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Everything posted by Night_Tied

  1. quickchat worlds are now unusually busy.
  2. sigh. its getting annoying, i wouldn't be surprised if someone was working on a patch now. i think a rollback wouldn't be necessary, then again look at the people at Bounty Hunter. oh yes, thank you whoever kicked me in forsaken's chat. ^_^
  3. digging in godwars increases chances of getting a hilt by 90%!!~@~~@~~
  4. Spinning flax is faster only at the Seer's Village spinning wheel, with the headband on.
  5. [hide=Easy]1K lamp Seer's headband Reward dialogue [/hide] [hide=Medium]5K lamp Upgraded Seer's headband Reward dialogue [/hide] [hide=Hard]10K lamp Upgraded Seer's headband Reward dialogue Faster Flax Tested 28 flax was spun in 50 seconds without headband. 28 flax was spun in 33 seconds with headband on. The faster flax only applies to the Seer's Village spinning wheel. Bonus - Lady of the Lake Dialogue Enchanted Exclibur Stats Same special animation as the normal exclibur, special attack gives +14 temporary boost to defence.[/hide] Well that was disappointing.
  6. it hits upto 68? goodbye armadyl godsword. :twss:
  7. Thats highly ignorant, it is still a 99, a 99 that you have yet to achieve. Total level/combat level doesn't reflect the maturity of the person.
  8. So much for looting Movario's base weekly, I looted the base when it was released.
  9. Just saying how my daily routine started, to me fruit tree and tree runs are considered as daily repetitive task, since they take a long time to grow. I think I'll do the same or eventually give up, the lair it way too tedious to be a permanent thing.
  10. My daily routine consists of: Logging in Herb run Buying Ahrien out Fruit tree run Tree run Bush run Buying battlestaffs Killing Bork Killing the Phoenix Mining a crashed star and *THEN* skilling. Weekly is penguins and tears of Guthix ofcourse. :twss: :twss: :twss:
  11. Runescape name: Night_Tied P2P :twss: :twss: :twss:
  12. gf noob :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss:
  13. Phoneix sounds low-level Hope they resign the ugly skills interface aswell.
  14. Falador achievement diary rewards: [hide=Easy]1K Lamp Falador Shield 1 Falador Shield 1 stats Functions of the shield 1 [/hide] [hide=Medium]5K Lamp Falador Shield 2 Falador Shield 2 stats Functions of the shield 2 [/hide] [hide=Hard]10K Lamp Falador Shield 3 Falador Shield 3 stats Functions of the shield 3 [/hide]
  15. How so? If they weren't, they would just be watching T.V or eating or playing another video game. Yeah you can say people who play RS "waste the best time of their life" while you go and play Call of Duty. :roll: Same exact thing. Exactly my thoughts; I wasted my time watching a season of favourite TV show - that cost me 1012 minutes of my life. Why did I do it? Because I like it - its a hobby, not a lifestyle, same applies to Runescape. I find it amazing how the list didn't include any console computer games - especially games such as Halo or CoD. Seems to me that people have a personal objection to playing games on a computer.
  16. How did you bind the key and the loop together? :wall:
  17. Function over fashion, always. And for that same reason I'll never buy vanity items such as clue scroll rewards and party hats.
  18. It's optional - not everyone's computer has the requirements to run it.
  19. I do this all the time at Waterfiends - to the point where the Ring of Life has saved me on numerous occasions.
  20. There is an entire Guinness World Records book for games.
  21. OMG! Thank you for this guide! I recently went to Tarns layer via slayer ring teleport, just to look around (curiosity killed the cat!). Next thing I know, I was assigned Terrordogs, but I didn't kill Tarn yet. Killing Tarn was so easy, I killed him in less than a minute! Going through the layer looked difficult, slayer ring ftw. 10/10
  22. Delete your browser's cache Delete Java's cache Restart If that doesn't work, I would contact Jagex.
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