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Everything posted by Nifflin

  1. Bladewing has an awesome guide for them. It is to chin them, and it sometimes even profits. Makes them a fun task and make them mix things up a bit.
  2. You can kill ghasts, it's pretty much the slowest payer exp in the game. Slower then burying. Pretty much do what everyone else says and alter bones.
  3. *cough*summoning*cough* Also, I wonder when the smithing update that was supposed to be this year will come? These look pretty awesome and will tide me over, I wonder what the "elite" warriors guild requirements will be or if it will be a fight-caves-esque type bossfight open to anyone.
  4. If I do fletching then move on to either smithing,mining or fishing how long would it take to get 99 fletching? Also is string jewelry afk friendly?
  5. While I play RS I tend to study. Studying takes priority so I don't usually pay much attention to the game itself. On the weekends or during free time I do more attention intensive playing, However due to my heavy workload which I foresee continuing for the next two or three months, I won't be able to play much like that. So I'm wondering what are some good skills I can train semi-afk paying minimal attention, with RS minimized. I've gotten 99 WC and 99 cooking and am not looking to get 99 in melee skills as I want to slay for them and slayer isn't consistently low attention. The options I've considered so far are: 99 fletching, would be pretty lame but would fill up the timespan nicely Smithing, as high as I can go smelting gold with gaunts. I also predict a high level smithing update and it would be nice to be ahead of the curve for once. 99 Magic, would detract from my prayer goal but would be nice, how semi-afk is string jewelry. Fishing, doubt I could get 99 in the time given. Mining, would need to train a bit before I could use the LRC, how attention friendly is this? Herblore, already have access to overloads plus is really too expensive to train with my current prayer goal. Crafting, don't know anything about this skill really, am open to trying it. What is the cost and attention friiendliness? If anyone has input from their own experiences, other ideas for skills I could train or specific information about any of the things I've mentioned please post.
  6. So does the fast fletching exp make up for the slow smithing exp?
  7. Exactly, I'm mostly wondering if the fast fletching exp is worth the mediocre, almost free, smithing exp. I usually judge my income at 1000k/h just to be conservative.
  8. Both, get herblore by cleaning herbs with mousekeys. That + farming + magpies and you will be making a few 100k per hour while gaining herblore exp.
  9. Okay, so I was goofing around and realized that smithing addy arrowtips and then fletching them into addy arrows looks like it should break about even. Can someone check my math? One adamant bar produces 15 arrowtips Adamant Bar = 3080gp Headless Arrow (x15) = 315gp Adamant Arrow (x15) = 3150gp Would this be less efficient then platebodies and by how much? Edit: If I can get my hands on junk I could sell the arrowtips alone for 250-300 each and profit quite a little from that. Is it worth it? What about trading for risings, is that viable? Edit2: Changed arrow shaft to headless arrows, thanks Jaffy1
  10. If they have this sort of update schedule with Stellar Dawn they can kiss it goodbye. The reason RS grew so fast was because there were weekly updates for over five years. Shame all the diversion of resources into community events and other projects had derailed Runescape updates so much.
  11. from the BTS I see, ugh, now to decide if I'll dump my 15m herbs I've stockpiled or not..
  12. What's this about harvesting double the herbs?
  13. People already pay 4-5k per crimson, if you factor in the time saved through buying them they would go up to 10-15k easily.
  14. Then don't look at this thread This isn't the only place the 10? of you, who somehow think this is funny, post the joke. I'm sorry, but there's nothing funny about forced humor. What is funny, however, is that you guys actually think people enjoy your attempt at starting a meme; or the fact that you actually care about your post count. Either way, I'll just stop posting here. It's pretty clear to me that you guys don't need help embarassing yourselves. No, it's funny because they almost all post at different times.
  15. No, if void melee gives accuracy then it would be better then bandos against high defense monsters as bandos only gives a strength bonus and no attack bonus.
  16. I had saved up cash in game for a while before getting members so I straight off bought a bunch of armor, my trusty d long, then did lost city and started questing/ training members skills.
  17. I used hally becuase when you melee her she pushes you back, also make avoiding the fire more flexible. Really easy fight, especially compared to other quest bosssfights.
  18. The reason they are so expensive is that they are really fast exp, but then again construction can be as fast as you want, it just depends on how much cash you have to burn. Why are you considering them might I ask?
  19. Prove it/proof? Every post you make I can see you did policy debate at some point or another.
  20. He isn't quite scamming you, he is giving you the very best deal he can... it's just not as good as the one he would be getting.
  21. If you have any gaming console a years membership is cheaper then a new game (a good one), I can for sure say that I play RS more then any of my xBox games and certainly more then some of the games I've spent 60$ on that turned out crappy. Basically if you spend money on console games there is no reason you shouldn't on RS unless you don't play that much.
  22. But be careful, because any Party Hat you sell for GE price rather then street you will probably never get the chance to re-obtain. The cool thing about getting a divine is that it would help you earn money through boss hunting, but would also help you retain net street value on your items. Also if you quit and come back again the levels/items you bought might not be worth much anymore but I can almost promise you that those party has will be worth more then ever. If you decide to sell a Party Hat for GE price I'm sure there are a lot of people on Tip.It you could make very, very, very happy by working with them.
  23. You can sell the santa for a clean 100m in the GE without losing any street price on it.
  24. I agree with the dungoneering article in that it certainly would be more enjoyable if teamfinding was more effective, and its true, the mechanisms are in place to a certain extent but the problem comes from nobody using them. However Jagex needs to add more specifications (such as rushing, combat level requirements, total level requirements) to teamfinding options if they ever hope to attract people into using them. The Void Stares Back article sums up what I have been thinking since it's release. But I think the reason for it being a grandmaster quest is deeper then its requirements. After all, they are arbitrary numbers the designers decided upon. What I really think is the reason is so that Jagex can boast having released another grandmaster quest. It's a shame they need to inflate a master quest through requirements in order to do so. At the end of the day, TVSB isn't the quest with the deepest storyline, hardest boss, hardest puzzles or best reward. It only has requirements which are a shallow way to gauge a quests value. It truly is a shame that it was labeled grandmaster as in my opinion it detracts from the value of that label.
  25. Read the first post, "what can we do about it," implies that flaming is bad and a solution to it would be welcome. Even though this thread is about flaming, it puts flaming in a negative light. It is therefor situational irony when flaming then starts happening in a thread where people are criticizing it.
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