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Everything posted by I_am_Geed

  2. Then you'll keep whining till you get to 120 and then youll get me some levels cause you'll 4 bind suicide for me :)
  3. I_am_Geed


    To prove to my now ex girlfriend that leaving me was a mistake and that I'm the one thats ment for her. Yea im crazy but IDGAF :)
  4. EDIT: STUPID QUESTION DELETED I have a lot of soul searching to do right now and asking stupid questions I already know the answer to will get me nowhere.
  5. Yeah I remember there was one day where I pulled a 30+ post day.
  6. I_am_Geed


    Both those are listed in the guide..... I have no idea what hes talking about LOL Maybe he just skimmed it and was like "HERP DERP IM INVONCIBLE GL NOMAN NUB" It took me 15 tried to kill nomad with melee and 99 defence. Quit whining.
  7. I hate people who come into threads like this and just spit hate and contribute nothing to the conversation. EDIT: TIME TO NOT BE OT What I dont get is when Jagex says "yes we have a solution for bots!" The hell they dont, and if they do theres nothing im seeing that shows it. Iv had I think 3-4 Nech tasks in the past week and the same bot has been there collecting the ashes they drop. Looked this player up, 80ish slayer, and all 90 melees. Everything else is unranked. What does this bot have to lose by getting its exp halved? Theres already a slayer bot (theres a bot for everything) so all it does is it has to grind a bit of slayer before it can come right back to nechs and keep collecting the ashes. Iv reported this bot every single time iv been there, yet nothing has happened. Im losing confidence quickly in Jagex (what little I had left) on their ability to stop bots.
  8. I_am_Geed


    I havnt given up on the goal I set a week ago :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Its going to be an insanely long road but I got the motivation and ill get there bit by bit :mrgreen:
  9. Each generation gets lazier and lazier. When these 12 year olds see how much time and effort a lot of these things take they say "[bleep] that" and spend money on a macro bot because 1) they have the money to spend it and 2) they cant be bothered to actually do real work
  10. ???? That is a stupid claim. Okay not every guy but the vast majority will go through periods of sexual curiosity. The vast majority, yes. But there are people that I know that are extremely homophobic and I think its funny because theyre so radical its almost amusing.
  11. Nice to know someone else has a weakness for jpop
  12. Yeah its enjoyable to watch even though I only watched that first episode. :P (would be watching that or Naruto right now but Kill Bill is on xD)
  13. I cried during The Notebook. Like a boss.
  14. Maybe its just that we got so focused on that Waterfiends were weak to crush we didnt notice that slash / stab was as strong as we though?
  15. Watch. Gurren. Lagann. Yours is the drill that shall pierce the heavens! EDIT: OH GOD ANOTHER MECHA LOL@ MY ONE WEAKNESS To quote my favorite anime of literally alltime, "Don't ask for it; go win it on your own. Do that and you'll succeed." Eureka Seven.
  16. everytime i see that I laugh hard and I dont know why Also is my siggy grounds to be worthy in this thread? :P
  17. Oh [cabbage]. If people get referred by Green, that means her Fancy Dress Parties will actually gain her exp!
  18. No. When the time comes, you'll feel right and you'll be able to comfortable with your decision and telling others. But take your own pace.
  19. I_am_Geed


    Traditional Vodka + Sprite. :P
  20. I_am_Geed


    I quit runescape about four years ago. What took you so long? :P Just spent most of the day rocking some Starcraft II. Finally broke into Platinum 1v1 as Terran. :L you still play the ladder. Broke Masters, then found nothing but all in [cabbage]. Got demoted back to top diamond and havnt played sense. That game makes me rage more than some of the personal problem I have.
  21. True and im glad to have at least played during that team, even if i started more on the tail end.
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