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Everything posted by salamander

  1. Any predictions on what santas will crash to roughly?
  2. Last time I checked, Blast furnace sells several hundred ore at a pretty cheap price; though it has been a while since I bought it out. Worth checking though (I'd do it myself but have very little playing time at the moment.) From my experience the best way of buying it out was using a BoB and glorying to Edgeville to bank (as you obviously can't bank at GE with the BoB out); then you can use the GE shortcut from edgeville and get to the keldagrim trapdoor without having to unsummon. Didn't specifically time it against running to/from Keldagrim bank, but it definitely felt quicker. If you're going to use the Keldagrim bank method, suggest a Terrorbird for the tireless run. You shouldn't need tireless run if you bank at Edgeville as you hardly run at all with the ores in your inventory. Nice guide; if possible it might be worth giving a rough estimate for the time it takes for each shop to restock.
  3. He just said the door was sealed off. Don't recognise what's on the larger of the two pieces of paper stuck to the door, but the smaller one has the 28 Days/Weeks later symbol on it.
  4. Probably my favourite game on funorb. Completed the US levels on hard, and the UK levels on normal. Haven't had a serious effort at the UK levels on hard as I don't like working against a time limit in this game. Not tried the multiplayer version properly. I'm just hoping they release a level editor for it sometime.
  5. It still exists [hide][/hide] though it's pretty quiet now.
  6. If you've finished As a first resort, use the infinite energy pool rather than super energies. Will give you more room for food, and you won't have to worry about drinking potions.
  7. Wait. It was possible to take Veldaban round on the boats to get to the mine cart puzzle? That's the first thing I tried then Veldaban said "I don't think we'll find anything this way" (when taking him to the boat) and ran back to his building near the bank.
  8. Any confirmation as to what drops the pick?
  9. I've had this idea for several weeks now but haven't got round to posting it here until now. Basically it started as an couple of ideas for improving Trouble Brewing, which then developed into improvements to normal brewing which tie into herblore. With the recent shop update, Trouble Brewing is even more need of better rewards as incentive to play the game multiple times. Layout of thread: A) Trouble Brewing Gameplay updates B) Trouble Brewing Reward updates C) Brewing and high level herblore D) Requirements for new potions E) The new drinks F) Other ------------------ [hide=A) Gameplay updates]1) Changing the pieces of eight reward for completing various activities. Currently I believe you gain 1poe for every individual ingredient you contribute (up to a max. of 100 for ingredients.) This is flawed as different ingredients take different amounts of time to obtain. One bucket of water should not be equivalent to one bitternut. Here's what I'd suggest as an alternative: - 1 piece of eight for every 5 buckets of water contributed. - 1 piece of eight for every 3 pieces of bark contributed. - 1 piece of eight for every sweetgrub contributed. - 1 piece of eight for every flower picked. (Dropping a flower loses you one piece of eight, to stop people picking and dropping flowers all game and not contributing.) - 1 piece of eight for every flower added to the kettle. (so people who get traded a full inventory of flowers aren't wasting their time standing and waiting) - 1 piece of eight for every bowl of water contributed. - 3 pieces of eight for every bitternut contributed. This means that picking two flowers, turning them to water, getting two bitternuts and storing them gives the same number of pieces of eight as 55 buckets of water. As you'd have three flowers left over, this seems far more balanced. 2) Pieces of eight reward for fixing the base after sabotage. Currently this gains nothing. Suggestion: - 1 piece of eight for putting out a fire. - 3 pieces of eight for repairing one piece of equipment. 3) A piece of eight bonus if your team wins. Something like +10% would be enough. This would actually give a reason for two teams to be competing against each other; and also give people who sabotage a reason to exist. 4) More ways to defend against sabotage. The steam vent hardly cuts it and only works after you've been sabotaged anyway. Some suggestions that spring to mind are: - A separate set of equipment where you can use ingredients to make flame resistant liquid to douse the stills/hoppers in. This would last for five minutes and mean that piece of equipment cannot be burnt until it expires. - The ability to pickpocket any opponent who enters your base - and would work the same way it does in Stealing Creation. This would only be possible if the opponent player is inside the building of your base (i.e. they are safe if they are just picking flowers as that's outside) - The ability to build a physical barrier at the entrances to your base. Your team will be able to pass through them; but the opposing team will have to attack them to knock them down, or use torches to burn them down. - The ability to build a magical barrier at the entrances to your base. Any player can pass through these freely; but if an opponent player passes through, there is a chance one or two items from their inventory are randomly taken away from them and given to a nearby friendly player. 5) The ability to buffer actions (like you can buffer one cast of high alchemy.) Adding flowers to the kettle/removing bowls of water; and sending monkeys up trees really suffers from this. Seeing your character stand there doing nothing when you've just told them to go and do something is pretty annoying. Buffering actions would make the game more streamlined. 6) Remove the 6 player minimum limit. The game is perfectly playable on your own. Thanks to the waiting room bug I recently played a 1v2 game and it's not that hard. I'd definitely enjoy being able to play 1v1 or 2v2 games with some friends rather than being forced to hop to world 104 if we can't find 6 people who want to play. 7) Add 5/10/All/X to hopper options (and an Add 3 for the coloured water hopper.) The minigame is not about repetitively clicking "Use ___ with hopper". If various skills get this option, a minigame (which is meant to be played for fun) should have it too. 8) Restrict the number of torches available at the start of the game to 10. The repair kits are all restricted to 10 so it makes sense for the torches to be. More would be craftable by using logs on the workbench. 9) An option to have clan-based matches (as SC currently does) with a few customisable options, such as: - enabling/disabling sabotage - game length 10) A proper tutorial before playing the game (one like Barbarian Assault has.) At the moment all there is is a book. There's quite a lot going on in the minigame and the information in the book is quite a lot to take in at once. This would help cut down on the number of new players not having a clue what to do and someone else needing to spend their time teaching how to play. 11) Finally, make it so that the more excess ingredients there are in the hoppers, the faster the rum brews. I'm not entirely sure what the time taken to brew is. I've never timed it but it doesn't exactly seem to be regular. I think it's meant to be one rum/minute; though it obviously isn't that now as you can easily score over 20 points per game.[/hide] [hide=B) Reward updates]1) More variety of clothing rewards. I won't go into the old naval vs. new naval debate; but having more on offer than just naval clothes would be good. You could also include some decorative piratey weapons in this as well. 2) A multiple dose 'rum' teleport that lasts more than one dose. Something like 50 pieces of eight for 5 doses (or 100 for 10) 3) Change the clue scroll type and cost. 5k pieces of eight for a level 2 clue is ridiculous. If you average 125 pieces of eight per game, you're looking at 40 games. Excluding waiting in between games you're looking at over 13 hours of play for one level two clue. More feasible clue scroll rewards would be: - A level two scroll for 500 pieces of eight. (80 minutes of play) - A level three scroll for 1200 pieces of eight. (Just over 3 hours of play) - A level three scroll with an increased chance of a good drop for 1800 pieces of eight. (A little under 5 hours of play) 4) The ability to purchase degradable gloves which benefit you ingame. These would probably cost about 75 pieces of eight and can be used for 5 games before degrading beyond use. They would have effects such as: - Being able to pick 8 flowers at once. - Being able to collect 3-4 bitternuts at once. - Being guaranteed to obtain at least 3 grubs from a sweetgrub mound before the mound expires/a swarm appears. - Getting two lots of grubs for each piece of raw meat used. Each pair of gloves would only have one benefit, and as your inventory must be empty when entering the waiting rooms you would only be able to have one effect active for the whole game. These gloves would also prevent disease whilst dealing with scrapey bark. 5) An degradable improved cannonball mould. This mould would let you smelt two steel bars into cannonballs at once. This mould wouldn't significantly increase the rate of cannonball smelting as it's designed to last roughly as long as it takes to obtain. For example (working off a rate of smelting 27 cannonballs in 3 minutes - as I don't know the exat rate) you can currently smelt roughly 1620 bars into cannonballs in 3 hours. This mould would cost 500 POE to buy and last 90 for 810 pairs of bars. 500 POE is roughly 4 games of play, which including waiting times is 90 minutes. So using this wouldn't speed up how long it takes to smelt, but it'd help decrease the monotony of it. There is an issue that 27 steel bars does not divide by 2, but this is fixable in three ways. a) make it so the last bar is smelted as normal on its own, but doesn't use a charge of the mould. B) change it to a mould that smelts 3 bars at once (as 27 is a multiple of three), but the ratio of time taken obtaining to time it lasts should be 2:1 in this case. c) have the mould take up two inventory spaces. 6) Alternatively, have a degradable cannonball mould that gives extra experience while smelting the cannonballs. (Such as 1.5x exp that lasts for 1500 cannonballs and costs about 150 pieces of eight.) 7) The ability to trade in pieces of eight for small amounts of experience. Something like 20 exp/piece of eight in either crafting, woodcutting, cooking or firemaking. 8) Making The Stuff more useful. The next section of this thread will deal with improvements to brewing and hence make The Stuff worth buying.[/hide] [hide=C) Normal brewing & High level herblore]Currently brewing is pretty much useless - I'm not aware of anyone who brews regularly. This is because the majority of brewable drinks have equivalents more easily obtainable which give better skill boosts (potions&pies.) Brewing shouldn't have to compete with herblore, instead it should complement it. At the moment when you drink a dose of stat boosting potion, your stats drain back to normal at the rate of 1 point per minute (with the exception of the first drain.) The idea here is that by adding certain brewed drinks to potions, you can slow down the drain rate from 1 point per minute to 1 point per 2 minutes: essentially doubling the usability of a potion. For example, currently if you drink a super attack potion at 99 attack, you get boosted to 119 (I think?) which takes 20 minutes to drain to normal. If you were to use a brewed potion, each dose would take 40 minutes to drain. This extends your usage of a 4 dose potion from 80 minutes to 160 minutes. Some of the more useful potions will have fairly high herblore requirements to improve with brews. The Process: I'll list which drinks correspond to which potion a little later in the thread, but I'll explain the process step by step with an example here with normal strength potions and asgarnian ales. If you have level 12 herblore and have tarromin, a limpwurt root and a vial of water you can create a 3 dose normal strength potion by adding the herb to the vial then putting the root in. Then, if you have the required herblore level and a normal asgarnian ale in your inventory, you use the ale on the potion to increase it to 4 doses and it becomes a Strength Potion (Brewed). This potion will then have the drain rate of 1 point every 90 seconds. This process only works on three dose potions, and always increases them to 4 dose. Once you have the brewed potion, you can turn them into barbarian mixes as normal should you choose. On top of being able to add brews to stat boosting potions, some other potions can also benefit from adding brews. These are the antipoisons, energy potions, prayer potions and antifires. Each dose of a brewed antipoison will cure poison and provide 3:45 minutes of immunity. Each dose of a brewed superantipoison will cure and provide 7:30 minutes of immunity. Each dose of brewed antipoison+ will cure and provide 10:30 minutes of immunity. Each dose of brewed antipoison++ will cure and provide 14 minutes of immunity. Each dose of brewed energy potion will restore 50% run energy. Each dose of brewed super energy potion will restore 80% run energy. Each dose of brewed antifire potion will grant 7 minutes of immunity from dragon breath. Each dose of brewed prayer potion will restore 30% +7 of your prayer (rather than the current 25% +7) and will be affected by the holy wrench as normal. Note on brewed saradomin/zamorak brews. The decreased stats given by drinking these will also restore at the reduced rate of 1 point/2 minutes (unless you drink restore potions).[/hide] [hide=D) Potions and their corresponding drinks and herblore level requirements]The levels required to turn potions into brewed potions will vary from level 45 to 97. In this post I will list the potions, required drinks and required herblore level. The post after this one will give information on the new drinks introduced in this post. Format: Potion - drink required - herblore level required. Stat boosting potions: Attack potion - Bandit's brew - 48 Defence potion - Vegetable delight - 53 Strength potion - Asgarnian ale - 55 Magic essence potion - Wizard's Mind Bomb - 60 Super attack potion - Bandit's brew (m) - 90 Magic potion - Wizard's Mind Bomb (m) - 91 Super defence potion - Vegetable delight (m) - 92 Ranged potion - Ranger's aid (m)/other (see notes) - 93 Super strength potion - Asgarnian ale (m) - 94 Other combat-related potions: Antipoison - Purified alcohol - 45 Super antipoison - Purified alcohol (m) - 65 Antipoison+ - Nature's gift - 85 Antipoison++ - Nature's gift (m) - 96 Antifire - Dragon bitter (m) - 88 Prayer potion - Devotion (m) - 92 Non-combat potions: Energy potion - Swamp bitter - 50 Super energy potion - Swamp bitter (m) - 62 Special: Zamorak brew - Putrid brew (m) - 96 Saradomin brew - Divine brew (m) - 97[/hide] [hide=E) Notes on new drinks]This post explains the drinks introduced in the previous post. Format: Drink's name - notes - ingredients required to brew - effect of drinking the normal drink - effect of drinking the matured version of the drink. Note: the effects of drinking ar only applicable if you drink the drink rather than adding to the potion. Once added to the potion, the potion will not have the effects listed here. The drinks: Bandit's brew - normal version still buyable as it is now - 4 clean irits required to brew - +1 thieving/attack, -8 strength, -7 defence - +3 thieving/attack, -10 strength, -9 defence. Vegetable delight - N/A - 4 cabbages from Draynor Manor. Normal cabbages do not work - +2 defence, -1 strength - +4 defence, -3 strength. Ranger's aid - three possibilities here. a) make the mature version not buyable from the Poison Arrow. B) keep the (m) drink from the Poison Arrow but have it as a premade drink (like in gnome cuisine), and make it so you need to use your own brewed ranger's aid for the potion. c) have an entirely different drink for brewed potions. - 4 skewered kebabs (you get the bronze arrows back at the end - effects stay the same. Purified alcohol - N/A - 4 ground unicorn horns - cures poison but offers no immunity, lowers attack and defence by 3 - cure poison and offers 1 minute of immunity, lowers attack and defence by 5. Nature's gift - N/A - 3 magic roots - cures poison and offers 3 minutes of immunity - cures poison and offers 5 minutes of immunity. Swamp bitter - N/A - 4 mort myre fungi - restores 10% run energy and deals 4 damage - restores 15% run energy and deals 5 damage. Putrid brew - N/A - 4 unholy hops - lesser version of the effects of a zamorak brew - lesser version of the effects of a zamorak brew (but greater than the non (m) version) Divine brew - N/A - 4 holy hops - lesser version of the effects of a saradomin brew - lesser version of the effects of a saradomin brew (but greater than the non (m) version)[/hide] [hide=F) Other]* unholy hops. The are obtainable as a fairly rare pickpocket from master farmers; or as drops from zamorakian NPCs that drop seeds on death. These require 88 farming to grow, 4 seeds required per patch. They cannot be grown on Entrana. ** holy hops. Obtainable in the same way as unholy hops, just from saradominist NPCs instead. 4 seeds per patch and 88 farming requirement. The experience gained for turning a potion into a brewed potion should be roughly the same as the exp gained for making the original potion. This update to brewing should make mature ales more useful, and hence increase the desirability of The Stuff - making Trouble Brewing more appealing to play.[/hide]
  10. Yes. In fact, I still haven't got round to getting a second 99 yet. Guess it doesn't help that my first was one of the slower ones. Been over 18 months since I got it and I still don't feel like getting a second one.
  11. Out of all the ones I've watched I think this is my favourite. That sucks :/ unlucky.
  12. I'll try the ladder safespot when I get round to going back down again then, thanks ^^
  13. Hmm. Rune thrownaxe special doesn't work getting you through waterbirth dungeon anymore? From the north path apparently I can't reach the middle door, and using it on the southern door means it doesn't destroy the one in front of me. Does anyone know if it still works from either of the other two paths? And I guess more importantly, does anyone know if the safespot problems are affecting rock lobsters? Otherwise there's no real point me going down there..
  14. Haha, true. I figured TB would be safe as I think it hasn't been touched by Jagex since it was released. Typical ^^ At least I can get the rest of the clothes quicker now.
  15. Sweet, I love the rewards, but hate the minigame. Maybe now it'll be worth it. Also, at level 79 mining I'm one hitting coal like it was iron. Heh. I'm a little annoyed as I've got about 10k POE in the last few weeks and spent it all a week or so ago. Ah well..
  16. This. Co-operative quests could have so much potential if Jagex decided to do any properly. Back on topic, if the sequel to WGS is going to tie in anymore storylines, I can see it tying into the Morytania quests somehow. Maybe not directly merging in with the Myreque storyline; but if the dragonkin do turn out to be under Castle Drakan then it could link in somehow.
  17. I don't see non-chafing manacles on either wishlist. Does it only appear after you've completed the second one?
  18. Same :/ Don't really have the stats to solo Graardor either. Guess I'll have to wait.
  19. Could be Devin Townsend, though I haven't checked to see if he played there.
  20. Elemental theory - Elemental workshop 3? (edit: take the chemical symbols of the elements in the list, mix them up (mixture) - anagram of workshop) Edit: red underlined letters: Second Ali the Wise Blue underlined letters: CANOAWN. That's all the ones I could see anyway. Edit: alt text: My name is in this postbag.
  21. 1. Mourning's End 2 2. Darkness of Hallowvale (think it was that one, anyway. Whichever one you had to go through Meiyerditch the first time) 3. Summer's End 4. While Guthix Sleeps 5. Monkey Madness 6. Desert Treasure 7. TokTz-Ket-Dill (sorting out the play was horrible) 8. Contact! 9. Dream Mentor 10. Back to my Roots
  22. Here you are: [hide=]adamant platelegs dwarfweed seed & gold charm nature talisman & blue charm 15 adamant javelins grimy lantadyme nature talisman grimy cadantine uncut ruby 2 grimy harralanders 11 chaos runes 1289 gp 79 steel arrows & blue charm rune dagger grimy dwarf weed grimy torstol limpwurt seed 12 law runes & blue charm 1 cactus seed 97 steel arrows 10 gold bars 1645 gp uncut emerald 20 adamant javelins grimy irit 1484 gp & blue charm nature talisman 3 grimy harralanders irit seed irit seed 9 gold bars & 1 gold charm 16 adamant javelins & 1 gold charm 1 limpwurt seed 8 death runes 9 law runes 14 chaos runes & 1 blue charm 20 adamant javelins 8 law runes 108 steel arrows mithril hatchet rune med helm & 1 gold charm grimy irit 9 nature runes 6 rune javelins 12 gold bars mithril hatchet tooth half grimy avantoe cactus seed & 1 gold charm snapdragon seed uncut emerald[/hide] Great guide, by the way; forgot to mention that in my other post \
  23. Not sure if you're aware but you can speed up the cremation by having two burning at once. i.e. stand in between two pyre spots, make the pyre for one and cremate it; then while it's burning set the other one you're standing next to off burning. Then if you're quick you can collect the key from the first one, set up a new pyre and start it burning just as the second one's finishing; then repeat until you're done. Spirit terrorbirds let you cremate another 6 per trip with very little extra cost (and there's a summoning obelisk on the path between Canifis and the columbarium) If you're going to try and work out the rough likelihood of each type of reward from the keys, I've got a droplog of 50 I can post here if you like.
  24. Your guide inspired me to finally do some vyrewatch killing ^^ Just finished my first 50 and figured I'd give you my droplog for your guide as you're asking for them. This is 50 consecutive drops with exact figures including charms: [hide=]adamant platelegs dwarfweed seed & gold charm nature talisman & blue charm 15 adamant javelins grimy lantadyme nature talisman grimy cadantine uncut ruby 2 grimy harralanders 11 chaos runes 1289 gp 79 steel arrows & blue charm rune dagger grimy dwarf weed grimy torstol limpwurt seed 12 law runes & blue charm 1 cactus seed 97 steel arrows 10 gold bars 1645 gp uncut emerald 20 adamant javelins grimy irit 1484 gp & blue charm nature talisman 3 grimy harralanders irit seed irit seed 9 gold bars & 1 gold charm 16 adamant javelins & 1 gold charm 1 limpwurt seed 8 death runes 9 law runes 14 chaos runes & 1 blue charm 20 adamant javelins 8 law runes 108 steel arrows mithril hatchet rune med helm & 1 gold charm grimy irit 9 nature runes 6 rune javelins 12 gold bars mithril hatchet tooth half grimy avantoe cactus seed & 1 gold charm snapdragon seed uncut emerald[/hide] Nothing paticularly brilliant, heh. Tooth half and snap seed were welcome though ^^ Thanks for the guide :thumbup:
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