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Everything posted by Bad911

  1. Also, might i like to add. If your F2p, you might as well browse the internet or listen to music while killing them, doesn't take much focus and they don't drop good loot. If your P2p, don't slack off. My friend made millions this way just by collecting the rannars, kwuarms, and other goodies they droped.
  2. How come world 6 is called bandos mass when theres no lootshare Oo.
  3. Barbarian fishing gives agility exp, but slowly.
  4. Got this off google by the way, lol *cough* lazy *cough*
  5. Lol @ green, calm down fool. My eyes slid over his "i know the hilt and stuff" part and just pulled up the quickest thing i could. I'm doing clan event, not much time :roll:
  6. I said 1 person, not 2. You and yourself, only YOU. Test pl0x :D
  7. http://www.tip.it/runescape/index.php?rs2item_id=7067 DIdn't look very hard ;) 80 smithing
  8. Lol, maybe you can do it with one person, just go to an empty world =)
  9. Might as well paint a target on friends eh? People who don't like item lenders will start making fun of lenders: "nub, at least i have my own sword, you have to borrow yours" etc.... And why make it ghostly ;) Make it purple or something.
  10. naw, i go with masses. one or two ppl get all the drops, then once some1 gets bandos item, my ls points go up. after a week or so, i start getting tiems. then, well, i got a pl8 drop. : I dont get bandos mass, you guys all go to one clan and put ls on?
  11. One quick question, were you soloing bandos?! :o
  12. Lol, its really not that hard, get mithril bolts, your best range armor/bonus attack, and sharks. Pound them.
  13. Easiest: Guthans Medium: Sharks w/ range equip Hard Core!: Sara brews and diamond (e)'s
  14. Lol, i think its 2. I just went to a empty world and went in, there was a level 45 doing it all by himself :lol:
  15. Idk, finger type? Lol Hit numlock off if you have a laptop? Good luck? ;)
  16. Two words: Junk Trade
  17. He shouldn't do that, he doesn't have 60 yet, means he can't make mithril bolts and he can't use the anvils there. Don't do blast furnance until you hit 60, then its really fast, Because your smelting and smithing at the same time. The "smelting" is even done by a machine, and by the time you smith all the bolts, you already have another batch.
  18. noooooooooo, just don't put it on rares, you never know. Put it on air runes for lowest. I mean, even if you manage to buy any, they sell instantly at med, so its pretty much slow investment. Not very many people even think about selling for lowest on airs, it just doesn't happen, only the ones that are desperate for fast cash.
  19. Went to ask the locals under edgeville. [hide=Says it all.]So, wtf Jagex? [/hide]
  20. Ok, so the item database says i can only get them from: A. Observatory Quest B. Drop from Chaos Druids Now, i've killed over like 500 of these druids and still no go. I went back to the professor and i checked all "talk" options. Is there any other way to get the Unholy Mould? I don't even know if its tradable anymore, i checked the Grand Exchange and there was no item called Unholy Mould. My friend says hes gotten tons of unholy moulds (fibber? ;) ) and he just drops them..... So uhm, any advice will help here.
  21. This would probably make a huge inbalance in F2p. Rich get richer, poor get poorer. The F2p rich people would be the only one to actually be able to buy it, giving them increased advantages in BH, Fog, monster killing. I don't think dragon should be released to F2p, i think something like "Rune Armor w/ [bleep]es" (like the rune berserker) should become a new "set" in F2p. I mean, no p2p is gonna buy a "rune armor [bleep]e set" because dragon and barrows to a p2p, is what rune is to a f2p. Affordable, but you gotta work for it. The new "Rune Armor w/ [bleep]es" could be introduced in many ways, a quest, a minigame, etc. Point is, Jagex wont have to change anything and it'll 'up the antie' in F2p and make them happier. Although, i seriously think that F2p need more weapons. The max damage for a F2p weapon is pathetic, no way to K0 high levels in BH and its...pointless really. So uhm, i just thought this off the top of my head, have fun reading? ;)
  22. [hide=Brine Vs. RuneScimitar]Top is brine, bottom is Rune Scimitar [/hide] Brine is ftw, only around 1k more.
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