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Everything posted by EarthySun

  1. That's the beauty behind an eye for an eye. A man who thinks stealing is not wrong should not be bothered if others want to steal from him, but this is not the case, therefore he does believe said action is wrong and you are showing that to him. The reason he steals is not because he doesn't consider it immoral - he does it because he lacks the empathy to care. Since it's so fun to quote the Bible in this thread: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. (I'll never understand why some people think an eye for an eye is just masked sadism. It's an educational strategy if you ask me.) I actually think to the contrary. The 'eye for an eye' method is largely unsuccessful in what punishments are designed to do -- keep people from performing crimes. You would need an equal number of people willing to perform crimes on criminals, in ratio to the criminals themselves. Wouldn't that cause an issue?
  2. I have a lot of friends that vandalize (et cetera) on Halloween. My friend Tyler [did something inappropriate] into someone's mailbox. o_o I think I was scarred for life after that.
  3. Some of you have odd taste in women; I'm not gonna lie. I disagree with just about half of this thread.
  4. Apparently, I'm still ENTP. Heh.
  5. Wallet (permit and $4 in it, lol) Phone Pen Change Cigs
  6. Confession: I have only ever seen the first Godfather movie. I'm too lazy to go and watch the others... even though the second one is on Netflix Instant Watch. Am I a bad person? :S
  7. Is it bad that I participated in it after reading the article?
  8. Playing my Rogue, I've noticed that Recuperate is ridiculously awesome. Yay Rogues finally having a heal. : D Also, randomly getting kicked from BGs and getting 'Deserter' sucks hard. =/ And I think it's impossible for my Holy Paladin to lose a duel. It just can't happen. ._o I really don't think Recuperate is that good. So far, I'm either blown up in two hits unless I blow them up first, or I use it on DoTs (which I just wipe clean with Cloak of Shadows). I only really use it if for some reason I got stuck in a Pally's Consecrate or a druid's Thorns, and I'm at 85% health or something. It's meh.
  9. 4.0 just hit, and my rogue's Ambush is critting for 4-5k at level 55. I one-shot DKs... and if they aren't one-shot, Eviscerate kills them. <3 Premed > Shadowstep > Ambush > Eviscerate > Shadowmeld or Vanish
  10. I'm pretty sure they all ate each other.
  11. Projected to be 3.5% of total vehicle sales in 2015: as I far as most people are concerned, it's still a gimmick. http://www.autoblog.com/2009/10/15/study-men-cant-help-but-enjoy-fast-cars-its-that-testostero/ Apparently your testosterone level goes down if you drive a hybrid.
  12. Lol, that's terrible. :lol: It's fun to cheer people up, though, so maybe that's just what you're into...? Ah, the Internets.
  13. Let's hope you're an organ donor. I need a kidney. Not because I actually need a kidney, but because I want a kidney. Hopefully my three kidneys would amalgamate and form a super-kidney.
  14. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure you don't use your eyes or ears while dreaming, you use your brain. Your eyes or ears may not function properly, but your brain may still be able to form images or sounds. There's even that whole blind prophet archetype for this kind of thing. To the philosophythreadmobile! But if your brain has never heard a sound/seen an image, how can it repeat it in a dream? The real issue here is what you're all perceiving as a language barrier between a deaf person thinking or hearing, and a blind person visualizing. Blind people (assuming they're blind from birth) will have absolutely no perception of anything visual, because their brain has an undeveloped optic nerve. Deaf people (assuming they're deaf from birth) will simply experience language differently than as we perceive it (in thought). They'll think without words, but still get meaning. We know they can think, but we're trying to imagine what it'd be like to think if you can't hear a language, basically. Meaning without pronunciation of words.
  15. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure you don't use your eyes or ears while dreaming, you use your brain. Your eyes or ears may not function properly, but your brain may still be able to form images or sounds. There's even that whole blind prophet archetype for this kind of thing. To the philosophythreadmobile! But if your brain has never heard a sound/seen an image, how can it repeat it in a dream? The real issue here is what you're all perceiving as a language barrier between a deaf person thinking or hearing, and a blind person visualizing. Blind people (assuming they're blind from birth) will have absolutely no perception of anything visual, because their brain has an undeveloped optic nerve. Deaf people (assuming they're deaf from birth) will simply experience language differently than as we perceive it (in thought). They'll think without words, but still get meaning.
  16. That game will chew you up and spit you out. All I see in my future is major nerdness. I already have like a 53 hunter or something. I wreck folks on my hunter. I have an 80 hunter, pally, and druid, and currently have a 52 rogue that I'm leveling. Do PvP, and keybind.
  17. You did post, I remember reading it. It was something about how dinosaurs get no love. I think you also said that I was one of your favourites. *shifty eyes* everyone said that So, what happened to my psot? I didn't think it was all that off-topic.... And yeah, Wongtong fits in the category of "makes me laugh" although often unintentionally. I respect her for finding me that one video that proved that there can be some really hot black chicks. I remember someone posting a rap video....Xhibit (Sp?), i think? I'm amazed that you remember that as well. :lol: [/hide] Yeah....I think the song was called "Concentrate" or something. I just remember the rapping was terrible. There was music...?
  18. You did post, I remember reading it. It was something about how dinosaurs get no love. I think you also said that I was one of your favourites. *shifty eyes* everyone said that So, what happened to my psot? I didn't think it was all that off-topic.... And yeah, Wongtong fits in the category of "makes me laugh" although often unintentionally. I respect her for finding me that one video that proved that there can be some really hot black chicks. I remember someone posting a rap video....Xhibit (Sp?), i think? I'm amazed that you remember that as well. :lol:
  19. I learned that I can have a dream that is entirely made up of texts and texting. O_o That was a weird dream.
  20. If I'm speaking in English (which I am for the vast, vast majority of the time) I'll think in English. However, there have been times where I think in Spanish or German while talking to someone in those languages. :P One time, while I was just starting to learn Spanish, I was alone and thinking to myself, and then for some reason thought a few sentences in Spanish. I actually had to translate them to English afterwards (you'd think I'd be able to grasp it immediately, since I thought it, but no), and it turned out to be exactly relevant to what I was thinking. That was a funny moment for me. :D Edit: Something else that I don't think anyone's mentioned here is how there seems to be (at least for me) a "switch" for different languages. Let's say I'm speaking to someone in German (my mom or somebody) and someone else is walking by and asks me a question in English. I'll understand the question, of course, but I'll respond in the language that I was just talking in. Another thing is true about speaking in another language: When I'm talking in another language, and the other person says something in English but then continues on in the other language, my brain won't understand what they're saying because it keeps trying to process the English as another language. So if I'm talking to someone in Spanish and they go "Entonces quiero ir a la casa... it was boring," I wouldn't understand the "it was boring" part for a few seconds. The same is true for printed text: If I'm reading a book or article in another language and English comes up, I won't understand the English for a little while until my brain recognizes that it isn't Spanish or German (depending on what I'm reading).
  21. You did post, I remember reading it. It was something about how dinosaurs get no love. I think you also said that I was one of your favourites. *shifty eyes* everyone said that So, what happened to my psot? I didn't think it was all that off-topic.... And yeah, Wongtong fits in the category of "makes me laugh" although often unintentionally. I respect her for finding me that one video that proved that there can be some really hot black chicks.
  22. Confession: I panic when I can't feel my phone/wallet in my pocket.
  23. In real life, I have a bravado, so to speak. :P On the Internet I'm a lot more like my real self... that means I'm more willing to post my actual opinion, (attempt to) engage in-depth with intelligent discussion, let others express their opinion more often when it disagrees from mine, and generally be less arrogant. :) TL;DR - Online, I'm more of my real self than in real life. I'm more of a curious, interested, intelligent person that likes a lot of people.
  24. Ye look like you have perfect skin and you kinda remind me of Tony off Skins for some raisin. Oh yes, I can see it. Hah, I knew it. You look tall from the waste up. Am I the only one who didn't perceive him as tall? O_o Also, dude, your skin/features are too good. You don't look real. D: I'm scared.
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