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Everything posted by Bo4345

  1. 102 Combat 93 Questpoints Been playing runescape for roughly 10 months
  2. They would keep your account, but all offenses by hackers can be eliminated so breaking rules is a waste unless they send in your apeals for you
  3. Banned cause they have like a 200% markup on those things
  4. banned cause imo not paying for rs is a waste of time and effort..rs is more of a big chore if your f2p
  5. Banned because i've banned you so many times i'm outta reasons
  6. Heh nice luck, have a happy new year yourself :D
  7. Classroom and genie..free exp ftw
  8. Be maxed out in melee, which i'll probally be by july or so. Then 99 Mage.
  9. im thinking they probally crashed and jagex needs to do maitnence on them
  10. Banned for confusing me EDIT: Guy under me i banned him first!!
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