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Everything posted by I_am_Geed

  1. I told you Lux was [bleep]ING AWSOME
  2. Been a while since I posted here! Ill show you what Iv been up to. [spoiler=TERRAN OP] I ended up winning and the guy ragequit LOL [spoiler=95 attack]
  3. Master Yi = DPS Alpha Strike gets him in range where he can hit like a train with "criticals" Final Funkeln is so satisfying it makes me want to play her more. Anyhow I've been working on Tier 3 Runes and the leveling process. Yeah, get Phantom Dancer, Infinity Blade, Trinity Force, and some other Sword i forget which gives +50% attack speed and Yi + ultimate kills anyone And Lux is just :) I build her like an AP carry even though your not supposed to and I end up going like 15/5/10 Then again im only level 12
  4. News of the wildy returning has inspired me to juggle Runescape and the Diamond League of Starcraft 2. Its good to be back though. EN TARU TASSIDAR
  5. Looks like the golden age is returning after all. Thank you Jagex. Renewed faith in runescape.
  6. Nice person / Tif member / Tif chat member = bless [wagon] = loot
  7. Been playing Master Yi mid (im in the legion of "NO ASHE GOING MID") and working reeally well. People are so scared of alpha strike its not even funny. I also play a pretty mean Lux.
  8. Gratz! Im stuck in diamond but I dont mind at all. I think I posted here before, but to all: Drunkasarous 698 :thumbsup:
  9. Everyone else, of course. Ebaums. Always the scapegoat. So, if protesting piracy leads to absurd regulations, the logical scapegoat to attack instead of the pirates themselves is... A guy that was famously caught infringing copyrights? Sure, why not? Although I do believe that Ebaums is used because it can actually be passed as believable, but I have a feeling some sort of "for t3h lulz" motive is there too.
  10. Everyone else, of course. Ebaums. Always the scapegoat.
  11. Herd about this when it first started. Same time as when watchmovies also went down(the most recent time lol) Meh. Everyone who knows what theyre doing has moved on already.
  12. Fell in love once again, all over again.
  13. It seems like many people cant get past the login screen right now. Is anyone else having the same problems? EDIT: BTW TheZion char code 115 :) UNITED STATESSSSSSSSS
  14. I dont think so. Anon doesn't have a motive to attack Facebook so why would they? Mine has been slow since I started college so im used to it anyways. On topic, im shocked. I havnt seen "The Chans" this organized since the Boxxy debacle. Im actually excited, maybe its worth lurking in once again.
  15. I always felt that Ahrim was weak to melee more than he was range but idk.
  16. Musa Point is part of Karamja, its the free to play area. :)
  17. Sy is muchos right here. There really is no way to get "quick and easy junk", If you want to sell that mask for street price your going to have to work your ass off to do so.
  18. When I barrows my inventory is this House Tabs, Dds, Whip, Shovel Rune Def, P Pot, P Pot, P Pot Rest Monkfish. Pray Dh, Karil, and Ahrim. Piety + Prot prayer vs Karil and Ahrim. I sally ALL the melee brothers, and use 2 specials on both Karil and Ahrim, then swap to whip. If I have either Karil tunnel I use all 4 on Ahrim. And the order I kill them is Dharok, Karil, Ahrim, Verac, Torag, Guthan. Bank between every chest.
  19. I vota Taskstaa for Str3ngthz under the pking section. Dude used to pk in a party hat if I remember correctly.
  20. I second that. :blink: He would like a drop box by the dock on Karamja as he feels it would benefit F2P players.
  21. I randomly appeared sometime in '06, but I dont really consider myself old school. Im kinda in the middle between the newer guys and the old school players. I dont see the point in attemptingto show off your "old school", what really counts is the attitudes of the players. Id take a mature player whos low leveled any not been playing long over an ass of a player from 2001
  22. I'm pretty sure Jagex put a guy on the island who turns all your raw lobsters into Certs .. uh, notes for you :) EDIT: Found here Oh, I didnt know this. That certinly makes things much much easier :P
  23. Its a good though but you need to expand really into it. Jagex really cant make a "fish x" or a "chop x" due to the randomness of the skill. And fishing is limited in f2p, Although you can use cabbage rings to bank lobsters from Karamja quickly. I personally think both skills are fine, in both f2p and p2p. I bit more supporting arguments might help this thread though, this isnt rsof where people make 2 line threads. Feel free to use as much space as you'd like. Do you have any specific suggestions that you think could help keep fishing / wc a skill you would like to train? ^^ Inb4peopleflamingthenewguy Oh, and Welcome to TIF :)
  24. Herb, to attempt to profit.
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