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Everything posted by Nifflin

  1. Are you looking for money? Exp? long term goals? Can we have a bit more info?
  2. I think they just raise accuracy but I'm not 100% sure.
  3. If you wear nothing but the item and go to the "items risked" screen and look at the value, that is the items high alch value.
  4. This. In terms of time spent and money saved, it is defiantly worth it.
  5. If you read my post, I mention fury at the end as a suggestion of what to save up to as he slays and what to use the leftover cash from buying the build with. By no means do I suggest for him to get fury right off the bat.
  6. /v/ doesn't get too many Runescape threads, and when they do it's generally a more nostalgia oriented discussion rather than a "join this now" topic. From what I've seen of /b/ (I don't venture that far down the rabit hole), they would do less than they are given credit for. /b/ doesn't randomly stage large-scale attacks on sites; they need some sort of motivation to do so. Why does everyone give /b/ such a bad name? It is the funniest place ever! Albeit sometimes pretty gross. Still. Get off your high horses, I bet people who say they never read it read it 24/7. It's pretty bad. I'm on there a lot, there is a lot of good and a lot of bad but the bad seems to come out more. I don't look at /v/ that much but I see as much Runescape stuff on /b/ as I do any other game. My point is those guys are worse a demographic then the miniclip bunch.
  7. Creaphis, I read your blog and think what your trying to do is really cool. Out of curiosity, what monster is it? The Demon Slayer one?
  8. Full Guthan's, slayer helm > black mask > neit helm, whip + defender, glory, d boots, best RFD gloves > combat bracelet, berserker ring, obsidian or fire cape. Guthan's is going to be good for healing especially since you don't have the stats for a Bunyip. While you slay, use the slayer helm, whip and defender. When you need to heal swap to your barrows set. Also a cool trick is to bring a dragon battle axe and use the spec + restore potions + super attack potions to boost your attack and strength. It's well worth it and cheap. On the question of the amulet of fury, get it asap. You should have some cash left after buying this set-up. Save it until you get enough for a fury.
  9. it's not like FoG is far out of the way. Var tele and run... FoG might not be too far out, but you also need to consider the distance to your previous training spot. Plus, 25 hours of training versus an hour at best (FoG items have a nasty habit of degrading regardless of combat style), you'll be interrupted far less frequently. The gain is minimal, and short term. Solution, buy three coifs and keep them in your inventory. If you can afford it then it makes them less of a pain to charge. And stock up on FoG tokens to save time as well. Like 200-300. Its only a day or so of playing. Edit: Hadn't refreshed the page and got beat to it.
  10. Im mostly this except i think im more Nostalgic Old-school player EVERYTHING was better back in the day. People were nicer, game was funner, etc etc etc. Nevermind the terrible graphics, the broken gameplay and the community that was even WORSE then it is now. These types of players will overlook any bad stuff just because they want to prove that it was better back then also your opinion is invalid if you think otherwise. I think Runescape more then any other game is flooded with these guys the community was undoubtedly MUCH better in the past. I started in 04, looking back on it the community is more nicer and more alive now then it was then. I dunno if you were referring to early rs classic but since rs2, at least in my own personal experience I have dealed with less [wagon], less noobs, less just all players i dont want to be around then ever before. Also a lot of the scammers arent around anymore. Maybe theres more elitists now, i dunno i dont exactly run into them often. Clan Chats bring more people together then ever before. Also Jagex allowing fansites after years of fighting them was a major plus for the community. But in my personal experience the games community is improving instead of declining. I would say clanchats were the single biggest cause of loss of community. Rather then going DKs with my freinds now, I can be slaying one of them can be soloing tds and one can be chilling at the GE and we can all talk. Theres more 12 yearolds now, the "miniclip generation." There are many more [wagon] now, and while scammers have decreased due to the trade updates, overall the community is in decline. Isnt it better that you can talk to your friends while doing all those things instead of having to stand right next to them. Also slaying boss monsters by yourself isnt a decline of a community decline its because they are too easy, their like the Kaphite Queen now, a boss that is easily soloed by a pro player. Although i would say that the GE is the single biggest hit the community has taken ever, but it survived and adapted. And theres always been [wagon] its just who your around, elistists tend to be [wagon], Obsessive PVPers and Noobs have always been there and have always been [wagon]. (oh i just listed 3 more types of players in this) Also i started right at the height of the "miniclip generation" i started at 12 years old and im 18 now (or i will be next month). So not everyone from there is bad, most of the original mini clippers have grown up by now. But this is kinda getting off topic, we can agree to disagree If you think miniclip is bad, imagine what type of players we get when someone posts a "Runescape" thread on 4chan's /b/. ps. I started with the miniclip generation as well and I'm around the same age. OT: I am a sociopath for sure.
  11. Try the undead farm west of the ecto in mortania.
  12. It is maybe 10-15% better. So if you get 10m exp then it will be 11m with dragon pick axe in the same time. Defiantly a difference, especially considering you can sell the dragon pick back for at least nearly the value you got it for after you are done with it. Bottom line, if you plan on serious mining, get it. If you are a relaxed miner, its not worth having ti sitting in your bank when the money could be somewhere else like merchanting for example.
  13. I would use battle robes too.
  14. Another option, if your looking for mage exp, go bursting rock lobs. It may not get you to 99 mage but you will gain a crapload of crimson charms as well. Use SoL and battle robes to save money on casts.
  15. You should probably have a good handle on the situation before you try a ??? profit list. He doesn't have 97 or 98 prayer, its hard to use your magical test when you don't have the correct prayer level. Maybe the reason he's asking in the first place is so that he knows which prayer level he wants to achieve. Fix'd
  16. Even if you are a summoning tank or something weird like that, there are a million better ways then this to get charms.
  17. Needles are where its at right now. Epic screen-shot = 24m needles in one stack. Do it. I dare you.
  18. 1. Get 97 or 98 prayer. 2. Activate as many prayers as possible to drain prayer to zero. 3. Withdraw one dose prayer pot from bank. 4. Withdraw holy wrench. 5. Sip prayer pot. 6. Look at prayer. 7. ?????????? 8. PROFIT!
  19. See, originally I was set on prayer, becuase turmoil comes with soul split. But I am realizing that I would need to break my bank to get level 95. I think it would be much easier to get extremes, then use them to make the money for turmoil. For god wars, are extremes or turmoil more in demand?
  20. This is the point I am trying to make. Many higher levels forget the long grind that precedes making good money with slayer. For lower levels I would not recommend slayer as a primary source of income.
  21. Hello. My prayer level is 80. My herblore level is 73. If my calculations are right, I could have extreme attack/strength for 40-50m if I do serum 207 then Super antifires and Spec Restores. That cash would not even get me to 92 prayer. Should I keep saving for eventual ss and turmoil, or should I invest in extremes? I like boss hunting but I mostly slay because the teams are too competitive for me. I know this has been talked about over and over again but can I have some opinions?
  22. NO NO NO! If I put an offer in for max, I expect it to be bought some time within the next hour. What I do not want is for me to put my offer in, have the GE update, my offer no longer be max and for me to never get my item. I apreciate it happens now but to a much lesser extent There should be an option to have your offer at max update as the GE does and just to take the difference from your banks cash pile. Like max is 10k, you offer 15k, so that even though you can't pay more then 10k, the offer at max will continue updating until the item is over the limit specified, in this example, 15k. In that case, why bother having a max in the first place? To limit the rate at which prices can increase.
  23. NO NO NO! If I put an offer in for max, I expect it to be bought some time within the next hour. What I do not want is for me to put my offer in, have the GE update, my offer no longer be max and for me to never get my item. I apreciate it happens now but to a much lesser extent There should be an option to have your offer at max update as the GE does and just to take the difference from your banks cash pile. Like max is 10k, you offer 15k, so that even though you can't pay more then 10k, the offer at max will continue updating until the item is over the limit specified, in this example, 15k.
  24. [cabbage], I average 800k per hour slaying. How much did you make from 1-80 slayer and could you have made more elsewhere? 1-80? well that's over about 4 years..I would say 50-100m range. Only from slaying? Do the math, that means your averaging at your lowest estimate 25 gold for each slayer exp from level 1-80. If you get an average of 40k exp/h which is a generous especially at the lower slayer levels, then that means you are making 1m an hour slaying. From levels 1-80. I smell an exaggeration. Also it is funny, your suggesting a money making method which made you 100m in four years. That comes out to 68k per day. Not exactly the most impressive profit rate.
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