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Everything posted by Nifflin

  1. When it got it's update it was awesome, I remember being f2p at the time and totally blown away by the models of the barbarians. Should I dig around and try to find a picture of the old barbarians?
  2. Buy 2k reds, keep them for the next task you get too or resell them when you're done. The amount of reds you would need is dependent on too many factors for someone to be able to give you a flat number just like that.
  3. If you farm herbs at all, which you should, get a scroll of life first.
  4. I would do a ffa with a few friends. She is very, very tough. Harder to solo then bandos or zammy godwars, at least in my opinion. As for melee, verac is good becuase it will hit through her prayer. You need two attack styles to kill her, be prepared to take a lot of damage. Edit: I didn't know you could hit past her prayer with a helm and gs, that sounds like a better setup.
  5. Slayer isn't much slower either. If you slay, you should be using piety anyways. All you lose is part of the % boost from salve (e) and void. Even that isn't totally lost however due to the slayer helm. As far as money goes, slayer won't make you as much.
  6. Good points. Thanks. What if you got them all on you then left the room, would they cluster by that wall? Some monsters do that, maybe you could lure them that way. Not saying it would be efficient, it would probably be horribly inefficient, however if you wanted to test it that lure might work.
  7. It is really borderline on illegal, the mod who made it is in contact with jagex to try and ensure that it stays within the rules and removed from features from it to maintain that.
  8. 1. "After the combat triangle is balanced" according to a J Mod. Not that one saying that means anything. 2. There is a fine godwars guide in the archive of wisdom, I suggest you check it out.
  9. Many bots are scripted to mine one, drop one, which is what many players do. Or drop in a random order. Or select from a number of different orders by random. You see? Either way, I always drop stuff the same way out of habit, it doesn't make me a bot. The order of dropping is in now way an indicator of botting.
  10. Fury > 75 prayer + Blood Runs Deep > Herblore And you don't need 88 for extremes, you can boost from 84 and use the trick to keep the boost and make as my extreme attack and strength as you want.
  11. No, if I can sell stuff faster because a flipper is buying it off me, I can use that money sooner to make more money for myself. Playing a few thousand premium to save time helps people. If people are unwilling to pay that premium they are not forced to sell low. Flippers give then the option to do so, but they do not force them to.
  12. Did you even read the thread?
  13. It's not break even after factoring in the opportunity cost of getting the SC hammers. Only worth it if you are one of those people who REALLY loves stealing creation.
  14. So then they don't stack? Also, another question came to mind, is barehanded fishing slower then say with a harpoon?
  15. You often won't be able to safe spot them. In fact, most of the damage, if any, done during the waves will likely be by the Tok-Xil as they have surprisingly accurate ranged attacks and during the second half of the caves you cannot protect from their attacks. Pretty much just tank them and take them out quick, with your 99 range and extreme range pots they should go down in 2-3 hits. An SGS, EE or EEE should be enough to heal the damage they deal without using any brews. Really you shouldn't have a problem with the waves because you can use soul split to heal when needed and carry super prayer potions which should be more then enough to get through the waves. The safe spotting comes later when you cannot protect from both the 180 and 360 so you need to trap the 180 in a place where he can't melee you while you kill the 360.
  16. I guess that might be worth it then, I'll pick up some of those fishing pots. :D
  17. Will using fishing potions/admiral pies to boost fishing significantly boost my exp/h. I already use a granite lobsters if that makes any difference.
  18. The most important thing should be to raise your melee stats. At this point with overloads you are at the same level as a maxed person is with super pots, maybe even lower. This means it would be very difficult for you to find a good corping team. The things a divine is best used for anyways for anyways, solo monster hunting, require higher combat stats to be good at anyways. Everyone would like to own a divine, however not everyone is able to use one enough to warrant putting in the time required to get one. The thing about these elite buyables such as turmoil, overloads and even a divine is that they are awesome supplements. This means that though they are amazing when one is maxed, if one is not maxed, their use is much diminished. So what I suggest is that you make money while maxing out your combat, and then see where you stand. If you still don't have enough to snipe what you want and it hasn't crashed, you can use your new stats to join a pro corping team. PS, I'm not telling you it won't work, just that it might not be the best option.
  19. Sara godsword is also awesome there, just saying you can borrow one pretty cheap and it will heal more then EE will. Plus it heals prayer too.
  20. Just did it the other day. If you use the pillars to dodge his images and 75, avoid the mines and brew for the nuke you should find it easy. At the end when he goes crazy having a Kyatt is amazing. That way you can spam brews while you spam scrolls.
  21. Extreme range is worth it for sure, even if just because they cut down on the time it would take to get to Jad. Really, you want every boost you can get, overloads might not be worth it though if you range Jad as most of their boosts would not be used.
  22. Okay, failed attempt number one. Now I can revise my inventory. I wear range/pray gear, more emphasizing range bonus over pray because I have high enough pray that I'm sure I won't run out. Then 12 brews, 4 restores. Broad bolts for the waves and diamond (e) for Jad. Sgs for specs during the waves. The rest prayer pots. I will also bring a rune throwaxe for the healers, I want to attempt that. Last time I died because there was just too much going on when I was trying to kill the healers, if i can get 2 or 3 of them on me with the spec, that would be awesome.
  23. Thanks, I'm already in the caves but if for whatever reason I die, I'll try this next time.
  24. When the healers come, would it be possible to use the splash damage from chins to draw them off Jad? Also, is melee or range the fastest way to get through the waves?
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