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Everything posted by Tim_Tam_Tan_Tien

  1. Not many people will tell you what they merchant since it would ruin their business if everyone started doing it... 100k is not a feasable ammount to start merchanting with unless you want to make like 5k profit each time. Try skilling and getting a larger ammount of money before you start.
  2. Pretty sure Wc3 was released before WoW...But its great fun, and i play it online. Its good because people make custom maps so theres a huge variety of games to join...My advice is make a friend who can host DoTA ( defense of the ancients ) imo the best game there but they often dont let newbies join. And for Wii i would say mariokart or Wario Ware : smooth moves. Such a random game....but not much replayability and you get bored pretty quick ( but still fun : )
  3. Im surprised WoW wasnt the top... but football manager games?? sounds like a pretty crappy game to me..
  4. Final fantasy is quality though, ive played for horus on ffxii =P~ Hope they keep up the good work with Kingdom hearts and FF at square enix... Damn it Square Enix, stay the hell away from Disney! Kingdom Hearts series is a pile of cow dung. Rawr! Whats not to love about kingdom hearts? I found it had a pretty unique storyline, and it was pretty cool how they combined it with Disney. I guess it could be better in some ways....But its still awesome.
  5. Final fantasy is quality though, ive played for horus on ffxii =P~ Hope they keep up the good work with Kingdom hearts and FF at square enix... Crash bandicoot games are all the same imo, nothing new about them whatsoever.
  6. I never played diablo again after playing when i was little. I went into a room and crapped my pants as the butcher came running out yelling "Ahh fresh meat!!"....Nightmares for a while back then.
  7. kh 1 and 2 Stupid wraith thingy at the clock tower in kh 1 took me forever! didnt get how to stop the clock... until i accidently targeted it and casted stop ( go figure )
  8. daim, i thought mewtwo was hard to catch... Looks like we require a masterball :-# Pretty funny really, lolled when someone told me about it.
  9. two handed weaponary is generally slower for training, try using a scimitar or longsword, it will be faster than the obby maul and cheaper.
  10. But with the average players stats, how often will you be able to get hits like that? :ugeek: This thread is no about average players stats, it is about if the ags is worth it, and Bruno has obviously proved that it is. ( and what average statted player can afford an ags anyway?)
  11. Love to see them flag runners freezing as they run from me :twisted:
  12. Theres also Armadyl plate, chaps and helm, and bandos chest and tassets. I dont see the relevance of this point.
  13. I don't see anyway that they would introduce the new spells except with access to a whole new spellbook with a range of godspells or something along those lines. The next few master quests will probably revolve around the gods in one way or another, so we might eventually get a new spell....But i still dont understand why you think that this exact spell that this monster uses is going to be created, why dont they create the Jad's meteor attack thingy? Is there any special reason why this exact spell?
  14. Rfd was a nice idea with the subquests thing. Some easier some harder, gives a chance for lower leveled players to give it a go, i would like to see something the same as well :
  15. This isnt a bug, or a suggestion...more of a discussion. You can report spammers for offensive langage, i suggest taking a re-read of the rules. All we can do as players is report them, p-mods can mute etc. Not much else we can do.
  16. I assume your talking about the drop rate of addy bars? You may just be unlucky, although ive heard a few accounts of less than usual drop rates, nothing conclusive though.
  17. Yeah and it was veeeery interesting. What im saying is that, the dragonkin was the feature of the last quest, and bob wasn't involved at all. Why would they suddenly involve him in the sequel?
  18. Hey! I r aussie! At least farmers are sun tanned, buff men as opposed to...pkers.... Anyways, the 3 round system would create more problems than it would solve. It's not our fault that you cant peekay before they run off. Why condemn the lvl 100's, that can be attacked by lvl 138's or whatever the level gap is, to die without having a chance to run?
  19. Its annoying if someone writes in many different colours and become pretty hard to read.. As for spelling, its not usually the fault of the poster, they either do not realise they sound like a 2 week old baby or they are foreign and cannot speak/type english very well..
  20. Theres obviously going to be more grandmaster quests, the question is, When will they be released, will they all conform to the dragonkin story or will they become a separate storyline altogether. I doubt bob will be a large part in the quest, he wasn't a large part in while guthix sleeps so why would he be any larger in the sequel?
  21. The warhammer would look similar to the mace...so id rather not have that soon. Kite would complete the set but again its not needd really.. Id rather like to see a dragon pickaxe, miners are getting the short end of the stick at the moment.
  22. As you can see, the examines relate to the characters from Hamlet, i knew that english wasnt a waste of time! Just an interesting shot i found :
  23. Woah! Jagex cares about their players?! * Grabs photo and posts on ebay, selling for millions * Now that thas over....im surprised that they messaged you at all, since their customer support is terrible after all...
  24. [hide=Quote] HURR DURR rs2 used to be a mages game, then a rangers game, now melee our time has come and your time has passed, get out the way while i grind 4 cash [/hide] that gave me a laugh :twss: But seriously if the other combat skills were any more powered up then they would be uber overpowered. Think of the misamic spells, they reduce your attack speed by 50%, that would totally destroy a person using a godsword.
  25. If you run north doesnt the door that leads to the chalice kick you out if you arent wearing the amulet? Should've takin it off and ran through there.
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