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Everything posted by Kielmccaul75

  1. By the beard of Zeus! I love this movie ;) It's so random.
  2. Uses 1337 reverse physchology skills assuring you all that I don't want the party hat, and takes it and runs when you put it down.
  3. Thats lucky, because it was bart. [singsong]"The family dog is eyein' Barts intestine"[/singsong] Since noone seems to have got mine. Homer pierces a paintbucket and attaches it to Lennys car so that as he drives it leaks yellow paint on the road ;) Finish the quote: "Oh Bartholemew, I feel like saint Augustus of ------" Just after Homer takes the holy water for Bart ;)
  4. Lolz Hai menz did I tellz yuo all dat I found Mc'donalds fries are rly botulism?!?! Sorry, random. I really doubt this is true.
  5. A very expensive hobby would probably be a more accurate title ;) I had a friend who played this for a while, then he realised nobody else anywhere near him played it as well. What a waste :(
  6. While I am sure it is unhealthy, I would do it with WoW if school did not get in my way ;) I actually look foward to next year for my gap year before Uni, i'll be using my pro nerd skills a lot.
  7. Oh man, you're so cool for adding no information to the thread except the fact that you pirate! Woooo! Ontopic: I might have to get the first one for my cousins and play it :P (since I don't have a PS2) he's not a pirate you noob if he lives in singapore it already came out in that area :roll: :x think before you post now for my on topic: yes it owns!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D That would benefit you more than me, if you had the reading skills to read the line It's very lucky you posted that before I did, because if you didn't chances are what would be in the place of this post would get me banned. Smithy >Bloodredsword
  8. Logic speaks the loudest. Why would you not just give him a friendly "You aren't allowed to trade between two accounts. Sorry"?
  9. While the above is correct, given the situation it is pretty obvious what he meant ;) While he did not evade the censor, and I am not remotely worried by what he said, someone may be.I know you're a Pmod Punk, it's a conspiracy!
  10. 227. Wow. I got a good one.
  11. Hmm i know it was a champagne squishy and I think Elton John was singing. Id say your right, but your supposed to post another question after you answer one... Ill do that for you i guess:S Dr.Nicks last name? Can't spell it but: Riviera In the Stonecutters episode, when stalking Lenny and Karl (or Carl?) Homer state "Now all I have to do is follow the yellow drip road" after doing what?
  12. Couldn't agree more. Personally I favour WoW on several more levels, and this is coming from someone who spent 3 years developing a Runescape character ;) Possibly the main reason I rather WoW is the people. While there are of course still morons who do their best to irritate the majority of the earths population, there are lots fewer of them. The graphics are much better, and there is a much wider opportunity to employ a strategy. A Runescape strategy: He is using magic, so I better use ranged. A WoW strategy: He is using ice spells, so I would favour getting rid of my +2% crit trinket for an ice reflector and sacrificing armour rating for frost resistance. Given it is a mage I would probably be best to avoid using stunning effects as he has the ability to blink out of them. (Could go on forever here, so I'll end it now.) Anyways. I agree with the quote.
  13. Maybe he wants RSC because pking there requires some skill
  14. Red party hats were (at the lowest I can actually remember them) 200k, this was when they were actually sold by the Party Shop NPC in Varrok. Can anyone else remember camping there hoping to god you would get the next one? XD
  15. These guides are a really good idea. Learning to barrows properly at 70+ will put you in good stead for making money there when you achieve 100+
  16. When the dragon chainbody started dropping from the Dust Devils, they dropped them very often, and sometimes in notes of 3-5. But as you say, there would be no point changing the drop rates of an item ;)
  17. Most kind: Punk4Ever Least kind: Entangle, as of late anyway. Funniest: Bubsa or Blackbane Most intelligent: Merciful Best moderator: Nathaninch Best administrator: The Sith Best ranter: Not sure, don't look over the Rants board much. Most interesting person: Only one I am not too sure on. I have read a lot of interesting things here. Weirdest person: Blackbane. (Cabbage ftw) Person-who-you'd-like-to-sit-next-to-you-on-a-ten-hour-plane-ride: Nobody. I need my leg room ^__^ Best runescapian: Not sure anymore :( Best tipiter: Uh. Difficult. Nathaninch/Sith/Merc/Bubs. One of them.
  18. This has already been posted, but in WoW there is no Wilderness. As long as you are of the opposite faction, and it's a PvP server there is nothing to stop the Runescape equiv. of a level 126 from attacking the Runescape equiv. of a level 6. Thjere was no way to prevent this. (Anyone who plays WoW will agree that guy totally owned though)
  19. I sort of edited your quote a little, but I agree with that.
  20. I'm boring. I got into barely any trouble in high school. In primary school I got into trobule for breaking off a few of the hooks you were supposed to hang your school bags on. I almost got into serious trouble for breaking into school during the old headmasters sendoff. Me and a few friends left the window ajar, we broke in and left muddy footprints everywhere, stole a pretty broken computer mouse and a bag of those candy snakes and left. I went to my grandmotheres that weekend and felt sick with worry the whole time realizing we were bound to be caught, but one of my friends got into school early and mopped the footprints up somehow (best feeling of relief ever)
  21. vvv is blocked because it became a common replacement for www when linking websites ingame ;)
  22. [agree]Yeah, it seemed too gimic-ish(is that even close to a word? :lol:) for me. And his quote was terrible.[/agree]
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