption shield can be used against rushers
  3. Yeah it is. Have you read any reviews of RS lately? It's just a game with a large ammount of players who will continue to play for a long time. The ammount of new players is minimal now, so that just means that things will slowly die. Most reviews of Runescape are world of warcraft players who have played runescape for 5 minutes RS has been "dieing" since like what 2006 now?
  4. There is no evidence supporting the statement that Jagex has bot detection systems. Hence the "bot hunts" they do every weekend.
  5. rs isnt dieing there are more searches and more rs bots than wow because rs is free /thread
  6. whos justin bieber the new one is rebecca black
  7. Actually, 97.5% of RS cares about those things. I can make up fake statistics too
  8. yes the update sucks because it doesn't directly apply to you. Vengeance Group :thumbup: Items Kept on Death :thumbup: The clan place will be deserted within 2 days :thumbdown:
  9. Oh look, it's THIS thread yet again.
  10. Who are you to request a lock? This thread has discussion value.
  11. As expected with Jagex, a fail quest with noob requirements and a useless reward.
  12. a dragon whip a whip where you can whip your pet dragon with
  13. What is it? Says it's removed. A way to get the first hit in a stake? I... Have things for that. ;). It's a guide showing you how to get the first hit in a stake, and he's selling it for $7. Here's my free guide. ∴Naraku's guide to getting first hit in stakes∵ Click 'attack' before the other person does This guide and its contents are copyright ©2011 Naraku893
  14. someone should do that with a bot who firemakes with mage logs and make profit
  15. through email or the in game runescape inbox edit: i have no messages in my runescape inbox
  16. then how is it that you are getting crashed? shouldn't it be 50:50 if what you said is true? If it's a 1v1 scenario, then yeah the kills generally go 50:50 (i use defender, where others use shields) However a lot of the time people also have dfeenders, and just better gear (chaotics, fury, etc) which comes down to grinding certain things for money/experience, not in skill Oh, and getting crashed by duo/trio teams is next to impossible to win... as at least one of their team will always have full special, and i'd have to constantly chug spec recovers to compete You do realize that every every single MMO in existence rewards players for having better gear, right? If you're suffering because your gear isn't as good, guess what you should do? I've been soloing TDs since before extremes, turmoil, and chaotics, and it's still easy to find empty worlds these days. Your problem is that you're using Bandos GWD to make money, which is the single most [developmentally delayed]ed thing you could possibly do unless you're completely maxed with maxed gear (and even then it's [developmentally delayed]ed). Suck it up and get your chaotics, then go to TDs and camp TDs/waterfiends till you have a yak, then you can spend the rest of your days at TDs/DKs making money. I agree, how long do you think 66-90ish would take? (getting rapier/ccbow) and are there any good lower level dg clans? world 117, noquitters, dgs
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