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Everything posted by Beethovens29

  1. my pants fall off Why is this not a smart question?
  2. pro: the suck up aliens and pull apart their molecular structure so they won't kill us. and black holes are far away con:if we were near one, we would experience the same thing the alien expirenced a piece of dust on the floor
  3. wrong, pixels are the smallest thing on the computer screen This game is cool.
  4. speedoflight^2, or a very big number What are your parents made of?
  5. November 2nd....hmmmmm there seems to be other ppl there too
  6. people would not be able to communicate with others and we wouldn't be playing this game to relieve our boredom. books(no im not a nerd :geek: )
  7. I want to be in the tournament to, but idk how to figure out my friend code lmao....
  8. Now before you say,"OMFG you noob, jagex isn't making skill capes f2p!!!" just read on. Now as you all now, skill capes are loved upon by many runescapers. But unfortunately, it is p2p. But what about those player who worked hard for a 99 skill, but are strictly unable to get membership? Well, knowing that members would be mad at jagex and f2p people for having skillcapes become a nonmember item, I have come up with a compromise. While still having the traditional skill capes for p2p, why not have jagex come up with a simpler cape which looks like a wilderness cape with the skill icon on the back. Yes it is simple, but at least f2p people will be able to show off their 99 stat. Now, p2p people do still get the advantage because of a fancier design cape, but now, f2p people get to show off their 99 stat. And also to keep members to have their advantage they pay for, you can only get these capes from the same person that gives away the traditional skill capes, meaning f2p can get:woodcutting, hitpoints, runecrafting, crafting, prayer, defence, mining, cooking, and smithing. Being that the traditional skill cape is 99k, this cape will be a smaller price of 90k. Here is "estimate" of how I imagine the cape to look. Thanks to Hawkxs (Hawk0078) for a new better looking version of this idea. Thanks to Gamertjecool for a more expanded and realistic version of how jagex might put it. As i stated b4, jagex has made it clear that they are not making the traditional skill capes f2p, so that is why i have stated this compromise to make a simpler looking cape that still shows off an f2p's 99 stat without taking away the advantage that members are paying for. =) List of Supporters(I take "good idea! i like it! etc. as a supporter") -beethovens29(me) -shooterbob7 -she507 -eimux* -heehee111 -packman9898 -Zaaps1 -tiigon -allisgreat -highlanders -anim7 -prankster_king -bloodargon -gamertjecool -xcentrik -dsavi_x4 -atronic92 -ilovetopk -killerred005* -moonshadow(olympiana) -snowball* -ddraiggoch06* -magma guard3 -mervinator 9 -zdarkdoom -nje03 (tip.it moderator) =D> -hawkxs (hawk0078) -soul crushor -dragon keeper -mattjosh120 -killy the kid(killy da kid) -jimmyw3000 -reaper88888888 -iamthechamp(iamthe champ) -lightshayde -db300 -fast993* *means does not support entire idea, but supports different aspects of it or they wish to take or add a different aspect to the idea
  9. The obsidian cape shows through when sitting on the throne. The room and table have been updated with the new graphics, but the npc's havn't. ...and of course i didn't forget the culinoromancer The bridge to Castle Wars is missing!!!
  10. Well, as I was in the wilderness by the ruins, i spotted that there where some creepy skeletons and skulls. The voices seemed to come from around this area. I looked closely at the skeletons, and i realized something... This skeleton seem to be able to sit up even though its dead. The other skeleton is lying flay, so shouldn't the white skeleton do so to? These skeletons have 2 heads, and that's what the voice said when i took the picture. This skeleton has 3 heads, and that's what the voice said when i took the picture.
  11. ok, so im background!!! yay lol and same thing as that other guy, as long as i dnt hav 2 say the he## word, ill be background.
  12. I looked through your random event guide, and I know of one random event that was not listed. While woodcutting, sometimes a nest will fall of the tree containing either possible a type of ring or a type of seed. This random event should go in the woodcutting section of the random event guide. I looked in the woodcutting guide, and in fact it was noted there. But i feel that it should also be noted in the random event guide being that it is an event, which can happen to any player randomly.
  13. I say just put everything on the same picture, wether it be the old detail b4 the new graphics, or new graphics, or hd. It seems like simpler work to just put all of those together.
  14. This glitch is obviously in fally. The object floating in the air where i boxed in with red paint, is the corner part of the roof of that building.
  15. i like the new graphics, but there is a lot of lag. I also like what they did to the emotes!!!
  16. 12,541......i have participated alot in this forum count, we need more help...... We aren't even half way...
  17. i support, i hate having to take something out, when my entire bank is organized, then i hav to re arrange everything when i put it back
  18. wtf? ummmmmm im geussing its not suppose to be what many ppl would think it is...... Im geussing its not human either since it said male/female instead of man/woman or boy/girl. So its probably a different organism who yelled run in whatever languqage that organism speaks. possibly an animal, or something something....
  19. I'll smash that poke-ball into tiny peices
  20. Because they're dumb Why is their no meaning to life?
  21. You don't need to prove that statement wrong inorder to continue the game being that anyone can put whatever answer they want and not care if that answer is disagreeing with the statement, as long as the next person posts another statement that must be proven wrong, it doesn't matter anymore if your statement was in fact proven right because no one cares........ Proving this statement wrong will cause you to die.
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