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Everything posted by Dr_Vermin

  1. I'm going to be training rc, all 10 hours. I've already got supplys of everything in my bank, at the top right of the first tab for ease of access. Summoning pots too, so I don't have to waste time going to an obelisk. I'm going to spend a few days before it starts practicing rcing, to make sure I get the best possible exp/hr. When the weekend starts, my character is going to be at the ZMI altar, with salt-water sping effect, ready to craft. I'm even going to go dungeoneering to get a random shortly before, so it'll be a while before they bother me.
  2. If I started playing as a new player now, I'm sure I would find RS more fun than I did when I started playing in 2003. Now there's more skills, additions to existing skills, more quests, tons more minigames, more bosses, more music (although quality still isn't great), tons more combat options etc
  3. Since gravestones now last up to 15 mins and cost no prayer points to bless, I'lll simply bless every gravestone I see. There isn't a single place in the game that can't be reached in 15 mins, so it's not like I'm going to loot anything either way. Waiting around for stuff to become visible is just a waste of my time.
  4. I rarely key these days and have 90 range + mage, so I'd go for pure melee dps: hood, p2h, blood neck, gold presicion bracelet. (With 95 att and prom 2h, gold precision will probbaly help me more than gloves/boots) And for keying, I don't see any reason to bind b axe: simply use tank ring and wield a shield for the whole floor, switching to 2h if you need to fight. Either gath or bserk on quickswitch.
  5. Onyx(i) might be better against waterfiends, since it gives crush att bonus, range and mage def bonus. Berserker(i) would still be better for maxed players with cmaul, but for someone with 80-90 stats, no unicorn and zs/ss, the exra att/def bonuses of onyx might be worth it.
  6. Is catching all the jadinkos every week, for the weekly bonuses and boosts, worth the time? I'm currently training hunter, on common and draconic jadinkos. If I do get booosts from the habitat, I use them all on hunter. I'm only interested in maximising hunter exp/hr, as I already have tons of juju hunter/ scentless/ farming pots.
  7. On the subject of pro-teams - does anyone know how I can join one? I tried to create and recruit a team on RS forums, but I got no useful responses after a week so I gave up on that method. I use the 3bo clan atm and can quite easily key a floor under 30 mins, but having a perm team would save on recruitment time.
  8. Nice thread. I didn't know that leather armour took a short time to make - I had always assumed that cutting the logs, fletching, laying traps and crafting the armour would take ages. But if logs can be found and most of the steps can be done between attacks, I guess it would hardly take any time. There's one issue where I'm not certain which is technically better - fishing & making armour, or clearing for level mod? (when there's nothing else to do ofc) Clearing for an extra 1-2 % exp does give you more exp/hr (assuming it doesnt take all your pray and food), whereas extra food is mostly unnecessary. However, in the unlikely event that extra food is needed, due to 5 mercs in a row or something, having a few pieces of raw food already at base is a huge help that saves a lot of time. People say that fishing is never needed, but I would argue that it's sometimes needed, just extremely rarely (maybe 1 in 50-100 floors, with a decent team).
  9. The ability to THROW WAVES OF FIRE. And a lifetime supply of fire surge runes.
  10. The point of this thread is to find the absolute fastest exp possible in a skill, regardless of practicality or expense. That means the fastest runecrafting experience is using blood talismans and tiaras to make blood tiaras, using the abyss. You can make 27 per trip with a pack yak, keeping 4 spaces open for pouches which you would use to craft runes. That's about 1732.5 exp per trip whereas just making runes is 682.5 exp. Thinking about it, nature talismans at the nature altar might be even faster. A full load of runes at the altar is 486 exp using pouches, using pouches and tiaras would bring that up to 810 exp per trip. EDIT: actually, this might not be all that fast. If it takes as much time to make an enchanted tiara as it does to craft runes, it probably wouldn't be the fastest method.
  11. Blackjacking menaphite thugs is the fastest thieving exp.
  12. What makes me different? I currently have over 10m LESS total exp than anyone else with the same total lvl. Normally it's about 5m exp less. I'm also going to get 2000 total lvl before any of skills go into the 90s.
  13. It's worth picking up javelins because you can sell them to the shop on the Void Knight Outpost for a good price. I think it's ~100gp for rune and ~60gp for addy (not sure of those prices), at it's very lowest. A potential 3k drop from steel or black dragons, easily worth picking up.
  14. I see where the author is coming from. I see no point or benefit in getting 13.5m exp in a skill, any more than I see any point in getting 200m exp in a skill. The 3.5m exp or 2m exp needed for 85 or 80 in a skill is more than enough for me. Check my hiscores if you don't believe me: 85 att str def mine smith agil thieve, and soon to be 80 fire wc fish fletch cook. Once I've reached those goals, I will NEVER be training those skills again. Anyway, getting 80 in a skill is freaking HARD. I've been fishing for over a week and still only gone from 72 to 77 fishing. How anyone can train fishing or woodcitting to 99 is beyond me.
  15. From what I've seen, I think Jagex appreciates f2pers even if there would be no chance of them becoming p2pers. Sure, they wont invest much time or customer service, but I'm sure Jagex sees the free players as more than just potential members.
  16. An easy and 'clever' thing to say, but a quick glance at recent updates and Jagex's overall behaivoir and attitude towards f2p will show this is simply not the case. I don't think I need to list the reasons why.
  17. I think people are being too harsh on Jagex here. It doesn't seem like they recorded how many time people clicked on the penguin, so they don't really have any way of telling who abused the bug. I've seen people suggesting that all exp gained from the penguins that day be removed, which would be a great idea, if Jagex could tell how much of a players exp was from the exp they gained from a specific task or reward. And I'm fairly certain they can't. Jagex don't know whether I got my mining exp from iron or coal. The only way they can tell who abused this bug is to look at who was there that day and how much exp people gained, which could be anything from super easy to practically impossible depending on how easy it is for them to access that kind of information, or if they record that kind of stuff at all.
  18. I don't have any pics, but I've run into Zezima and Lucipher6 a few times. Me and Lucipher6 had the same home world, so I kept running into him when he was getting 99 agility and runecrafting.
  19. I've thought about this a bit more, and I think I have an answer to the following question: 1)Is there any situation where torso is the best body to use (disregarding bandos)? One argument to this is that for offense proselyte is better, and for defense rune is better, so there is no scenario where the torso is the best thing to wear. Let's consider the scenarios: If you're training with prayer potions and offensive prayers, proselyte is better for offense. You could wear the torso and still use prayer, but your prayer would drain far more quickly, causing you to drink more prayer pots. And no-ones time is worth that much, by several orders of magnitude. If you're training without prayer potions, proselyte is still better since you can still use offensive prayers. Once you run out of prayer points, or if you have none to begin with, the torso becomes the best body for training quickly If you are fighting an enemy which has a decent chance of killing you, the torso in inferior to both rune and proselyte If you are playing a minigame where all that matters is offense, and prayer points can easily be replenished (think taking down the flag holder in c-wars, or pest control) the best option is to use the torso as well as prayers. Prayer is free and replensihed in these minigames, meaning proselyte is not superior So there are situations where the +4 strength of the torso makes it the best body to wear despite it's lack of prayer and defensive bonuses. Of course, this doesn't address the actual subject of this thread, 2) is obtaining the torso for these situations an efficient use of time? The answer to this depends on which definition of efficient we use. If we only consider money, exp and time as resources to be maximised or minimised, then it isn't. If we also consider 'fun' as a factor to be maximised, then whether or not obtaining the torso is worth it depends entirely upon the individual player.
  20. OH... MY... GOD... :shock: I've read every post on this thread, and it's physically painful. Are any of you listening to each other? Here we have have two groups of people arguing two slightly different points, with the result that a satisfying conclusion cannot be reached. The people stating that torso isn't worth it are claiming that EVEN IF IT DIDN'T TAKE ANY TIME, MONEY OR RESOURCES TO GET, IT WOULDN'T BE WORTH GETTING. To which the poeple who believe the torso is a useful item raise the counteragument that THEY DON'T MIND HOW LONG IT TAKES TO GET THE TORSO, because they enjoy BA, so they disregard the exp, money and resources they could have gotten in the time they spent obtaining the torso. :wall: See the problem here? If the torso isn't better than other platebodies, then it isn't worth getting for combat no matter how much you like BA. It's only use is for looks, or to show off etc. If the torso is better than other platebodies, then it is only worth obtaining if you like playing BA, in which case you can disregard the time spent taken to get it (this is a game after all), or if you plan on using it to train for incredible amounts of time.
  21. I've never understood this obsession with skillcapes. I wouldn't consider getting 13m exp in a skill any more than I would consider 200m exp. They are both completely arbitrary numbers, and I've never felt obligated to train that high just because Jagex stops the levelling system there. Getting the 3.5m exp to get 85 is hard enough, so I stop there. It's exactly a quarter of the experience for 99, and many skills stop there in terms of rewards, so it feels right. Currently 85 mining, smithing, agility, thieving and getting 85 att str def and range, and after that i don't intend on training those skills any further.
  22. I know it isn't an item, but the lvl 66 spell vulnerability is underrated. It costs less than 300gp to cast, and works a treat against metal dragons. The runes only take 2 inventory slots if you use mud runes or staff, and since metal dragons are weak against magic it ususally hits if you take off a couple of pieces of armour (for mage bonus)
  23. Dragon armour is useless because it is too expensive for its stats, and it is too expensive because it can only be obtained as a rare drop from monsters that are too powerful. There's a fairly simple way for Jagex to revive dragon armour: take all the dragon from everyones' bank, and give them the GE price in return. Then make a shop that sells all the dragon armour for something reasonable, like 500k for chain and 1m for plate. Then dragon would finally be useful for what it was meant for: an upgrade to rune to be used in combat.
  24. Firemaking is actually one of the more useful skills to have. Consider fletching, smithing, herblore, crafting and cooking. Those skills are truly useless. You can sell the raw material and buy the finished product, making a profit. The only reason to train them is for quests or total levels. Firemaking may not have many uses, but the uses it does have are untradeable; you can't trade lit lanterns or mining helms, and you can't use the assist system for shade and vyrewatch burning or for lighting the beacons.
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