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Everything posted by mistywerty

  1. I play Runescape :o Seriosuly though, I have some compulsion to close all doors/windows and sit against the wall when in a room. If someone leaves the door open, I'll walk straight over and shut it again. No idea why...
  2. On 4chan, the only interesting board is /x/
  3. Look at it this way: 1 / 3 = ? = 0.333... 0.333... x 3 = 1 = 0.999...
  4. mistywerty


    EVERYONE seems to have read nineteen-eighty-four. Brave New World is much better written and is a better interpretation of the future...
  5. 1) I hate it when doors are open 2) I always have an urge to squeeze cute, furry animals when I see them (though I never do) 3) I HATE stereotypical Men and Women 4) More and more over the past few months, I've found myself lying on the grass, looking up at the sky 5) My watch is 18 years old and only costs around $14 in stores now - it's my favourite material possession...
  6. Dude, I will rejoice when I see a right-winged Libertarian...
  7. Gahh, descriptions don't do justice to the thread. I want pictures; even if they're just of the clothes themselves...
  8. My favourite painting is this [hide=][/hide] Thought, the resolution is poor and doesn't really honour the image. A better picture is this, but there's some random old guy in the way... [hide=][/hide]
  9. In the systems of law/education it is VITAL that we are rational. So when you have the religious trying to put scripture into the law, or using religious justifications for things such as "I think homosexuality should be illegal because it says so in the bible that it is a sin!" it is vital that they do not get their way. Also.. correlation doesn't equal causation. Provide me with some sources that suggest that it is a causal relationship please. I did not suggest that law and education shouldn't be govened by rationality, just right hemisphered activities (such as creativity, arts, philosophy, faith and music.) You cannot use rationality to disprove the existence of god, since he (supposedly) is a non-physical being. I got the "Religion makes you happy" stuff from both http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/7302609.stm and http://www.time.com/time/magazine/artic ... -2,00.html I kid you not
  10. Religious faith directly correlates with happiness. Not everything has to be rational, a satirical essay shown here just proves it so.
  11. 'ere we go Wearing chucks doesn't make me a emo/goth/punk; I just fund them attractive and comfortable...
  12. Having spoken to homophobes before, their real fear is not what they practice, but the idea of the homosexuals raping them...
  13. I see that most of you are atheists here. Why do you always rush to convert people content with their religion, even if you believe it's false? The religious community are rarely 'force feeding' it you, and most of the time, it makes them happy. Yes, there may be some verse in the old testament saying re-enforcing the strictness of the 'rules', yes, some of the stories make no sense and yes, god can seem cruel sometimes. Having said this, I haven't come into contact with many Christians tasking all this 'way too far'. What harm can a belief really do to someone? Dawkins, Hitchens and Harris may rush to prove the non-existence of god, but they do not realize how content the religious community are, and how they're acting like 'the Grinch that stole Christmas'. Please, respect the views of other, and don't try to force yours upon them. Shii wrote a nice essay on the subject http://shii.org/knows/Freedom_From_Atheism%20here
  14. I live my life by that quote. No exceptions.
  15. Gahh, my favourite position is somewhat impossible to describe .This picture comes close...
  16. This topic would be a better poll It's getting tedious, seeing the same names again and again. ITT: What's you're favourite thread posted?
  17. Honestly, I find Audiobooks more enjoyable than written works. You all seem to like Dystopian Sci-Fi books (E.G 1984); based on that alone, I would recommend 'A Clockwork Orange' by Anthony Burgess. At first, the book seems hard to understand, but once you learn the slang used by the main character, you'll unveil the greatest psycological thriller of out time. If anyone is struggling to find something to read, head to Amazon, search your favourite novel, and there'll be a list of books people like you enjoyed. Head to gutenberg.org, print your book off, then enjoy :mrgreen:
  18. To put life bluntly, we find 'bad' (or what society defines as 'bad') far more interesting than 'good' things. They've tried to sell newspapers with 'good' news in, they failed. Life isn't as bad as everyone thinks it is... I wouldn't say really intelligent people are cynics, just those employing the 'Lake Woebygon' affect; look on the forum, the (arguably) most intelligent members (Warri0r and Trapical) are both realists. They've realised that their lives are short, and what happiness truely means...
  19. I'd say that most millionaires earned their money fairly. It's their choice what they do with their money; that's the way life works. Anway, most rich people DO donate to charities. Take Bill Gates for instance, he set up his own charity, donated his fortunes to it and lives off less money than most of us do now :roll:
  20. You guys are missing out on one of the greatest pleasures of life - Yahoo Instant Messenger - Add people on MSN - Customizable skins - Anonymous mode - Embed flash content into messenger windows
  21. Ever licked a rabbit between the ears? *Pulls out inside pockets* Do you want to?
  22. Here's one of my computer station. The lighting makes it look tacky :P [hide=][/hide]
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