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Everything posted by supernova309

  1. Wait wait wait wait, hold up there for just a second, there are other rs forums/help sites ect? Tip it and the TIF were so good i never looked for more...
  2. I have noticed a lot of people making gif. images that move, i was just wondering where i could find out how too and what to use if i wanted too. thanks...
  3. At this point in time i have no 99skill capes (800k from 99str btw.) But i have always thought that the quest cape was ranked as one of the best capes, as it takes so much more than camping pc for hours on end like i do for strenght . For anyo ne with a quest cape have a :thumbup: =D>
  4. there is banking for barrows, you just need to do a quest..., its wierd most people dont know that.
  5. I always found UP easy and fun, with a decent amount of theiving and agility to get your back (after you have done it once), you can do the entire path in under 10 minutes. i did have a video of me dong it in about 5, but it got removed because the music was unliscenced. p.s 52 agility and 53 theiving! (First tim was minimum agility requirement) Regicide was easy too, part from getting the naptha.
  6. skate it for the wii, and mario kart (gain for the wii) :thumbup:
  7. i am one of the worst i have seen =-[ 1385/110=12.59 and im p2p! however i have a large amount of qp's!
  8. This be the best update of the new year for sure :o Mmm, wonder where mobilizing armies went.. It thought that too, and i looked on the page and couldnt find any info about it O_o
  9. always go for ad-aware, its great and free!
  10. karils armadyl spectral, i like the colour =] i would have said mele untill i saw this, so no, armadyl again. [hide=][/hide]
  11. because... im a noob so i need to think others are more nooby than me. plus, its realy fun.
  12. first sig... on a new programme, please comment, rate appreciate and give CONSTRUCTIVE critisisim. Thanks. down there... |.|.| \/\/\/
  13. forum name: supernova309 player name: supernova309 would somone please make it transparent for me =]
  14. RS Name: supernova309 Combat Level: 108 Choice of Army: zAROS
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