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Everything posted by aspeeder

  1. lol, I did this quest for the agility course :roll:
  2. If you dont like losing at GOP try finding a f2p 50/50 world, or make one yourself. But if you're that bored I'd recommend leaving rs for a bit, maybe coming back when you can become a member if you so choose...
  3. if you're that worried about combat just equip some xbow and a mithril grapple hook, cannot attack with those so there is NO risk of combat :lol: (Or just have no ammunition, but i prefer grapples ;) ) (SoI guess this wouldnt work for some skills, but for most it would...)
  4. The fastest to use is the one on neitznot, no doors too open (One more click! :roll: )
  5. Just make sure to have a whip and a dds for those who are weak against stab and slash, d mace for the one who is only weak to crush is optional.... Also make sure to have at least 3 4 dose of super att, str, and def to restore/boost against them, bring good food for the rest of the inv, and best of luck ;)
  6. I try to be as nice to n00bs as I can, until they either get annoyed AT ME or become overly dependant. The first happens when they don'd understand what I say and don't let me try to explain it again, and the second happens when they want me to practically want them to hold their hand through a quest -.- , but I have gone with n00bs for their first trip to Taverly to kill Blue Dragons and I try help them as much as I can (At least when they have the patience to listen :roll: )
  7. Pretty sure you need the whole set to get the 2x exp, the type depending on whatever attack style you're using.
  8. corporeal Pronunciation: \k?r-?p?r-?-?l\ Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Latin corporeus of the body, from corpor-, corpus Date: 15th century 1: having, consisting of, or relating to a physical material body: as a: not spiritual b: not immaterial or intangible corporal Function: noun Etymology: Middle French, lowest noncommissioned officer, alteration of caporal, from Old Italian caporale, from capo head, from Latin caput more at head Date: 1579 : a noncommissioned officer ranking in the army above a private first class and below a sergeant and in the marine corps above a lance corporal and below a sergeant Somehow I think the one having to do with state-of-being and tangibility is more applicable than army rank :lol:
  9. Nice guide, I should do that quest sometime :oops:
  10. You could also hunt grey chins, less money than the other two options but you can train up till red chins become an option :
  11. Full Dharok's unless you're slaying. Only for long hauls, like against gorrilla guards in Ape Atoll; the effect is risky and expensive (Though you don't have to worry about the evil chicken anymore :thumbsup: ) Guthans is good for monsters with lower hits, but that can still cost quite a bit of food (Fire giants as an example)
  12. msb special only costed 50% 35%.... So if you timed the specing right when the bar replenished you could get 3 msb specs in a row :thumbsup:
  13. Forum Name: aspeeder Runescape Name: Lioness 32 Which name to use? Lioness 32 Direct Link: ttp://i700.phhotobucket.com/albums/ww6/ ... tpic09.png
  14. wow :o , reading those articles from Duke Freedom made me think about just how much has changed over 3-4 years. Rares have crashed in value, likely never to recover... Money has become vastly inflated, 1.5 mil can't buy anything worthwhile (Or at least not much)... There are so many more money makers and money drainers, and things that once were one now aren't (*cough* fletching *cough*) Figured I may as well bump this, as it gave me a lot of things to think about :
  15. :mrgreen: Wow, great news not just for tip.it, but it is also a milestone that Jagex is reaching out to its players; hopefully this will be one step that will break the perception that Jagex is a monolithic all powerful company with total disregard towards its player-base :roll:
  16. oh sure, have a cave enterance right there :oops: , im finishing this thing up! :
  17. I think im stuck, we were in the small cave and then I logged, when I came back I was in the tears of guthix cave, she was nowhere, I dont know where she is... So...yeah...
  18. And i skipped out on the circus for how long now? :wall:
  19. I had been looking forward to this update for a while now, but every time I find myself talking to a spirit tree they never seem to be around. Is there a method, or is it all dumb luck and extremely rare? Just kinda curious, thanks :
  20. And you could of made millions more just doing your standard making money task. Having a chance at making millions with a couple minutes work sounds good to me. 8-) Average level 3 clue time is 30-45 minutes, and basically 80-90% of clues are worth less then 100k. They take less than 15 minutes if you know where to go. That is not including, looking it up, getting the stuff, fighting the mage, and clues with puzzle boxes. PS: Explain that 85% of clues are worth less then 100k? Who said you look it up. You memorize it. Mage isn't hard with whip+prayer, Zamorak mage=3 hit, Saradomin=5 hit. Stuff=10 second tops. Puzzle boxes are insanely easy if you mastered it, or really have any logical skills. Oh by the way, read my post. "CHANCE" This isnt the debate club forum, put your clue hate elsewhere I personally have memorized where most of the clues are, can easily beat any wizard, and have become a master at puzzle boxes thanks to treasure trails, and the tip.it guide on it makes them short; if it were not for clues i would never have gotten the ranger boots that propelled me into the more expensive markets thats my opinion on my own topic, if you want to debate it further you can take it to the to other parts of TIF, plz lock this down now
  21. eh clues are not worth doing anymore anyway... Well, considering my last clue got me a saradomin full helm and im almost broke at the moment :lol: ...
  22. You thought wrong. yep :oops: , im gettin it done, thanks for all the help guys!
  23. I thought they dropped ashes, why would b2p be useful?
  24. really dont bother with the bolts, i bought it before the rings and havent used it once :wall: , just buy the slayer darts (Minds do sell quick and well on the ge, 10k per bunch aint bad)
  25. Its my slayer task, cant cancel, its my 100th task, been putting it off waaay too long... So, range is probably ideal but should I risk void or just go with blk dhide? How much food should I bring? And should I use the 'perfect' gold ore place?
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