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Everything posted by dusky

  1. The world will end on the 21st, not the 31st
  2. No pking..lol thats about it :^o
  3. no life, the only way to do anything in runescape worth while
  4. 76king isn't the only problem. It's pvp in general, the reason is because the value of the drop ofter exceeds what the other player was risking.
  5. once i got saradomin braces but i was a noob so some high level bought for 75k cuz i didnt know how much it was worth :wall:
  6. runescape has tought me to trust no one...
  7. Imo its pretty lame how jagex chooses players to police others
  8. this forum can be just as bad sometimes, but in a different way.
  9. I think runescape used to be better, but jagex has returned it to as best as possible with out letting rwt start up again.
  10. bounty hunter didnt come out 1 year and a half ago.
  11. ever since they got rid of free trade i found people have gotten nicer(or just all the mean people quit)
  12. it seems people say pretty much everything is bad for you now a days so...meh
  13. My first and only dragon drop was d med from fire giants -.-
  14. i think guthans is going down because of the bunyip
  15. This isnt a change at all, 3 years ago that type of stuff was way more common
  16. maybe, but wouldnt it be kinda lame if there was only 1 god in runescape? :P
  17. nope, but i know a guy who dropped out of high school to play :|
  18. When i said godsword I meant godswords in general. Keep in mind prices dont drop insatantly.
  19. Thanks for posting that fishy :
  20. I would say just a typo, they usually dont give hints about a new skill this early. nice find anyways :P
  21. Well, title is pretty self explanatory. Let me give a few examples on how item lending will lead to price drops. 1#:someone wants to their wc up, so they borrow a friends dragon axe rather than buying one. 2#:someone wants to finish a slayer task quickly, he borrows a godsword for the slayer task rather than buying one for a long time. 3#:someone needs to do something hard for a quest or something.Rather than saving up for good armour he borrows some good armour from a friend for an hour or two. I hope jagex re-thinks item lending when the notice what will happen. sincerey, Dusky 830
  22. I think alot of items will lose alot of value because of this item lending.
  23. It would be good if u good store seeds at the tool leprechaun
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