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Everything posted by tard53

  1. i know thats why its there so if you make a mistake, you HAVE to use it or cancel the order and start over from 0. OR if you use my suggestion you DONT HAVE to use the ... button
  2. KABOOM What is your favorite color
  3. they all trip and fall. Oops
  4. this idea is ownage they should really put it into the game.
  5. Yes, what would happen to them. That wouldnt be too fair if only the top 10 gets exp and the others dont. No support
  6. d skimmy is my favorite. I personally think it is the better weapon.
  7. bots are bad!!!!!! DEATH TO THE BOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. i agree mods these days are out of control! :shame:
  9. are you stupid or sumthin?
  10. tard53


    Then YOU get sucked into a black hole. i own myself
  11. oh i dont know? why not twelve tenn and tenteen and why not twentyteen? why are there so many smileys? :thumbdown: :thumbup: :ohnoes: \ : :thumbsup: -.- :-# :D :) ;) :( :o :shock: :? 8-) :lol: :x :P
  12. if you want to what did you pour in your toilit?
  13. 0 i will eat them all. why is runescape called runescape?
  14. massachusetts ftw!!!!!!!
  15. isnt it supposed to concern you?
  16. support ftw! this looks pretty good but i think you should make the onyx be a bit better for its special. but nice idea! :thumbsup:
  17. keep it cuz if it was optional when i joined i would have probably skipped over it and i would have been SO lost in the game and have no clue what to do. Also, the dang bots would just skip over this to do their bot buisiness. :thumbdown:
  18. stop making little exuces just so that non mems could have the dragon items. If your a high enough level for them and not members.... pay the 5 dollars. wow. -.- :thumbdown:
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