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Everything posted by hihihi727

  1. hihihi727


    Despite your efforts, we are still not using "fun" as the basis for comparison. We are using "time". See, the universal currency we are using here is time. And RL money and RS pixels are simply two different representations of it. It's like how all nations base their national currency on the gold standard. Gold is the universal currency, and the Euro and the Dollar are simply two different representations of it. But don't you play Runescape for fun? Or do you play it so you can show off how long you have played Runescape for?
  2. hihihi727


    Working was an euphorism. The game is specifically designed to be fum. Yeah, i already know the game was designed to be fun. I'm replying to that guy who compared losing items in Runescape to losing money you worked for in real life. Sorry, but Jagxe doesn't dictate what items we lose, how long we take to obtain them, and how we feel about them.". Yeah they do. They could easily make it so its impossible to lose items if it was really that bad. Talk to people who have lost valuable items for a dumb reason like getting PKed then taunted about it. Do they jump up and down for joy, going "Yes! I get to earn these items again! This is gonna be FUN!"? Hint: I've never met someone like that, maybe there are a few of them hiding in a closet out there. Dieing is annoying, but if you PK you obviously know the risks. You had fun getting those items. If you didn't have fun, you are wasting your time on Runescape. No ones going to jump for joy if they lose their items, but it isn't as bad as so much people make it out to be; "its just pixels" getting your items back can't be that boring. What i'm trying to say is that it isn't nearly as bad as losing all your money and clothes and house in real life. What on earth does that have to do with losing specific items? We're not comparing the whole of RS to RL, we're comparing item LOSS.. Losing items in Runescape isn't as bad as losing money irl; why do you want money in Runescape? To buy that really expensive shield or something? The point is, you don't need money, or items in Runescape. At most, losing items will be a small inconvinence. Again, how does that even remotely relate? We're talking about the difference between losing items in real life and losing items in RS. For that matter, you can't compare money in RL to money in RS. Not that it has anything to do with the argument #-o "Simply say 'is money just paper', then add them to your ignore list." Your words exactly. Isn't that comparing money in RL to money/items in RS? No, the reason we play RS is because private servers are complete crap. Horribly outdated gameplay, graphics that look like RSC, abandoned with nothing to do on them. If a person on the real RS was given the choice to replace the items he just lost PKing for free, every person I've ever met on RS would take it. I don't know when the last time you've seen a private server is (go on youtube or something), but they have the same graphics as Runescape, most even have HD and fullscreen nowadays. A godsword in a private server is the same pixels as a godsword on Runescape. They have the same function as well, yet you only have to kill 2 hill giants or something to get one. Can you do that with money in real life?
  3. hihihi727


    So are you just going to spam because you can't think of any real argument? Sorry, but logic is here to stay. I'm sarcastic and abrasive when debating, but I do my best to stay on topic. If you don't like my posting style, please add me to your ignore list or send me a PM to work out personal issues instead of continuing to clog this thread with spam. He's not getting depressed because of it, he's simply saying that it's a stuipd "insult" lacking any sort of real backing. I already did give an argument. But you didn't reply to it before i said that. What's the point of life? We're comparing RS to treasure RL items, not your job. Both have no as-yet identified purpose aside from enjoyment and fulfillment. I said "job" because that guy said that items represent the time you have been "working" for (which i replied to by saying that you aren't supposed to work on games) so thats why losing items is like losing money irl. Read what i'm quoting. If losing items on Runescape was truly as bad as losing money in real life, Jagex would make it impossible to lose items altogether. You don't play Runescape to get items. Although getting the items may be fun, that means you can have fun getting those items a second time. In Runescape, you don't need money to buy food (thats nessary to stay alive. And i don't mean dieing Runescape style. The Runescape equvilant to dieing irl would be being perm banned, ip blocked and never able to play Runescape again) you dont need money to buy clothes you don't need money to buy shelter from wind and rain and you don't need burglar alarms and you don't need money to pay off your taxes and in fact you don't need money for a whole lot of stuff. You can't compare money in Runescape to money in real life. Also, you can get the same items on a private server as you can in Runescape, but waaay easier.. Its the same pixels. They are identical to their Runescape counterparts. The only difference is that in a private server it usually isn't as fun getting them. Thats why we play Runescape.
  4. hihihi727


    This thread has stayed almost entirely on topic #-o The threads that wander off topic are the stuipd, poorly written ones with no point or logic behind them that are disproved and thrown out in the first page. Mods need to lock them, after that they just end up becoming discussion threads. My "slayer sucks" has stayed remarkably on topic for over 66 pages \ This is why people hate you. "No logic" and "no point" is your opinion. I could say the exact same thing; that your agument has "no logic" and no "point" and it was disproved in the first page. (Obviously you are wrong since this argument has gone longer than 1 page) In fact, you are a hypocrite as well since almost everytime a topic has gone off topic in TIF is because you treat people has if they are an inferior species whos purpose in life is to worship you. You're such an arrogant jerk its not funny anymore. Trust me on this one - Compfreak and I disagree on many things. I don't hate Compfreak, and I'm fairly certain he doesn't hate me. Usually my goal when "arguing" with Compfreak is to get him to understand my point of view, not to change his point of view. Usually once this happens, its pointless to debate any more because trying to change the opinion of a complete stranger with a block of text on teh internetz is a waste of time. Now - try to understand Compfreak's point of view before laying out your own, and you should definitely stop expecting Compfreak to automagically change his point of view just because you took the time to post it. Also, expecting someone to agree with you after throwing a cheap shot directly at them is a serious error in judgment - try to keep personal attacks to zero. I wasn't getting angry because he didn't agree with me, its because of the way he acts with other people. I'm definitely not expecting him to agree with me that he is "an arrogant jerk". But i do guess i overreacted, sorry about that.
  5. I haven't played rs classic (only after rs2 came out) but i would say now. Although there are stuff i miss about 2004 theres the G.E which made things 100x better. I wasted soooo much time screaming "buying rune plate 40k" in Varrock bank once it wasnt funny. If you died in a quest it would take ages getting food again. If you needed a ball of wool for a quest you had to buy a shear and go to a sheep. Ect. It was so annoying, the whole game was like one massive quest.
  6. hihihi727


    This thread has stayed almost entirely on topic #-o The threads that wander off topic are the stuipd, poorly written ones with no point or logic behind them that are disproved and thrown out in the first page. Mods need to lock them, after that they just end up becoming discussion threads. My "slayer sucks" has stayed remarkably on topic for over 66 pages \ This is why people hate you. "No logic" and "no point" is your opinion. I could say the exact same thing; that your agument has "no logic" and no "point" and it was disproved in the first page. (Obviously you are wrong since this argument has gone longer than 1 page) In fact, you are a hypocrite as well since almost everytime a topic has gone off topic in TIF is because you treat people has if they are an inferior species whos purpose in life is to worship you. You're such an arrogant jerk its not funny anymore.
  7. hihihi727


    Paper money takes time to accumulate. You don't just walk into the world and have $1 billion dollars thrown on your lap (unless you inherit, but that's rare). Paper money represents the amount of time you have spent working. Thats your problem. Runescape is a game, learn to differentiate games from working. People play Runescape because its fun, not so they can work some more. Or do you consider Runescape to be your job?
  8. hihihi727


    Wait, so your argument is that having people make you lose items is fun, and makes RS not boring? No, its that Runescape is just a game and games are supposed to be fun. You had fun while you played the game. Even if you died, you didn't waste any time because you had fun. It might be inconvenient but how bad can losing items be when you can earn them back again and have fun while you do it? Unless you were an RWTer or something
  9. I will follow your guide but i'm too scared to take more than 3 items since i'm quite a low level. Would dragon dagger p++ to poison them, dragon scimmy to attack them and granite plate to defend be enough? Or is it nessacary to bring my helm of nezinot and dragon plateskirt as well?
  10. Thanks! I never knew food would take so much out of my total profit.. i better not waste too much. Although wouldn't it be better bringing pineapple pizzas because they are cheap and heal 22 hp? i will bring a shark or 2 in case a revenant comes, but otherwise eating in 2 bites shouldn't be a problem i think
  11. im definitely no expert merchanter but i dont think they are going to stop crashing for a while, they were probably dumped by some clan. Maybe ill buy some a few days later.
  12. hmm personally i dont think thats too much of a problem now. Back in the day everyone was walking around in a dragon med helm, a dragon sq shield, dragon legs, dragon chain, amulet of fury and abbysal whips. Everyone.
  13. hihihi727


    True, but it's still my time. Telling me that my time is as trivial as a dancing pixel is a slap to the face. It's like telling someone with a Ph.D that their diploma "is only paper". What an ego. We're not defining real life vs. RS here, we're simply defining that items in RuneScape were not as simple to accrue as the common idea misleads people. Yes, I play RS in my spare time, but if you were to simply take my achievements away (so-called 'pixels'), I know that I'd be pissed. Achievments? You play Runescape because its fun. If you die, it may be inconvienient but you still had fun, right? Thats what some people cant seem to understand. Runescapes supposed to be fun, not a chore you have to go through so you can buy a Party Hat or whatever. How can you possibly say that you wasted "your" time if you had fun? If dieing was truly as bad as losing a diploma or heaps of money then Jagex would take it out alltogether. What's the point of life? If you die in real life you can't come alive again. Dieing in real live and dieing in runescape is slightly different. What does that have to do with losing items? We're not talking about dying to lose items, we're talking about losing items period. Two totally separate problems. I only said that because i was replying to your comment about the point of life... "Achievments? You play Runescape because its fun. If you die, it may be inconvienient but you still had fun, right? Thats what some people cant seem to understand. Runescapes supposed to be fun, not a chore you have to go through so you can buy a Party Hat or whatever. How can you possibly say that you wasted "your" time if you had fun? If dieing was truly as bad as losing a diploma or heaps of money then Jagex would take it out alltogether." refer to this post. You play Runescape because its fun. Even if you lost the items, you still had fun which is the point of the game. If losing items was that bad, Jagex would remove the ability to lose items. But that would make Runescape boring.
  14. Ok i wont take much food then. Thanks everyone! BTW i need an antifire potion so i wont get hurt. But if a revenant comes, what should i do?
  15. I usually use the screen but i use the minimap to move somewhere i cant see because its blocked by a wall or something.
  16. Name an update that people DON'T say is ruining RS... Yeah, I honestly can't think of any major update that SOMEONE didn't whine about. Lol, like the time you whined about F2P getting RSOF Making a single, accurate post based on solid evidence that maturely discussed the pros and cons of the direction Jagex was moving in doesn't really count as "a feeble, peevish complaint" (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/whine). I'm still allowed to disagree when I think there is reason to, even if it means arguing against the whole of TIF. And winning. You should have seen my inbox the day after that post, here's a sample of the trash thrown my way: "wow ur such a nerd, gtfo tif no one here wants u. idc if u report this cuz i made this acc just to send this so idc if it gets banned. get a life loser grow a pair and stop acting like a little kid". I had to clear out my inbox twice in 3 days, as I kept hitting the message limit. But I still won :twisted: I don't recall either of the two happening on this thread :? You could say the same thing to people wanting the wilderness back or whatever other update they didn't want. And sorry, you didn't "maturely" discuss anything. You're whining about people whining yet thats incredibly stupid because anyone with half a brain cell could realise that you whine more than the entire TIF combined. And wow i can't believe this i think you actually used to be nice but i must conclude from your post you are an arrogant jerk. So there goes your argument. Wtf? "Aruging against the whole of TIF. And winning." How exactly are you winning? Or is your huge ego unable to get the fact that you are the exact same person you always whine about and except for using fancy words and posting links to wikipedia and dictionary.com your arguments don't actually make sense and are the exact opposite from "mature" in otherwords you flame random people and your not really discussing anything because its not related to the topic and the only thing you win at is being able to succesfully turn a topic into a flame war?
  17. I've wasted heaps of money recently so i need more. I'm going to try and hunt Green Dragons by Clan Wars with these stats; 61 attack 57 strength 60 defence 41 range (i will train it to 50 first for HP) 38 Mage ( i will train it to 50 first for magic defence) 60 Hp 43 prayer Inventory 5 sharks 10 pineapple pizzas 1 games necklace just in case (10 more in bank) Dragon dagger p++ 2 antifire potions (20 more in bank) Wearing Games necklace Granite body Monk robe bottom I might use obby shield or dragon skirt but everytime i have to put on protect item im already dead *Does games necklace work if you get teleblocked? * If i train to 70 attack, how much money would i earn? * I want to get 60 prayer, but that isn't so important right now. Should i keep the bones or sell them and train my prayer when i have a better money making method in the future? * How many hours approximately would it take to 70 attack? *How much money/hour? Unrelated question. Should i try get a rune defender as soon as i get 60 strength? Thankyou!
  18. When you guys move, do you click on the screen or the minimap?
  19. Shouldnt a weapons focus more on accuracy rather than strength to counter how armour focuses on making the other guy lose accuracy? And shouldn't armour focus on reducing damage done to counter how weapons focus on increasing damage done?
  20. hihihi727


    True, but it's still my time. Telling me that my time is as trivial as a dancing pixel is a slap to the face. It's like telling someone with a Ph.D that their diploma "is only paper". What an ego. We're not defining real life vs. RS here, we're simply defining that items in RuneScape were not as simple to accrue as the common idea misleads people. Yes, I play RS in my spare time, but if you were to simply take my achievements away (so-called 'pixels'), I know that I'd be pissed. Achievments? You play Runescape because its fun. If you die, it may be inconvienient but you still had fun, right? Thats what some people cant seem to understand. Runescapes supposed to be fun, not a chore you have to go through so you can buy a Party Hat or whatever. How can you possibly say that you wasted "your" time if you had fun? If dieing was truly as bad as losing a diploma or heaps of money then Jagex would take it out alltogether. What's the point of life? If you die in real life you can't come alive again. Dieing in real live and dieing in runescape is slightly different.
  21. No noob, they ruin things for people who just want to buy things for their day to day jobs. I don't give a [cabbage] about the price of Dragon plates, I give a [cabbage] about not being able to buy, for example, seeds because some [bleep] merch clan is buying them up. That has [bleep] all to do with GE graphs. They're [bleep] disgraceful and scummy, like these corrupt people in real life that screw up the economy for a few extra irl so called 'geepee's. How are they disgraceful and scummy? Allthough i dont particularily like them, i think your being too harsh. They want to earn some gp. Does it make them that bad because you have to wait another day or two to buy a seed? You are taking Runescape way to seriously. I don't like them either but are they really that bad? And you guys are overestimating the power of merchanting clans. Its not like they can do 20 different items at once.
  22. Name an update that people DON'T say is ruining RS... Yeah, I honestly can't think of any major update that SOMEONE didn't whine about. Lol, like the time you whined about F2P getting RSOF
  23. I did this quest level 59 lol. It took 4 hours to get 34-40 agility @@. Anyway, i spent some time spinning flax because its 100k per hour and then at 38 crafting i made coifs. Reeeealy expensive like 300-400k. For Construction just make wooden bookcases as soon as you have 5 or 15 construction (i forgot) but until then make crude wooden chairs.
  24. hihihi727


    True, but it's still my time. Telling me that my time is as trivial as a dancing pixel is a slap to the face. It's like telling someone with a Ph.D that their diploma "is only paper". What an ego. We're not defining real life vs. RS here, we're simply defining that items in RuneScape were not as simple to accrue as the common idea misleads people. Yes, I play RS in my spare time, but if you were to simply take my achievements away (so-called 'pixels'), I know that I'd be pissed. Achievments? You play Runescape because its fun. If you die, it may be inconvienient but you still had fun, right? Thats what some people cant seem to understand. Runescapes supposed to be fun, not a chore you have to go through so you can buy a Party Hat or whatever. How can you possibly say that you wasted "your" time if you had fun? If dieing was truly as bad as losing a diploma or heaps of money then Jagex would take it out alltogether.
  25. hihihi727


    Yes, they are just pixels. You didn't do anything to get them, apart from click on a rock or something repetitively. When people say your items are just pixels, they are trying to say that Runescape is only a game. Its nothing to get angry over. Runescape should be something you do in your spare time. If you really care that much than you play too much.
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