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Everything posted by Soupy17

  1. Hey can you add hussar65 to the list? 2.1k+ total he will be #1
  2. Mew2 cc sells ranks and lets their ranks scam actually
  3. if you need a girl to host i will =]
  4. Your mighty fortress will not only be your home, but also a proving ground within which you and your clan-mates can gather resources and learn to work and fight as one, whether its for future battles or just to prove that youre the greatest clan in the game!
  5. You guys do know in a fight the chaotic staff would win right? rofl
  6. What monster hasn't been soloed? I suppose that would be the FERRET OF DOOM!!!!! seeing as nex has been soloed... At the time I posted that I was not aware that Nex had been solo'd, although to be fair that was abuse of a glitch lol :P
  7. What a [bleep]ing let down what the [bleep]? The rewards sound nice. New mage gear (wont be as good as virtus, that would be undermine it being endgame gear) and range equipment useful in specific situation. Cool. The boss fight(s) in the latest installment of the longest and most anticipated quest line wont be harder than nomad, which wasnt even that hard (people with <100 combat have beaten nomad). 2/5 -_- Edit: I cant believe what a let down this is. Number of monsters in runescape that have not been killed by a single person: 1. Number of bosses that have not been killed without food: 1. Number of bosses that have not been killed solo by someone <100 combat: 1. Nah guys we dont need new high level bosses, the ones we have are hard enough!!1
  8. I hope they let us buy gold soon. Im being serious too.
  9. inb4 3hitu with something about how jagex told him about this 16 years ago
  10. You better take that back Thanks, but I'm a human too. Nows your time to man up.
  11. Well I dont think anyone who nominates themself to be an influential individual is influential. Isnt that kind of raising your own flag? Lol.. just seems a bit arrogant to me
  12. Can someone explain who 3hitu is? Lmfao ive never heard of him.
  13. I have never heard of you in my entire life.
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