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Everything posted by Mike_Ike111

  1. Get one of your best friends to be assisted by you. =)
  2. I usually get around 5-12. I think the least you can get is 5 with Magic Secateurs. Most of the time, you will always double the money you spent on the seed, as long as it does not die.
  3. I think the question you should be asking is "Once I have been banned after asking 'Can i ask where your from?', what should I write in my appeal. The fact of the matter is that, even though this is an indirect question asking to ask a question, it can still lead to the real deal. I don't think Jagex would even think twice about giving you a mark because they want to keep the game secure. The more secure the game, the more parents buy membership for their 6 year old kid. The more membership, the more money. The more money, the better updates. So yes, you would get a black mark.
  4. No problem. Just watch the prices of ranarrs while you are farming, and don't buy the seeds in mass quantities unless they are rising in price, and you expect them to be cheaper now than later. Also, always super compost your herb patch, so that you don't lose money from dead plants.
  5. Alright. With a bit of common sense, and a little unknown knowledge... You could plant ranarrs/snapdragon seeds while fletching. Therefore, you won't lose any money, and quite possibly gain from it.
  6. Honestly, the outfit that will never go wrong is nothing at all (Change your shirt and pants to black, and cut your hair short and black). You can then match anything with simply a cape, boots and gloves. You will then have 500k left to spend on something like a Sceptre. The outfit I always go with is, black shirt, black pants, (skills cape), barrows gloves, bunny ears, dragon boots, glory, and either a scythe/whip/sceptre. ( I sometimes also wear the short short dwarf shorts, and a shirt that covers them up to make it look like I have no pants on =p )
  7. Play the game normally without thinking about money. Once you hit a higher total level you will have enough money to worry about getting more.
  8. I use SPots when doing Pyramid Plunder because there are no obelisk around, and summoning points don't grow on trees (not that the desert has that many trees in it anyways). Maybe if 100,000 people all at once decided thieving at pyramid plunder was a good idea they would rise, but until that day comes I don't see them rising too much because you can get through a slayer task without using any SPots.
  9. You want something fun to train on, but good xp... Those two don't mix well together in Runescape. If you want something that is fun, pick a monster that has good drops and will hit you often. Therefore it is not monotonous, and the drops will reward you for the food used.
  10. Without Contact finished, PP becomes extremely hard. If you plan on getting the skill above 80 I would do the quests needed because with super-anti pots (4) you will bank every 8 runs. With those 2 pots at level 71 you should be getting around 100k xp each bank, therefore making a bank near the minigame very useful.
  11. Become a member. If you are a member. Do whatever you think is fun.
  12. I wouldn't go for the Surfing The Interwebz 99 (Cooking/Fletching). They will not teach you anything about a level 99 skill. You will be even more bored of the other skills since you can't read the forums while doing them. I would go for 99 thieving with pyramid plunder. It is a skill that requires allot of attention, but at a fast rate. You can get over 200k xp an hour at level 91, so it would be a good skill to teach you of how the real 99s are. Plus it is a fairly rare cape even though it is a fast skill. Not to mention I think the cape looks pretty cool (I like the purple and black trim).
  13. Once upon a time there were times when the censor for names wasn't as secure as it was today. Some times, upon these times, certain words slip through the system, and even in some circumstances the system wasn't even available for slippage. The truth is, it isn't too rare to see names like that. I met a guy last week who made his account with the word "Shet" in it in 2006, and has had the name since (He is in the combat level 100's). Edit: Oh my dear. I didn't realize this was his Clan Chat's Name. This changes things. Well, the first paragraph is still in use, but the second is null. Either way, we are talking in the same ballpark (or at least the same game).
  14. McAfee works wonders for me. Type out your password/recoveries on another computer, save it onto a flash drive, then save it onto your computer via flashdrive, and then copy and paste the new password/recoveries onto the official Jagex website to change your username's password. (Rembember to not type out your password, and to not log onto the game on your computer.) The person getting onto your account will not know the new password, and will give up trying. While you are doing all of that, run a virus scanner. If it does not pick up anything on your computer, a shotgun to the CPU seems like a reasonable answer. Otherwise, a virus scanner will do the trick.
  15. Stronghold of player security, and the achievement diary were the only updates f2p got for no reason at all. The rest of the updates were because of something else. FOG was because of the removal of pking. BH -- pking. F2P dueling -- You can't make money from it anymore, so it was sent to f2p. The fullscreen f2p was only held back because of advertisments.
  16. Wow. I didn't know they were rare. I used to get dust devil tasks all the time. Lucky me?
  17. I wasn't too excited about any skills. The main thing I wanted to get hold of was the prized dragon battle axe and d long. Once I became a member I then realized that p2p pking was not as fun as f2p, and it was too much of a risk to pk with with the weapon with all the 1 def 3 hitting noobs. I became f2p again, and decided to pk on low levels.
  18. You have to give it to RWTers, and all bots out there. They are what made the economy boom as much as it did for nearly 2-3 years. They brought in items to the game that would not of been entered without them. A lot of you guys with 99 mage would not of gotten your magic up if it wasn't for the flax autoers, yew bots, and mage store buyers. If it wasn't for bots there would be less money in the game because of less high alching. Therefore that AGS drop you got from your solo would of only given you around 10m because no one could afford the price it is today.
  19. Ha...I would make so much profit from my scythe... I wish, but no you cannot.
  20. It's always been an entirely different game between pking and the rest of the game. Most pkers rarely played the rest of the game, and only did quests for Ancients. Whereas most of the rest of the population never got into pking, and only went into the wilderness to do clues. Luckily for me, I stopped pking once rs2 came out, after they ruined it the first time. The switch to rs2's permanent fighting style was the end of all good pking days, and the beginning of a new class of pkers. Off topic:: I hope one day Jagex will create a pvp mini-game in rs2 based on 3 round fighting, such as rsc had.
  21. There is no reason to do something that does not interest you. If each time you log on you feel like you are doing a chore, then try another game that isn't so much grinding such as WoW (Maybe?). If you feel like you have put too much time in the game for you to just quit, then try to train skills like cooking/fletching that require no attention. While training those skills, catch up on a few movies you wanted to watch, browse the interwebz, get 99 flats on a rsc private server, etc. Usually when the above doesn't work I will call up a friend and hang out with them, or play some Halo 3.
  22. I still haven't figured why such a big company still only has 50 pages for each of there forum. Honestly, I have never seen any forum with such little memory. I think it is there so that new players don't look back at previous threads and realize how much Jagex has screwed up on this game. And to save my off-topic-ness: Nearly every thread I make on the RSOF is deleted in a day because I don't care to bump it.
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