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Everything posted by Bo4345

  1. Yeah I didn't know that :x My own stupidity
  2. Yeah bandits are good at this level just wear a god cape RCing is still a great way to make money and uhm basically most everything is the same cept they nerfed pc and we have a lot of powerful and new stuff
  3. Good guide and I like the way you put important fairy codes on your ignore list to use as a cheat sheet kinda, very smart =D>
  4. It has gotten better since the end of summer I think
  5. That isn't exactly the best emotion to post in this situation... :-s Well it made me feel sad and most likely everyone else who read it :cry:
  6. I am uterly speachless so i'm just gonna post this smiley :boohoo:
  7. Think I could do the monkfish dart method well with 77 Attack 80 Strength 78 Defense 78 Hits 55 Range 70 Mage
  8. Hmm 145 X 4 hours = 580 hours which is equivlant to 24 straight days of playing....sooo uhm it'll take months :x
  9. I funned a guy called "Call Me Bo" in the duel arena one time
  10. 6/10 I'm glad homer simpson jumping scared you :D
  11. This laywer will make her beleive lies =D>
  12. Bo4345


    Seems like every day someone says this or a variation of this rant :?
  13. Merchenters are 1 person retail shops, they don't really affect the game at all they're just smart players Mabye you should take some damn time to to see what the price really is before you buy it from the first person you see selling :|
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