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Everything posted by yerer0

  1. Lol, I know my range is super low. I trained it like 10 levels like 2 weeks ago then got bored. Oh yeah, I am pretty sure I'm gonna get members soon, but I don't want to just stop playing till then. Gtg now, might post tomorrow. Oh yeah, about clan wars, can someone please explain what the heck the update from a few months ago was about? Is it always dangerous? Last time I played clan wars you just keep your stuff, and I'm afraid to lose my rune armor. :ohnoes:
  2. I'm seriously really bored. I just have nothing to do in F2P. I know I should get members, and I will in the future,(hopefully soon) but what can I do? Skilling is getting boring, I've done all the F2P quests, I've done PvP waaaay too much(without success), I hate Fist of Guthix, I finished the Lumbridge/Draynor achievement diary, I've gone everywhere I can think of, explored the whole wildy, failed at Bounty Hunter, ran around in random event and holiday stuff, and now I'm really just out of ideas. Help please? Oh yeah, just in case you need them for any reason, heres my stats: combat level-72, attack-60, strength-62, defense-53, range-25, prayer-38, magic 47, runecrafting-34, hitpoints 59, crafting 38, mining 60, smithing-48, fishing-58, cooking-58, firemaking-50, woodcutting-75.
  3. Why is the minimap like off compared to my view? On my screen it's straight, but it's tilted on the minimap. Why is that, and can I fix it? Or am I just delusional?
  4. Maybe there's a reason you lose clue scrolls, maybe it's so the clues are harder and more riskyful.
  5. You'd miss out on all the fun. :( It's not smart to bite your toenails because...
  6. Because you put it there. Why does mass times volume equal density?
  7. I was killed from choking on someones vomit.
  8. I kick a rock which hits a barrel filled with oil, which rolls 20 feet away, hits your dragon egg, the dragon hatches and tries to frie someone, setting the oil on fire, then realizing that you are tied up to 5000 lb weights, he has explosives tied to his back, which the rope thingy is on the burning oil, when we all realize that Zamorak and Guthix are rushing towrds each other, theres some noob making a fire on top of a firecrack attached to a bomb, and right when you realized the Kaphite Queen is right next to you, everything blows up. You never wake up from this dream because you drown in your urine in your bed.
  9. A sign that tells how pointless it is.
  10. *edit Okay, I'm less stupid now, heres the pic, look at the minimap
  11. Didn't really know what to put as the title, but anyway, I was training my pathetic runecrafting level up with Earth runes, and I went in the Earth altar and decided to look around. I went as far west as I could and on the minimap I saw and island with trees on it in the middle of lava. Does anyone know what it is?
  12. Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I don't have money to burn, and I don't really want to mine my own ess. I'm too lazy, I'd kinda get bored. I would do the FoG Earth gloves, but again, I'd start fighting at FoG to get tokens then get bored and start trying to PK. Lol, yeah, I get distracted easily and I don't have a very long attention span. I blame stumbleupon for that. (I had it for a few months, but I stopped, thank god for that. Stumbleupon is so evil, I used to have a shorter attention span. The reason I can runecraft right now is that it's my lowest skill so I get levels every two or three runs, so it keeps my attention.
  13. Thanks for the prices of the runes and what levels I need, very helpful. :) Now I'm motivated for 33 so I can actually make money.
  14. Ok, trhanks, I was thinking along those lines, but I wasn't sure if there was a better way. I might mine my own ess, but I get tired of it, and then I'd just sell the ess for money because I'm weird like that.
  15. THanks for the help peeps. I just realized it because her account isn't verified. It used to be, but she changed her bank account to verify her business Paypal. She's gonna put her new business bank account for her business paypal, and her checking account for her personal paypal, so I might be a member in a week or two.
  16. Ok, I'm just bored of aimlessly leveling stuff, and thought I'd concentrate, but now I trying to get my RC up a bit, so I won't be bored.
  17. I am bored of trying to pk and train wdct, so I'm getting my runecraft up to above like 10, and see if I can get it to a level like 40 or 50. I was wondering if I am actually going to make any money in RC on F2P before crazy high levels. Around what level will I make money, and what runes.
  18. I personally fish my own tuna and swordies, but don't bring anything. I just go back to fish more after I'm done. Sometimes I also bring a hatchet and tinderbox to cook the fish, but in you case, that sounds pretty good.
  19. I know there is a topic on what 99, but that P2P, I want to know what F2P 99. Ok, I have tons of time I can use to train, so I'd like one that's not too long, but I can handle time. I don't really have much money, so making money is a plus, but if it costs a small amount, that's fine. Ok, my stats are att-60, str-61, def-53, range-25, prayer-37, magic 47, runecraft 11, hitpoints 59, crafting 38, mining 60, smithing 47, fishing 58, cooking 58, firemaking 36, woodcuttin 75. Ok, I know woodcutting is my highest, but I very bored of it, so unless it makes a gigantic difference, I don't want to train it. Hmmmmm, that's all I can think of to say right now, but if you need more, info just ask, thanks in advance, -Yerer0
  20. She has checked her e-mail, and it didn't say anything. I've logged on and gone to my account management, but I don't have any membership credit.
  21. I'm new to the tip.it forum, well I signed up awhile ago, but didn't really post anything. Well, anyway, I was signing up to be a member, but I had some problems. So, I started by clicking on upgrade your account and I signed in. I chose 3 months with paypal, and I click checkout with paypal. My mom typed in her paypal password and clicked continue next to her credit card. It brought us back to a Runescape page where I had to sign in again, and I did. I then clicked the button that said checkout with paypal, but it brought me back to sign into paypal :ohnoes: . There weren't any other buttons to press after I signed in the second time. I send a help request to Jagex, and they said I should add it to my "trusted sites" list, but I don't think there is one on firefox. (They gave instruction for I.E.) I have checked, and I don't have any membership, and I really didn't know what to do, so I posted here. Tell me if you need more information. Also, I apologize if this is in the wrong section, but it said all questions go here and I thought I would. Thanks in advance. (I'm about to eat dinner, but I'll be back in a few minutes.
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