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Everything posted by The_Mather1

  1. You could just add some BASIC coding and make it an Excel formula. Example: =IF(RANDBETWEEN(1;20)>=MinCrit;IF(RANDBETWEEN(1;20)>=AC;RANDBETWEEN(1;DiceType)*CritMult;RANDBETWEEN(1;DiceType));RANDBETWEEN(1;DiceType))+HitMod I can't seem to find a function that allows you to sum up a formula a variable number of times though, so without using more than one cell, you can't account for multiple dice per hit or multiple attacks. EDIT: And natural failures, as you can't apply more than two outcomes for the result of a single random function.
  2. I use www.roll-dice-online.com for the rolls and let YAPCG tell me what dice to use and what my modifiers are.
  3. One that takes into account the opposing side's defense or just one like the one that's included in the Yet Another Pathfinder Character Generator sheet?
  4. Several planes of afterlife, but only one existence in it. It's not like we say there are several afterlives in the Abrahaic religions, despite having heaven, hell and purgatory as different places. One can't be blamed for having natural features identical to those of a god, right? And it's not like I can change any of them, barring gouging my eyes. I mean if the hair was normal, that could be changed, but it's a bit hard to dye or cut a flame. And the scimitar is the weapon of choice for all followers of her, so I'm not going to be asked to use a different weapon because of my looks.
  5. It's more merciful because in Pathfinder there is an afterlife, one the sight of which fascinates Good, confuses Neutral and shakes Evil, so by accepting holy power into themselves they could hope to redeem themselves in the gods' eyes. EDIT: Made a few changes to my character, now when I get Angelic Flesh (Brazen) and Angel Wings, I'll be visually identical to Sarenrae. Changes: -Changed gender and name. -Swapped hair and eyes to brown and heatless flame (pretty sweet that Aasimar can have that). -Swapped one trait for Flame of the Dawnflower. -Swapped Adamantine Greatsword for +1 Flaming Scimitar. https://dl.dropbox.c....254/Serén.xlsm - Will probably take a few minutes before it's fully uploaded.
  6. I'm fairly certain people with lactose intolerance don't slowly die from standing next to a lactating cow, so I don't see how that comparison works. My blood is directly harmful to all kinds of undead and evil creatures, to the point of slitting my wrist being the quickest way to get rid of a horde of weak ones, so vampires should really not have any sort of benefit from drinking it.
  7. But it wouldn't offer redemtion. My blood is infused with holy power, hence it does.
  8. I have it. And the hedge magician trait.
  9. No tricking them. Offering it to them as salvation through cyanide.
  10. Again, there's a huge difference between being near my blood and drinking it, this difference being akin to the difference between being near a source of heavy beta radiation and eating it.
  11. That's one damage for anyone in or near contact with my blood, I imagine drinking it would be akin to drinking a fast acting poison for vampires. No, Alg, you're not undead, you've just got some vampire genes. Your subtype is dhampir, not undead or evil, and hence to you, my blood is just blood and holy water is just water.
  12. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/arg-feats/angelic-blood-aasimar
  13. I'm thinking more Buffy than Twilight. Vampires may be innately evil, but that doesn't means it's impossible for them to overcome it.Also the reason I said I'd feed them to offer salvation is because I've got Angelic Blood, which is so full of celestial energy that if I start bleeding, any undead adjacent to me takes damage.
  14. I'm also going to be a follower of Sarenrae, so there's another angle to use. Planning to be a bit more uncompromising when it comes to the undead though.Going to actually give roleplaying a try this time around. I won't hesitate to put down feral undead, but those capable of engaging in conversation I shall attempt to persuade. Though depending on whether or not vampyres can sustain themselves on blood of non-sentient creatures and if there are any willing creatures around, what I offer them may be salvation through drinking mine.
  15. No, not inquisition. As a folower of Sarenrae I have no intention of unneccessary killing, but rather simply to have all leave the path of evil by any means neccessary. Sarenrae's teachings are to kill only those who refuse to change their ways, with as little suffering as possible, and to aid those who seek redemption.
  16. Guess we're going to be a bunch of heretic slayers then. The intent to root out all evil should suffice as a common trait for our group.
  17. You mean Catfolk? But really, comparing that to Kitsune isn't going to work. A Kitsune is a shapechanger with two or three shapes. Their natural form is an anthropomorphic fox, then there's a human form which is described as being regular human, but always leaning towards lithe beauty and then there are some that can change shape into a regular fox. The human shape is not something that takes an effort to maintain, as many Kitsune tend to stay in their human shape in mixed race societies. Furthermore some Kitsune can even manipulate their human form so as to take the appearance of any individual they have met.
  18. Finished my character: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/21066254/H%C3%A5kon.xlsm Aasimar Oracle/Barbarian, prestiging to Rage Prophet next level.
  19. I'm gonna be an Aasimar Druid/something, I'm looking at Monk right now, but if anyone knows a better fighter class for me to multiclass to, I'd appreciate the help. EDIT: Wait, not Druid, some other spellcaster with a familiar.
  20. Should firearms be permitted? If so, emerging, commonplace or everywhere?
  21. They're experienced with it, yes, but even though they have the experience to create a normal game, this is the Tavern we're talking about. The only game that has ever succeeded here without Archi's input was Lei's Dream Ender, and we were three players at most per session.
  22. Don't make the thread here. Without Archi's input it's doomed to fail, and so isn't going to happen.
  23. I'm up for cooperating in creating the setting as long as it doesn't go into something ridiculous like grimdark, demonpunk¹ or the industrialization era and it's nothing as plain as the current real world. ¹To make things easier, how about we refer to thematic settings with no set names as -punks, following the suit of steampunk and cyberpunk, with things like worlds where magic is used for everyday things as magicpunk and demonpunk being the use of demons or demonic summons. I suggest we take the worldbuilding to the Steam group, as I'm certain Archi will be fairly interested in this, and Lei might be as well. Of course my preference would be using the forum I made, as there we've got all the freedom we need in regards to content and polls and the ability to roll dice in our posts to serve as tiebreakers, but I guess only Lei and Sere would agree with me.
  24. Not just one month, there's just a pair of weeks left until it's two. And that's not the most disturbing thing, what's disturbing is that I only started watching 4 months and 24 days ago. Also life's really trying to crap me out now. My room's been redecorated in a way that makes it feel like a small cage, all of the gifts I received for Christmas were impersonal and now my precious headset crapped out from the wire tiring out. Not looking forward to spending Christmas money already, but it's either that or having my parents listen to me watching anime, because there's no damn way I'm spending even half an hour in my room the way it feels now.
  25. Yeah, but you must also keep in mind that books sometimes use half a page to describe what you can see in a second. Just look at A Game of Thrones; a book with around a thousand pages fit into... what was it? 10? 12? ...episodes.
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