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Everything posted by EarthySun

  1. The pictures are of different burgers. Clearly, this person is trying to gain "fame" by denouncing a well-known organization. Why is it that the buns aren't rotting, and why are the fries all messed up, and why is the food in a different position, and why do the fries' paper containers have different labels?
  2. EarthySun


    WHERE IS DAS????? Wer ist das? O_o Earthy Sun, danke schön. But also, I don't get what you're saying if it's English (and even in German it makes little sense, so I'll try to interpret that as "What song do you want us to rap, oh creator of worlds?"). I'd prefer the songs "Hit 'Em Up" by Tupac, or "[N-word]s Bleed"/"Juicy" by Biggie Smalls. If you can speak and rap in German, try "Keine Entschuldigung" by Bushido, "Unter der Sonne" by Chakuza, or "Ring Frei" by Chakuza.
  3. EarthySun


    I honestly want to hear someone try and rap. I would if I could. (This counts as my Christmas present if you do it.)
  4. Utorrent, Bittorrent, Pirate Bay. :thumbup:
  5. I would actually like buying music a lot more if it weren't so ridiculously expensive. You'd think that the solution to getting more people to buy your product would be to lower the price, but no.
  6. I think you mean Jesus' only SUN. Just a correction.
  7. That's impossible. The universe would have imploded the minute after your birth out of how badass you are. Actually, my badassery is what keeps the world in check. I live normally by day, and fight crime by night. The universe is kept in balance by my sheer force of will.
  8. What if something happens by accident, and they can't prove otherwise? Would they still be given a sentence, and if so, would their sentence be given accidentally?
  9. I didn't actually think of that, so touché to you. :P I think it would be fairer to charge the cost of the songs you bought, or instead to go after the company that is letting them get the songs.
  10. Hairy or shaved? I would assume shaved. Hairy legs on a chick are nasty.
  11. Personally, I think that the larger the penalty, the less chance there is of crime to happen. I think that the current system is reasonable, but fair (assuming you mean the United States' judicial system). Can you give me an example of something that's punished too harshly?
  12. Some real and famous ENTPs: # Alexander the Great - king, military commander # Alfred Hitchcock - filmmaker # John Adams - American President # Nikola Tesla - inventor, physicist, engineer # Richard Feynman - physicist # Sir Walter Raleigh - writer, poet, explorer # Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt - American President # Thomas Edison - inventor # Walt Disney - filmmaker, entrepreneur # Weird Al Yankovic - musician (satire/parody) I'm pretty sure that I fit the description of all of those rolled into one. Yep, I'm better than all of you, no doubt about it.
  13. Sure. I think my point still stands: It is a much more successful method than the alternative of doing absolutely nothing to discourage crimes and evils. Children who get grounded or spanked or a firm talk usually learn from it and don't repeat the offense. Biologically, animals stay away from activities that lead to negative consequences. People want to reap the benefits of stealing, raping, fighting, etc. but they don't think it's worth getting into the trouble. People act based on self-interest all the time. People tend to want to avoid negative consequences. If somebody breaks into a house and kills the family, and they get killed themselves because of that crime, it has been made more prevalent knowledge that you will suffer a negative consequence if you commit that crime, which discourages that crime. There are some who have no fear of dying or getting caught, which is why you still see crimes occur, but there are also those potential criminals who have reconsidered their thoughts and do not commit the crime purely because of the known consequence. And about performing crimes on criminals (if that's the specific reason why you reiterated yourself), they are not crimes - they are punishments. There is a big difference. I think you may have misread me. I never meant to say that nothing should be done about crimes (now that would be a crime in itself!), but that simply the 'eye for an eye' method is not nearly the most effective at preventing crimes nor punishing them. It may have an amusing ironic twist, say, to know that the rapist in the newspaper would indeed be raped himself. Your method also provides an authentic sense of justice: what could be more fair than having your own crime done to you? However, I think that it wouldn't work very well. I consider the point of punishment to be the prevention of acts that you deem to be criminal. The real catch with the eye-for-an-eye system is that you would need criminals to punish the criminals. Let's go back to the rapist again: he would need someone willing to rape him in order to recieve punishment (and let's not forget lack of a prison term -- he'd be right back out on the streets). You would need a rapist to punish rapists, and a sort of 'it takes one to know one' approach. You would need somebody willing to rape people as his job, but not enjoy doing it, and get satisfaction from knowing that justice was done. Where would you find somebody like that? Sure, you may say, 'Someone killed someone else! Shouldn't they be killed for this action?' Of course not. It all depends on what the scenario was -- let's say it was an accident, but it was caused by a negligible worker. The accident killed somebody, but it wasn't because of malicious intent, hatred, or any sort of thing. Should this 'murderer' be killed, or should be receive a lighter punishment? What happens if you hit somebody with your car because they fell by accident, but it was preventable in the way that you could have swerved the car and only injured yourself but kept that person alive today? I again remind you, there is supposedly no jail term for this, and so people can walk free after they have been punished. If I steal a very, very nice car, and it gets returned in perfect condition, and yet I am poor, should all of my possessions and paycheck get taken away and given to the rich man whom I stole from? I would prefer a jail term to a crippling financial debt equal to student loans. As to everyone acting on self-interest: couldn't someone be framed for committing a crime, and then the accuser receive benefit? Let's say I pay the mafia to steal my car, and it is 'found' in the home of someone else (a non-mafioso). Even if this hoax were revealed, the punishment would be another hoax to be (attempted) to be committed on them.
  14. I think my point still stands: The 'eye for an eye' method is largely unsuccessful in what punishments are designed to do -- keep people from performing crimes. You would need an equal number of people willing to perform crimes on criminals, in ratio to the criminals themselves. Wouldn't that cause an issue? Thoughts from OP and those in favor of the 'eye for an eye' method of punishment?
  15. EarthySun


    Note: I have a cold. D: I was originally going to post this with text to go along with what I was saying. Meh. It is sort of long. http://vocaroo.com/?media=vlu9dIeToSjEpMwsa Edit: It's like three minutes.
  16. Personally, I'm staunchly against illegal immigration to America. We get the blue-collar working class of illegal immigrants that don't pay taxes, somehow vote, get false papers/licenses and drive (often dangerously), and receive all kinds of aid from our government. The money spent on illegal immigrants and "feel good" things (like scholarships that only award money based on race or citizenship) bring down the level of comfort for the rest of society. I have some friends (one from Russia, the other from Brazil) whose parents are both legal immigrants, and they (and their families) have nothing but contempt for illegal immigrants, mostly because illegals have it far easier and broke the law to get to the US. If somebody decided to come and be America's problem, detain them. Send them back. Don't allow them or their children to benefit from what we have to offer.
  17. I really only pirate half the stuff I get. :\ If I can't find it on iTunes or anywhere (German rock and rap music, some good Spanish music), I'll see if I can pirate it. I'll also pirate it if I have no money on my iTunes account.
  18. I would also recommend going for something that sounds good, but not too common. For instance, I was thinking of becoming Andrew Stirling or Andrew Destris or something along those lines. Those have a nice ring to them, while still remaining memorable and professional-sounding. [hide] Though deep down, I have the urge to change my name to Rushmore Strongarm or something. [/hide]
  19. I'm still the only ENTP. :mellow: You people need to start becoming more like me... and to do this, I have prepared some helpful tips. [hide=Earthy-Like Things To Do:] - Eat Honey Smacks cereal every morning for breakfast, with a banana, and possibly toast - Live in the United States - Learn about physics - Speak Spanish moderately well - Play MineCraft and WoW - Decide to draw random things in your spare time - Be an admirer or the "steampunk" theme (British industrial revolution) - Wear skate shoes but never actually skateboard - Solve a Rubix cube - Learn how to create a cube made entirely of paper If you do these, you'll be well on your way. [/hide]
  20. I have an interesting article relating to that. http://www.zimbio.com/Spatial+Awareness+of+Men+Versus+Women/articles/3/can+men+find+their+way+around
  21. I say go for it. I very well might do this as well, considering that my name is Andrew Clifton Cox. I mean, really. :lol: My last name is male genitalia, and my middle name is Clifton. I can see where you're coming from.
  22. Recently, I've been becoming lucid in dreams but then waking up unexpectedly or forgetting that the dream isn't real. It's really annoying. Example: Last night, I suddenly realized that I was dreaming (due to seeing a spirit wolf at my cabin about to take me to another plane of existence, where I would be in a clubhouse with copies of myself), and I looked at my hands (usually, in dreams, your hands are warped). My fingers were about half their usual size, like little stumps, with the exception of my pointer and middle fingers being fused to form this weird skin-lump thing on my hand. I had a achieved a good level of lucidity, and changed the spirit wolf into Batman (success!), but then my brother saw me dreaming from across the road, his head became giant, and began singing a siren song. :( Needless to say, I became entranced, and I forgot I was in a dream. Man, I have some [bleep]ed up dreams. :lol:
  23. Heh, my bad. As you can see, I don't buy music often. :lol:
  24. This is not a good thing for me. I guess I'll just have to ask friends to e-mail me albums and shows and movies that they have instead of getting them from strangers. What I really see as an issue, though, is how much movies, TV shows, and music cost online... digital copies cost absolutely nothing to create. Should I really pay a dollar twenty-five per song?
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