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Everything posted by Expl0de

  1. I left RS about a year ago. When I came back to check out Dungeoneering, I noticed that the price had risen dramatically. Why did this happen?
  2. Pures nowadays are only good for F2P Dungeoneering. I respect a 138 more than a cookie-cutter hybrid any day. If you're set on a pure, an obby tank (1-99-40/70/75 ) seems very viable though, if you're looking into a member's pure.
  3. 1) Absolutely not. Not all players can or want to smelt/smith their ores. This would also limit Smithers that buy ores to buying from stores, or buying bars. 2) There are enough G.E. as well as ingame limitations in this game as it is, please don't suggest more. :pray:
  4. This guide needs some major revisions. First of all, making addy platebodies is NOT an efficient way to 99, especially if smelted from ores. Iron and steel, or gold, are the best way to go. Do some research, and then rewrite, please. Also, the format is pretty low-quality. It's pretty much a long list. Use sentences with capitals and all that fun stuff.
  5. I love the Infernal and the +23 prayer shields. :thumbsup: Major support. Absolutely brilliant.
  6. "53 User(s) are reading this topic." Think this was a popular update? =D>
  7. Right you are. However, I was talking about PKing, not PVP. Full drops would be a return to pre-07 PKing, where it WAS a good source of income.
  8. ^Many people's biggest fear in life. I remember the week when claws were going for 1m + 29m junk. Big losses, but also big rewards for the buyers. Also, many people use one spec to finish off an opponent after ranging them down to 1/3 health.
  9. Has someone done that already? Jeez, people come up with these ideas so quickly...
  10. There's a 30 second cooldown on eaqch dose of that pot you can drink... And each dose is only 1/4 of bar, which is 1/2 of a claw special. My bad. I didn't read enough, I suppose. :unsure:
  11. Wow, you've really thought this out well. Unfortunately, the main reason why pkers fight is to make money. If that money is reset every x days, then pking as we know it becomes obsolete. In addition, I see this bringing down the prices of rune armours and all PKing items in general in the "real" rs economy (as compared to the alternative one you suggested). Again, I really like these creative ideas you have, but I just can't see them working.
  12. Cool guide. Excellent, yet another use for summoning.
  13. *D Claws spec x2* *pot* *d claws spec x2* Lather, rinse, repeat. :ohnoes:
  14. I agree that the game shouldn't be as easy as people seem to want it. However, it is just that - a game. It shouldn't be an exercise in futility (I'm looking at YOU, mining). As far as Agility and the Rest Stops update, I completely understand that. That's gotta suck.
  15. Good guide, I just started on Ivy. Thanks!
  16. From the General Guides section. It's smoke RuneCrafting, but it's the same processes and altar. If you use Magic Imbue and Necklaces, you only need one talisman.
  17. From the General Guides section. It's smoke RuneCrafting, but it's the same processes and altar. If you use Magic Imbue and Necklaces, you only need one talisman.
  18. If I had to choose, I'd say number one. Saradomin Sword = Poor Man's God Sword. Can you train controlled with a Whip? That'd be a better choice than any of these.
  19. If I had to choose, I'd say number one. Saradomin Sword = Poor Man's God Sword. Can you train controlled with a Whip? That'd be a better choice than any of these.
  20. Nah, I don't think you need 13 prayer. It runs out too quickly to be useful.
  21. I am currently doing some research on these, and I was wondering how long it would take to get 99 prayer in soul wars, and what quests one could do without raising combat skills or hitpoints. Thanks! -Ex
  22. Buyers buying for 10m = people paying 10m :roll:
  23. I read the guides about it, but it mentioned that AGS and SGS would be the best. However, I can really only afford a ZGS. Is this a problem?
  24. I'll have plenty of money left over. What I care about more is the speed. At 90, I will be able to make more money per hour at Avians/KBD/GWD than at 75 or 80.
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