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Everything posted by minicliper13

  1. i saw his reindeer looking for food! :mrgreen: IS BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. banned for having a 4 letter name :P :P :P (ban me for the triple smiley!) (or fro asking to be banned!)
  3. simple title... but it pretty much covers it... post your friend codes/games for wi-fi... (FC for all your games should be the same by the way) mine is 2965-2859-6740 and i have phantom hourglass
  4. banned for 2 luigi pics without one of mario or yoshi!!!! :shock:
  5. hmm... [hide=this is from that 3 phrase thing...]A long time ago in a past, teachers had giant machines that slaughtered all children. However, now they eat monstrous amounts of cute chickens that are dangerous because they like to. On Sundays, cookies are slowly melted down to save the planet of New Zealand. The planet USA, however, tried to erect a statue which they believed would lead to the discovery of plankton! Which is very easy to eat without teeth because it has microscopic organsims. Pigs aren't too keen on swimming with alligators, crocodiles however, they really like to fly with mudkips. They like slaughtering eachother quickly. One day, an H-Bomb exploded, but nothing has destroyed mankind. Elephants, whose bank statements are very cool are likely to buy melted cheese. However, Stereotypes are a really nice thing. Grammar Nazis are epic phails, but they help to watch youtube videos of paris hilton, which does not rick roll people. A plot is something nice and warm. People should shove icecubes up their nostrils, because teh_langzor says so as he is really really hot... Not! Someday someone died because they wanted him alive. Gehackte is cool. Suddenly, a dragon killed a zombie, but it survived. And it went to the hospital. Unfortunally the hospital said: "You son, only you have enough power to automatically parse URLS. The Zombie was diagnosed with testicular... arthritis. The cure is playing with a really big shrimp that will shoop da whoop. Out of nowhere, Mollypop came and killed every person. Then, Captain Falcon licked my armpit it was salty, and he seeked the Holy Grail. On his quest, signatures owned him. Then Rick Astley flew down to read the Necronomicon Galaxy to kids, in which he starred as the faliure of life, jimmyw3000 was his..... noob for life. Then a lobster ate him. Pigs fly out my window into the Shadow Moses Island. Everyone loves Pickles. Except for the overlord boris5000. Chuck is whack. Pepper is for killing guthan312 that famous nub who likes stinky socks. "That go in the oven!" said the Remote Control. "No it doesn't!" Yelled the iPod, shouting "LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY JJJJJJJJJJJJJJENKINSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!#@!@#$!#@%r#%@&*&^^$%3465345." Suddenly,a kitty died from eating vegitarian food from Silver_Wits house. I, Gallade64, pwn everyone. Fortunately, Ouchy_S rescued the food from Wongtong, so she ate more cookies, instead of glass...Then, Danno385 owned a glass menagerie. Danno385 is stupid. His sister pwns. Gallade64 Falcon Punched yo mama to try and copy fifty twss onto a large mudkip. The Large Mudkip evolved into a Chuck Norris clone whose power level was below -50. Goldblade29 is leet. Goldblade29 then died from Captain Falcon's bad looks. His dog likes men who make cheeseburgers and work in a really big nuclear disposal facility. This Nuclear place was secretly a lol cat farm. The small farm hosted gatherings of flamingo's that moo'ed. But Superman came and ate kryptonite which didn't exist. This somehow stopped Googlebombing tip.it to the power of -9000. Then, Tip.it pwned Rune HQ. Courage is the seventh cat on some sweet benches that were fluorescent that turns dreams into glass. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the name of the game where everyone is spontaneously combusting to pornographic images. Doctors fled to Cuba for more porn involving sexy Dragoonson (-plastic surgery enhanced genitals-) and so they got a dog whose leg was full of zits. Michael Jackson touched my uncle's cousin's[/hide]
  6. A long time ago in a past, teachers had giant machines that slaughtered all children. However, now they eat monstrous amounts of cute chickens that are dangerous because they like to. On Sundays, cookies are slowly melted down to save the planet of New Zealand. The planet USA, however, tried to erect a statue which they believed would lead to the discovery of plankton! Which is very easy to eat without teeth because it has microscopic organsims. Pigs aren't too keen on swimming with alligators, crocodiles however, they really like to fly with mudkips. They like slaughtering eachother quickly. One day, an H-Bomb exploded, but nothing has destroyed mankind. Elephants, whose bank statements are very cool are likely to buy melted cheese. However, Stereotypes are a really nice thing. Grammar Nazis are epic phails, but they help to watch youtube videos of paris hilton, which does not rick roll people. A plot is something nice and warm. People should shove icecubes up their nostrils, because teh_langzor says so as he is really really hot... Not! Someday someone died because they wanted him alive. Gehackte is cool. Suddenly, a dragon killed a zombie, but it survived. And it went to the hospital. Unfortunally the hospital said: "You son, only you have enough power to automatically parse URLS. The Zombie was diagnosed with testicular... arthritis. The cure is playing with a really big shrimp that will shoop da whoop. Out of nowhere, Mollypop came and killed every person. Then, Captain Falcon licked my armpit it was salty, and he seeked the Holy Grail. On his quest, signatures owned him. Then Rick Astley flew down to read the Necronomicon Galaxy to kids, in which he starred as the faliure of life, jimmyw3000 was his..... noob for life. Then a lobster ate him. Pigs fly out my window into the Shadow Moses Island. Everyone loves Pickles. Except for the overlord boris5000. Chuck is whack. Pepper is for killing guthan312 that famous nub who likes stinky socks. "That go in the oven!" said the Remote Control. "No it doesn't!" Yelled the iPod, shouting "LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY JJJJJJJJJJJJJJENKINSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!#@!@#$!#@%r#%@&*&^^$%3465345." Suddenly,a kitty died from eating vegitarian food from Silver_Wits house. I, Gallade64, pwn everyone. Fortunately, Ouchy_S rescued the food from Wongtong, so she ate more cookies, instead of glass...Then, Danno385 owned a glass menagerie. Danno385 is stupid. His sister pwns. Gallade64 Falcon Punched yo mama to try and copy fifty twss onto a large mudkip. The Large Mudkip evolved into a Chuck Norris clone whose power level was below -50. Goldblade29 is leet. Goldblade29 then died from Captain Falcon's bad looks. His dog likes men who make cheeseburgers and work in a really big nuclear disposal facility. This Nuclear place was secretly a lol cat farm. The small farm hosted gatherings of flamingo's that moo'ed. But Superman came and ate kryptonite which didn't exist. This somehow stopped Googlebombing tip.it to the power of -9000. Then, Tip.it pwned Rune HQ. Courage is the seventh cat on some sweet benches that were fluorescent that turns dreams into glass. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the name of the game where everyone is spontaneously combusting to pornographic images. Doctors fled to Cuba for more porn involving sexy Dragoonson (-plastic surgery enhanced genitals-) and so they got a dog whose leg was full of zits. Michael Jackson touched my uncle's cousin's brothers' son's dog's
  7. granted, but you spend it all on p2p like 12 years in advanced then the game shuts down and its still taking your money. i wish that :mrgreen: was :mrblue:
  8. well i like the new one better. anywhere you go you can kill people! plus it also warns you whenever your about to log into one no more luring noobs and whatnot anyway its just awesome... of course you can go to clan wars red portal for a very condensed version... :-#
  9. a paper knife, armour , sword, and sheild
  10. i sue you for blowing up the whitehouse and whatever u threw at me phreezes and u lose the case and i taek everything u own then i stab TPUM and put u in your grave and chuck a grenade in (and yes i pulled the pin out...)
  11. at what point does the F2P feel they have acomplished everything? at what point does the F2P feel the game is too hard? at what point do their friends? just a few, as for me im still f2p and i dont plan on even becoming p2p
  12. ...? i guess im dead... so i appear in lumby (lol) then i get out my best wep and kill person below OHKO
  13. oh and... maybe just account for trades outside of GE so taht way the market prices stay everywhere i would hate to not be able to trade items for items... you would have to sell something then buy something else... and go through that search thing and whatnot... what if suppose you were fishing on salmon for XP and someone was trading you feathers for them then they would cook them and trade someone else for the feathers, that way player A (the fisherman) gets his fishing XP player B(the chef) gets his cooking XP and player C (the warrior) gets his food! if you think about it before the GE thats really how it worked... even if over a long period of time...
  14. :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. lol... making fun of noobs why? well maybe because with the extra updates its getting easier.. and so more expeirianced players deserve to make fun of em cause they are getting levers easier (like say your lvl 60 right when maybe rs2 came out and then your lvl 120 with tons of updates that would of made your life easier and you see a lvl like 20 just zooming through) im sorry if im not making sense... :wall: but maybe one day... youll be hacked and you have to start over and the same noob you made fun of is now lvl 89.... hmmmmmmm.......?
  16. Technicly, Jagex doesn't need to put this in the game to make it. Alot of clans already have the certain uniform (certain cape ammy etc) and then the cc really helped... and really... what would actualy be improved if Jagex made this real? what would it be? not much more than what is already in the game...
  17. skillcapes - its harder for f2p to get 99, and they deserve to be recognized - agreed chaos runes - would make way more f2p runecrafters, bringing down rune prices for members - yes agreed... chaos runes kinda expensive unless your a pure mage and prepared to buy them rune arrows - it seems silly they get every thing else up to rune, but then not arrows - for real higher level monsters - the highest f2p monster is the greater deamon, which a well-prepared level 60 could kill - ... i dunno... well what about revs? and ankuos or whatever? maybe give F2p some cool dungeon similar to kalphite EDIT: what about that umm roach thing? still mems have los more dungeons... kbd and whatnot... what they dont need more skills - there are plenty of skills for f2p already - agreed more bankspace - the 8 extra slots are enough - NO WE NEED MORE SPACE!!!
  18. kill enemies that drop the runes you need? idk... what do you need again... fire and cosmic or sumthion bah i dont care... get more stuff to alch? chop yews? mine coal? train combat? oh the possibilities... lol well i dont usually alch stuff so i have no clue at all...
  19. buy eyes of newt form wizard shop place for 3 gp each and sell at ge for 75 or nearby thats like.... x25 profit so turn 40k into... 1M! wait i think... 40,000...1,000,000 yea yea 40k into 1 mill (or even 40gp into 1k if yer like really poor) BUT this is VERY time consuming, but thanks to the 'buy 50' and the 'cabbageport' , iit can be done alot faster just buy eyes port run to draynor bank port run to shop and repeat every load costs (asuming you have 26 free spaces (unequip ring for faster tele and also the money!).. 78 gp per load... sell at ~1,875? (proly off...) so a pretty big profit... ill go check prices and edit... EDIT oh wow the price dropped... its now around 50.... stilll..... 78gp per load sell at ~1,250 profit ~ 1175 (estimate)
  20. ---? was taht really me a couple years ago O_o? wow...
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