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Everything posted by bronzewarrior

  1. How so? If they weren't, they would just be watching T.V or eating or playing another video game. Yeah you can say people who play RS "waste the best time of their life" while you go and play Call of Duty. :roll: Same exact thing. No, quite far from the truth..not everyone goes off to COD4 or other games, some people play the mmorpg called life. Runescape is a major time waste, it is the entire reason for my 3.85s in freshman year. I quit the game for 2 months, i have a solid 4.0 now in sophomore year and i'm taking hard classes. In my spare time, I hang out with friends and do my extra curriculars. Playing runescape will inhibit your grades, maybe by .1%-.5% or full letter grades.. It will also interfere with your extra-curriculars, which are important for college (those who want to go to college =D>) and runescape is one of the biggest cockblocks ever #-o . 1 cookie has been awarded to hellzbellz.
  2. your best bet is to try it through bounty hunter (kill each other) but that would be highly illegal! :shame:
  3. They're ranged only, and he doesn't have the 70 range level minimum to do them. Please read through the thread before posting. there are aviansies right out side the Eyrie. I spent most of my aviansie days there.
  4. sometimes it can get VERY annoying. it is random as hatebringer said. sometimes, when you need it most, it could take many hits to score a healing it and sometimes when you're full health it will hit 20s with the healing aura. carry emergency food with your guthans or just heal before your in the redzone. :
  5. jagex shouldn't waste their time with that. They actually help agencies around the world prosecute child predators which are unseemingly common in runescape.
  6. Runescape has helped me in real life: Whenever i go on a camping trip i bring a teleport. Whenever i beat someone at something IRL i say GF. i never change my clothes, unless i get bored; just like my rs char. i try to grow stuff when i see empty patches of land. i order shark instead of steak whenever i go to a restaurant. i have learned to fight properly, so when a bully comes i can own him 2handedly. i make logfires wherever i go outside. also.. i can type a whole lot faster, 110 wpm! I have a good grasp on merchanting, similar to the way things are done on the floor of the NYSE. Everyday terms in runescape and simple things like how marigolds protect some plants can someday help me win something. i am more aware of the threat of scam artists. so when someone says they can trim my new BMW 7 series, i'll report them. Just being on runescape, you will almost learn something everyday. (not as much as going outside and playing with your friends).
  7. i firmly believe in karma (i am a buddhist) and i have some evidence of karma. a while ago, a time i regret, i would lend my bgs (before the lending tweak) for 70k an hour? (i tried to get rid of 400k junk) i'd accept the cash and not lend. yes i know it was a noob thing to do. afterwars i felt really bad for doing it because i just betrayed people's trust and made them lose a somewhat significant sum of cash. Before i left for band camp, I put my bgs at lowest in the ge, no buy! and i had to leave to band camp with my bgs still in exchange. i come back and its worth a lot less, then i just took it out and put it again at lowest and left the game for a good 2 months. i come back and its at 17m and not sold. so i was out around 12m cash! karma always finds a way to kick you in the [donkey :D ]. yes i apply real world ethics, people worked hard for their money, i don't like seeing people suffer from such a loss. Even though this entire game will lead to suffering (the event in which we have to relinquish the game). or if you are lucky, lose interest in the game.
  8. but is it illegal if that lady's laptop connected to the internet ? Maybe she wanted to use the computer out on the park bench but the signal came to her. That's the gray area of almost every wi-fi law.
  9. but what we're apparently stealing is bytes, not food/weapons/armour/gilded altars or other stuff a person would keep in their house.
  10. that gets some people killed, i don't want to get pked...in game or irl.. :pray:
  11. that mod is stupid, jagex wouldn't (shouldn't, they banhammer you for stupid stuff) ban you for stuff like that. I use my neighbor's internet because they don't password protect it :]. it's just me and my firewall and my neighbor. If he put a WEP on it i'm not about to use aircrack and get a code... i definetly wouldn't tell anyone that :twisted: . If the internet connection doesn't have a WEP key or WPA protection then i don't see why its illegal. If it was password protected and you broke into it, it is illegal because of MIM attacks (man-in-the-middle) they are quite rare and only determined noobs do it :ugeek: . it's where someone hacks your network and reads all the information sent by you to the third party. in this case, runescape. But MIM attacks can be used to pick up credit card numbers and whatnot :x . But it's not only the complex MIM attack but just a simple violation of someone's property and privacy. just thought you should know :]. :mrgreen: btw, 2 years ago i told a mod that i was using someone elses internet and asked how to protect myself, he just said change your password. btw, when i moved into my house, i plugged the tv into the wall and i am still receiving basic cable. i don't think im stealing cable? :^o
  12. thanks man, i probably will do 2-4 except i want to dump the bgs, its dropping fast and i want to cut my losses. if i wasn't down 10m i'd probably be addicted to this game and focused on getting an sgs :lol: . i'll probably stick with blue because it is cheaper and they sell faster in my experiences.
  13. yeah so my other topics weren't too popular so i'll try with this one. yeah im out a sum of money and im trying to get membership soon. i'm trying to dump my bgs because i bought it at 29m.... i expect to sell around 16m i think because it might be around there when i am able to sell. 750k in bank, 10 glories (470k?), black mask= around 17m what should i do with this? and what money making methods would you suggest for me? should i tan hides? -if so, blue or black?
  14. why is it still going down? i need to get membership asap and dump this thing lol. should i hold on to it for 2 days till the market goes up or just dump? i need some moneymakers, im out a good amount of gp and im looking to get it back. what is profitable these days? is tanning hides still good? dragon slaying? solo rex with my stats? bandos with my stats? (or other gwd) i almost have my slayer helmet i just remember :twisted: i'm gonna be bored out of my mind when i re-join the game.. my clan just bumped requirements up to 105+ f2p ne one need a 99 f2p/ 106 p2p guy in their clan? :D
  15. i'd say cool armor :]. or make some more to get an sgs. sorry, i haven't played in 2 months (which is why i lost 1/3 of my gp) what is a ruined dragon slice that i see in your siggeh?
  16. i always planted a tree at falador garden on every farming run. The tree is usually grown every 2 runs? and it's a good chunk of experience.
  17. almost like the dragon helm :wall: ? tanning hides will be even better now because the godswords and other items have come down. GUTHANS AT 4.8?!?!? i remember buying 9.4m a while ago and profiting at selling 10m lol. O yea, aim for 68 summoning now, you can longer + better trips with it at Dk's 8-) if only i had that 10m :wall: :wall: :evil: :evil: #-o ...
  18. almost like the dragon helm :wall: ? tanning hides will be even better now because the godswords and other items have come down. GUTHANS AT 4.8?!?!? i remember buying 9.4m a while ago and profiting at selling 10m lol.
  19. i use kharid bank and i do blues only (greens when the market is right). I don't know about black because the selling of the tanned pieces vary whereas after a couple days/hours after the blue buyers get on, they start buying up tanned blue hides near max. E: ouch that stinks.
  20. **** DKs jeez forgot about those babies. oh yeah i forgot to mention.. i still have the bgs so i probably will dump it as soon as i get my membership. and what is with this dragon plate, is it any good? so many new things!
  21. nats=44 rc? i never liked runecrafting anyway. i have done dragonhide tanning in enormous amounts at a time, buying up 10mil worth of hides and tanning the hell out of it and making enormous profits. a lot of other things went down like ALL of the gs's what were the major updates i missed? what is the best armor/weapon? from what i knew back then, gs's were the top weapon and the gs armor was the top armor (maybe torags topped bandos).
  22. i have lost about 10-11 million gp off of the bandos godsword and I have taken a 56 day leave from the game. So i have lost a large sum of money but i have made money on glories =D> only 100k. I kinda want to play the game but how could I make money again?
  23. i was in scouts, we were camping at WPAFB or some airforce base in ohio and we had 20 minutes till dinner. so we were fooling around near the river and i took a dump next to a tree. my friend took a stick and picked it up and was flailing it everywhere. There was this log that people used to go across the river and we found it hilarious to put my crap on it. 5 minutes later, another troop comes by and they crawl across the log on their hands and knees :wall: .
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