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Everything posted by EarthySun

  1. Interestingly enough, space can't exist without time and time can't exist without space. Therefor, it's actually space-time.
  2. If he only sold weed I can imagine that he wasn't all that dangerous.
  3. Everyone I know says to get an Xbox, but I don't want the Red Ring of Death (which happens in at least 30% of Xbox 360's), I don't want to pay the monthly fee (I know, I'm cheap, but I would have to pay for it myself), and I don't want to drop a good $300 to get another console. I'm getting a new desktop computer soon (I'm buying the parts and my friend and I are putting it together, should be really good for the $1200 I spent on parts), so I figured CoD would run pretty damned smoothly on that thing. I figured my computer would get way less lag than my PS3. Plus I hate the Xbox controller. Any way to get a controller ported so that I can use a PS3 controller on a 360? I could always save up with my brothers for it and use relatives' gift money for Live. :\ But that's if I decide not to game on my PC. The way Cod runs on a computer isnt completely dependant on your computer, its the cod servers. Treyarch especially tends to have verryyy bad servers. And the new xboxs (whisper quiet or w/e) are supposed to be RROD proof. I havnt heard of a single one getting it, and they've been out for how long now? 5 or 6 months I think. And to afford it, just trade in your PS3. A ps3 should fetch you a used, new edition xbox, enough leftover for a couple games and a year xbox live card ($59.99 USD). And the controller, MadCatz makes an xbox controller verryy similar to the PS3 controller. There is also a bunch of different versions of the xbox controller. Just mess around and see what you like. Hopefully you'll get it figured out. haha I can't exactly sell the PS3 because that would be problematic. I'm a triplet, so I pretty much have to share it with my brothers. :\ We're all almost seventeen, but I'm the only one with a job (recently acquired, by the way, so I haven't saved up a whole lot of money yet). We also already have a lot of games for the PS3. :\
  4. From my knowledge, AoE grinding has always been a thing for Warlocks, Paladins and Mages. Now with the Felstorm and Hand of Gul'Dan (probably spelled that wrong) and Hellfire while moving its more common for Warlocks to be at it. Frost Mages have always been the kings of the AoE grind though;) When I was leveling my Prot pally in WotLK (around 3.1 or so), I could take up to thirty mobs at one time if they were all melee. The key was getting as many as you could at one time and heal yourself when low. I never ran out of mana because of all the blocking with Holy Shield, and because of how many mobs I had. :)
  5. That's a bad idea, always go alone and never tell people you know. Family and friends will look down at you and will lose their trust for you if they know you steal and can be used as evidence against you in court. The most I've ever stolen before is a book out of Barnes & Noble. Good book, but that was essentially the only thing I've ever stolen before (and most likely the only thing that I will steal besides music). Also: 1) Steal alone, because you don't want others to get in trouble if you get caught 2) It's actually much easier to get caught in larger establishments because they usually have higher security. You can steal from things like gas stations or smaller stores owned by big chains simply because they have blind spots to their cameras and/or they don't always have the tag-sensing thing. There's actually a game store at our local mall that doesn't have the tag-sensing things, so it would actually be ridiculously easy to steal from there -- the only problem is that the store employees watch you all the time. 3) Don't dress sketchily. Just don't wear baggy clothing and attempt to steal small things. If you can, dress nicely but have a coat to wear -- it helps if you steal when it's either cold or raining out. 4) Stay away from places that sell very expensive things (i.e., Best Buy), because they will have higher security as well. It's best to steal from places that have a mix of very cheap items and moderately-expensive items. 5) Stealing is bad, mmk.
  6. In America, it's ridiculously hard to get any of your college tuition paid for. You can apply for scholarships, but unless you have absolutely perfect grades or are of a non-white race, you won't get anything major. Most people pay with a combination of student loans and working to pay through the debt. You can get a government grant, but that's essentially a loan since you have to pay it back. Sure, you can fill out a form for financial aid, but that includes the money that both your parents made and the money that you could make working full time -- thusly, they say that your family can "afford" to pay for much, much, much more than they actually could. If you go to a college aid office at your university, everybody will essentially lie to you in order to make the most money for the college. I think it's a shame that university in America is turning into just another money-making, strictly-business enterprise. The costs are far higher than necessary, and the schools will do anything to keep them that way or higher.
  7. EarthySun


    I'm about to start up on Paxil for depression (which my brother is already on), and I've been wondering if any other TIFers are taking any medications for various problems. If so (and I don't care if it's legal or illegal), what are you taking for it? Also, what do you think about the medical system/facilities in your country?
  8. Everyone I know says to get an Xbox, but I don't want the Red Ring of Death (which happens in at least 30% of Xbox 360's), I don't want to pay the monthly fee (I know, I'm cheap, but I would have to pay for it myself), and I don't want to drop a good $300 to get another console. I'm getting a new desktop computer soon (I'm buying the parts and my friend and I are putting it together, should be really good for the $1200 I spent on parts), so I figured CoD would run pretty damned smoothly on that thing. I figured my computer would get way less lag than my PS3. Plus I hate the Xbox controller. Any way to get a controller ported so that I can use a PS3 controller on a 360? I could always save up with my brothers for it and use relatives' gift money for Live. :\ But that's if I decide not to game on my PC.
  9. I haven't lost or gained much weight recently. I also don't see how you can explain them when they're directly on my shoulder blades. O_o
  10. The [cabbage] under your eyes is a dairy allergy, I have the same thing. Well, actually I have Candidasis butstill, that's definitely at least partly from a dairy allergy. Edit: Army, me too. Well, I feel the need to steal, but I do it more as getting back at someone. So I don't see the point at stealing from stores, but I get into peoples [cabbage] that I hate and just stealing [cabbage] to [bleep] with em. Dairy allergy? O_o I've had no other symptoms to that at all, plus nobody in my family (ever) has had that. You sure?
  11. I've been browsing TIF since 2005, but I only signed up on this account in 2007 or 2008. I had another account, but I forgot the password to it (only made about 50 posts on it, so meh).
  12. Yeah you don't want to play the PC version if your goal is to get away from issues. What issues do you have on the PC version? I'm having an absolute crapton of lag on the PS3 (clearly, it's so bad that I'm willing to buy the PC version of the game).
  13. I've been practicing German and Spanish while ignoring Chemistry. :thumbup:
  14. Does anyone else here think that the Attack Dogs killstreak is ridiculous? I saw someone get fifteen kills from it alone. O_o You can't really stop the attack dogs, no sir. I mean, you can shoot them, but then more will just come after you -- and even then, that's leaving yourself open to another player attacking you (it's happened to me before). Also, I'm thinking of switching from PS3 to PC because of the incredible lag (one bar connection) I get on my PS3. What do you guys think of the differences between the two? I'm already pro as hell at WoW PvP as a hunter, so I'm sure that learning the ropes on CoD PC shouldn't be too hard. Are there any major issues on either one that are exclusive to that console?
  15. I have an 80 druid, and 80 hunter, a 75 pally, and a 70 rogue. Should I bother with hunter PvP? From what I hear, it's awful, and I really don't want to start leveling or even buy the game until they get fixed. Any respectable hunter PvPers out there (1800+) want to offer an opinion?
  16. Tips. :evil: They're like interest on food. Personally, I don't tip delivery people here. The place I get my pizza from charges a three dollar delivery fee, so in reality, no tip is necessary. Even if there weren't a delivery fee, I still wouldn't pay them -- not because I don't respect them for being paid to drive to my house, but because I'm not forced to tip them. Pizza is pizza, and I really don't care if the person who delivers it doesn't like me.
  17. I keep getting confused ever since you changed your name from a_local_guy.

  18. THAT'S [cabbage] AND YOU KNOW IT@ FROM WHERE I'M SITTING IT'S GRAYISH PURPLE WITH YELLOW PATCHES STICKING OUT@! ARE YOU BLIND, STUPID, AND UGLY ALL AT THE SAME TIME MY GOOD MAN? Now that I've summarized every argument that OT has ever had, let's all go to forum games. :razz: I lol'd. :lol:
  19. I have to thank you. Today at school we had to do mock state testing and the prompt for the essay was "Write about a time when you helped someone." I used your post and made up a 2 and a half page story about finding some homeless guy and buying him food. Thanks Serpent Edit: This was Friday, not today. We had a mock standardized exam. I was forced to take one on Biology (almost three years after my last Bio class, I might add). I didn't know anything, so I filled in random answers. On the essay, I traced a deer that was on the other side of the page. All in all, good day. I'm pretty sure that wasting two hours after school to be forced to take that exam (and then not complaining) was a nice enough act in itself.
  20. The distribution of the file costs them absolutely nothing, but since nobody is paying for it they're losing potential dollars. Personally, I think music costs far too much currently, and I'd actually buy it if it cost around $0.49 or so per song.
  21. Fixed. OT: I had a snow today today and yesterday.
  22. And your source on this is? I agree it is a possibility it's just a smear campaign but it is possible it's legitimate as well. It would all really depend on how long ago the supposed rape occurred. If it was a long time ago (a month or more), then I'd take my chances and say that they were paid off. (That, and how reliable their story is.)
  23. At the very least, they're the countries that we're in conflict with and also most worried about. The European Muslim population is just fine, I'm sure (as a matter of fact, I have three Bosnian friends who are pretty awesome).
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