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Everything posted by Stev

  1. So I am literally 393 Tertius dry. All collected myself. Really don't even wanna log into RuneScape this weekend.
  2. @Arceus Make careful note of the word "yet" in his initial post. :-P.
  3. Have you tried 90weaps_pc friends chat? That's likely the most accurate guesstimate you'll get.
  4. It goes 1, 2. Then 2, 3. Then 3, 1. Then 1, 2. Then 2, 3. Then 3, 1. Then 1, 2. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  5. Disable familiar options and you won't misclick your BOB. :-P.
  6. Thanks guys! You're right (DV) in the fact that website Crew aren't to apply to moderator recruitment drives and vice versa. However, if, say, a moderator was to show potential in being a good Crew member, they can be contacted about perhaps becoming a Crew aide - assisting in things like database entries and the like. This position can, of course, sprout into them becoming a full Crew member (which we currently have), or even senior Crew, etc. I understand if someone's shocked, as I've never been purple on TIF. However, in my case, I've been a Crew member near as long as I've been a moderator. :).
  7. Hehe, cheers guys. WMX was a great Crew Leader and (still is) an even better friend. He's set the bar pretty damn high, but I'll do my best. ;-).
  8. Only wish we could have taken more. Was a great recruitment drive! Happy to have each of yas! :).
  9. It's shit in low detail with no ground effects - no light spot shows.
  10. 19,726,800,000GP in instances lost in deaths.
  11. Mine (neighbours) just walk in my house as well. Can't remember the last time I locked my house even to go to work. A lot have been having issues with the Twitch working. None of the streams I watched yesterday were using the integration. Is it broken for everyone? If not, is the quality and speed any good compared to something like OBS?
  12. @Saradomin_Mage That setup brings back memories of preEoC.
  13. I wish I could see a view like that every day!
  14. Active scrimshaws and auras now display on the buff panel. Woop! Favourite part of this update.
  15. Rorarius. Screw Gladius and Scutarius. 500XP+ each kill, they auto-retaliate, and drop keys like they're going out of business. Even void worked fantastic there when I had it, but I have a tendency to AFK, die, and come back half hour later without it... So I've not tried void since Legacy was released. I do often times see people down there in royal, however.
  16. I recall sometime in the past day or two seeing Xena_Dragon talk with MageUK about something like this. Perhaps this exact issue. I thought it was fixed, but I'll prod them for some progress. Thanks for letting us know!
  17. Applications are coming to a close soon! Don't hesitate and regret it later - apply now! It may end up being one of the best RuneScape related decisions you ever make. :).
  18. ^ Ambler3. Not his fastest I'm sure, but a 15 second kill requiring little activity seems ok for legacy. I've not done them in a while, are they faster? Is that 15 second kill average?
  19. How much do they sell for now that you can kill TDs in record time with legacy?
  20. Made full Sirenic from just the scales I collected gathering keys. :).
  21. He is stating facts - he He's simply stating facts. He never once said he'd visit them with said gun.[/semantics] :P.
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