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Everything posted by Weiyao

  1. Isn't that the one that needs a rope? I cannot remember how I did it except go from the back gate of her house and there is a raft that takes you to island 2 which then you use a rope with the tree.
  2. If you read all of it, it's actually funny how many people don't get the joke about sailing.
  3. Sometimes HD but normally LD for ease of use and no lag.
  4. Rev's are hard right? Granted there drops do not justify it. With food they are not that hard either although this is more the lower level ones. Granted the higher ones are hard but they're not really a monster for you to attack in that sense, just to deter you from visiting wildy now pk got taken out.
  5. Weiyao

    The Friend's 5k.

    If they just randomly come up to you and ask to be friends, then it's kinda suspicious... I mean I might ask someone who I've been talking to for a bit to be my friend and I don't randomly go up to people asking them to be my friend... Their motives can't be right...
  6. Mith helm and Mith platebody aren't that good first of all... And full inventory of lobbies should work out fine.... Maybe a strength potion? And just looked at your stats... hmmm Pray defense 10% and at least 45 in combat stats should be fine.
  7. Umm probaly magic before I got it up a bit, it was something like 29 for ages so I thought that I really needed to improve it. And back then before the ge the runes were impossible to buy in world 1 and betty's rune shop was too expensive so I grabbed the odd exp I could. Now it's probaly Smithing or Prayer which are both pretty much a pain to train, especially Smithing. Runecrafting is a maybe for me as I like getting profit as well as my exp.
  8. Probaly C, I have little time on it anyway, don't want to waste checking for friends etc...
  9. A harder monster... maybe a cb 100+ one that is actually hard... I can kill cockroach soldiers easy even without food. Maybe one that actually requires some skill?
  10. Weiyao

    Lvl 3 = Noob. Why?

    Well people who wear no armour when skilling get called noobs too. I was mining and some people passing in full rune decided to call me a noob... :wall: It's called being efficient... I don't want lots of weight when I need run energy... :x And if you don't wear any armour in F2P(Or P2P for that matter) while walking around your automatically a noob with no cash(Which wasn't true, I was recovering from running a hell lot), and this is with me being a higher combat level... :roll: I think it's just people who feels bad about their [sarcasm]amazing skills[/sarcasm] at life and resorts to calling people noobs to make themselves feel better.... Why use the word noob anyway? If refering to a new player, it should be newb or even new player *Shock* *Horror* Why don't you type it out? It's only 6 more keys to press which takes no time at all if you can even basically tell me where the keys are on a whatever keyboard you use. And the word nub is supposed to be a word for *Higher* level player that acts like a noob.... (official definition: a internet acronym, similar to "noob". HOWEVER, whilst a NOOB is someone who is lame/idiotic because he is new, a NUB is someone who has had the opportunity to learn something new, but never did, and is therefore idiotic/stupid.) The only people therefore according to this definetion that should even be called NOOBS are people who spams and are generally annoying, a level 3 who walks around innocently wether he is a skiller or not shouldn't be....
  11. You got 10k trade limit because of the ballanced trades update which increased the trade cap for all F2Pers. Which was my point I think, max F2P quest point is something like 43 or something, don't remember and that gives 10k trade limit. So if his members subsciption ends(even tho he might have lots of quest points), he'll have only 10k per 15 minutes as well.
  12. I'm can say that you won't. I've got 73 quest points but I still have 10k trade limit so yeah, you'll just have 10k I suppose.
  13. I'll try and make it and I'll donate some free full steel.
  14. 1. You must be REAL lazy in only 3 switches MAX i'll find a world with no people (on crandor) and are you crazy?!?!?!? they drop nats, cosmics, chaouses, steel kites, black and mith squ's!!!! 2.But... your right about the fleshies, i hate them there BORING!! Crandor is always crowded like mad at both lessers and moss giants are full of rangers... =( I try switching for about 5 worlds then give up, so your probaly just lucky. Great guide though although maybe add a section on flesh crawlers even though they are 'bad' in your opinon because other people might like training on them. Perhaps add some images as well.
  15. Well I've got to 43 now w/t lesser method, ran out of runes 200exp from 43 and then just used my 30 low alch charges for the rest. Thanks everbody for their help, it has helped a lot and I and going for 55 now now after I get 60 defense.
  16. I'm not bad at FoG but the people I get are potientially cb 50+ and it's gonna be hard if I want to win(No loss of rating) as well as get mage exp and I have considered FoG but it's not much of a viable option because I don't want to lose rating. Of course I could play for exp only but I never really got why people did that.
  17. You've only mentioned Best way and most efficient :| Remember that on damage spells, the total experience is affected by how hard you hit on that spell. So the lower you hit, the lower your overall experience will be. But on cursing you allways get 29exp, whether you are 19 or 99 mage. So it might be more worthwhile to cast curse. I'm sorry if I was unclear but the question I have now does damage spells have a base exp you always get? Because otherwise the first person's answer would sound like a joke.
  18. I wasn't particularly worried about the cost but more exp/cost value but thanks anyway, I'll probaly try it for a couple of levels to see how it works.
  19. Well I'm planning to crumble undead but is this cost efficient?
  20. Uh... Had a lot of random junk in my bank which had accumlated over the 5 years I've played and then sold everything basically for lots a month ago. Hello 1 mil... \
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