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Everything posted by halo475

  1. It has to be the ancient cavern. The theory about dungeons being close together on a seperate map is true, look at a video of a private server and you will see. On that note, if you go on an up-to-date private server with a fairly recent cache decoded you would be able to literally walk from sara godwars thorugh the black to the place and see what it really is. Ever thought of going to the ancient cavern to see if you can see sara godwars?
  2. Just what i was gonna say, buy a godsword blade and get some assistance (if you need) and make a saradomin godsword.
  3. Really nice levels, i bet you can't wait for 99 rc. Your combat levels could do with some improving though =]
  4. People that say things like "yarly" or "narly" and thinks it makes them so cool, brings me to my next one. It drives me insane when people act cool, if you get your most of your self-esteem from playing runescape and using these forums and acting cool well... The only reason i didn't write "get a life" is because then i would be hypocritical because when people say that it also drives me insane. Also f2per's who think there sweet because they have never been a member and have 1200 total or something. Get members, its funner and better and thats why we play right? I understand if you decide to stay f2p because somehow you think it is funner or you or not allowed/can't afford members, but you dont have to wave it around like its your ticket to heaven! There is many more but i dont have the time to list them all.
  5. Camping at spiritual mages brings in more money but no charms. Gl with whips =]
  6. It's 3rd =] For second i was thinking up taking steels as a slayer task again because of this... but that was only for a second.
  7. I agree, I believe its been dropped by about 50 per 1k bursts. I just put it down to bad luck and didn't bother posting a thread, but maybe its not back luck...
  8. 99 prayer is handy because you get 31 prayer per dose of prayer potion, and generally your prayer just seems to go a long way. Also you can toggle piety during a slayer task and it lasts for a long time.
  9. My opinon is that it does (sadly) i want it not to so i can wear a zerker. The ROW works by making rare items more common which makes common items less common. So if gold are a common charm drop from a certain monster wearing a ring of wealth will make gold less common and the other types more common? If so it's only slightly i would say.
  10. And if it does, how does it affect it? You most likley dont 100% know but i like to hear other opinions.
  11. Ha when i post it I get 15 posts and the topic locked and when she posts the same thing she gets half of a reply.
  12. Stats: Stats not shown are constuction:50 hunter:43 summoning:1 Cb level is 101. It's my sisters account, she has trained it's strength by doing slayer. Its on track to get 85 slayer and 99 str at the same time, making it 103cb. What type of pking method should i use? I'm thinking about dharoking. This account has piety unlocked and it also has fully completed recipie for disaster, desert treasure, fremennik isles and legends. BoB: Not great but its a bit to work with and a just spent 5m on 70 prayer too. Rate/hate and suggest =-]
  13. Im invisible! If you are in low detail you cant see me, this is mt sister taking a screenie of me. This is the outfit im wearing, if you wear this outfit (any skillcape will do) people on low detail cant see you.
  14. I am shocked by all of your responses to this thread, this community had a huge problem with putting down bought skills. When I saw the title I said to myself, "here goes another half an hour telling people that buyable skills aren't bad blah blah blah". Then I read muggi's post and I thought it summed it up very well, but now almsot all of you agree with him! Does it take someone respected to tell you or are you all just sucking up to muggi? Now my opinion. I have alot of fun making money and getting fast xp, Luckily that goes hand in hand. I am bursting rock lobs now not just because of the charms but because of the fast mage, hp and defence xp that you get. In the end that helps me make more money at GWD, barrows etc. I havn't trained my prayer past 13.2m xp because after 99 it is actually a waste of money, but i enjoyed getting 99 prayer so much, having 100 people in you house all the time using your altar, I made alot of friends out of that. This argument it basicly the same as the 'Buy your resources v Gather resources' thread, in that thread buyable skills where harshly flamed, why has it all of a sudden changed?
  15. Title says it all, now that bloods are cheaper what is really better to do? Barrage still costs more but does that make up for the increased speed?
  16. Im invisible! If you are in low detail you cant see me, this is mt sister taking a screenie of me. This is the outfit im wearing, if you wear this outfit (any skillcape will do) people on low detail cant see you.
  17. [hide=Quotes] Just tried it out and it worked perfect. The difference is AMAZING, like dark and light. First trip I made like 16-20 kills. This trip, when i tried out toggling piety halfway, I got 26 kills. Works wonders, and drains very slow (80 prayer) Thank you so much. EDIT: had another task so I can give better numbers now: I can do 30 wyverns a trip (using terrorbird and bunyip) and the trip takes around 40 minutes, if not less (+-25 min used on my bunyip timer + however long I'm fighting with my terrorbird). The crimson charm count per hour is also pretty amazing. I'd estimate it around 50, if not more. (thats when using slayer helmet) Conclusion: toggling piety is an absolute must to fight these. Cant wait to use it for fighting iron dragons and such. [/hide] Good to know someone realizes its usefullness, i use it for all metal drags(including mith) and alot of slayer tasks. It's better then just staring at a screen. Also if you get a fire cape and 99 att you will find that the charm rate is like 70 crimsons per hour. Huge profit and 70 crimsons an hour, amazing eh?
  18. 99 prayer gets me through 25 kills so i guees you could bring 1 if you are lower. The timing is hard to describe, you gotta start it when your winding up to attack and you take it off bascily as you are hitting. Does that make sense? I might make a gif later if i have time.
  19. Hey remember me? i suggested the melee method. Add in there that if you want you can toggle piety on and off it will make a HHUUUGGEEE difference increasing kills per trip by at least 10 and also making kills alot faster, about 1 per min, that means 60 per hour. It doen't use much prayer but can get annoying to do after ahwile. Also fariy rings is a must if you are keeping bones or you can do this. Tele to al-kharid (ring of dueling or glory) run down to shantay pass and restock then threaten to kill shanty and dont pay 5gp, he will then send you to prison in port sarim, picklock the door and you are almost there! Handy for people who can't use fairy rings. Also i take a house tele for my one click tele, i can recharge prayer mounted glory to edge bank and then fariy rings back. very quick banking 2-3 mins is all it takes.
  20. yes i hally'ed the whole way and used a crystal bow to lure the healers. But i had 99 attack and my 99 prayer made my super restores go a long way. Same inv to yours put pure set instead of range pots and a guthan spear aswell + a bow to lure healers. Wear guthans fury d boots etc and weild a d hally. Good luck on beating him with range.
  21. Use a dragon hally all the way i used no brews and had 8 super restores left at the end it was so easy. Btw its very easy to trap the 180's behind the 22's which come from killing the 45's. A fire cape cost me about 60k. I also brought guthans for healing (rarely needed).
  22. I am a huge fan of junk trading. I have got rid of all my pouches (turned into scrolls for more value) that i dont use from level 1 to 80 summoning through junk trading. I have also got rid of about 3k adddy arrows p++ through junk trading. They are worth 1kea and you get 300 at a time from the zammy gwd boss. I bought 7 leaf bladed swords off the g.e for about 140k and sold them all for 500k+, all you have to do is update your price so your buying for max everyday and you do get items. Same goes for wild pies i have about 5000 of them all bought off g.e and they are going to keep on rising because they are *un-buyable*, i have also sold about 3000 more for 6kea through junk trading. For me junk makes summoning a profitable skill just buy making pouches. I suppose you could say im ripping people off, if thats the case im only ripping lazy people off which is only fair, isn't it?
  23. In my opinion the perfect updates are the ones that arn't enforced or have an effect on someone if they dont want to do it, for exaple Clan chat and qucik chat. But the perfect updates are the little ones that help you alot like... 1. Xp left to you level. 2. lootshare/coinshare. 3. No longer 'dance' with monsters. 4. When you hover over attack styles it tell you what type of xp and how your weapon is being used. 5. Easier fairy rings. 6. Home teleport. 7. Items kept on death. 8. Show equipment stats. 9. Amount of songs unlocked counter. 10. The countless amount of quick-pay/quick-enter options now. 11. World switcher in the login screen. 12. Mute music on login screen. 13. Hotkeys, mainly Ctrl for running. 14. Development diary's 15. Friends list shows your own world. Can list many more but you get my idea. You would have to be a pesimistic/depressed person to find negative's in those updates.
  24. What about bork is he worth it? IMO he is underated, his charms are very handy.
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