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Everything posted by Kielmccaul75

  1. Wonder if that would be posible with a bath of liquid nitrogen, what would it be like? I would not exspect much pain, or a long life because your skin would frease in seconds. Would it also have the same affect were you would shatter if droped? Anyone want to test this? Didnt think so. The SS doctors already did.
  2. Freezing to death would cause your arteries to dialate and burst. You would hemmorage(sp?) to death. For that reason I would probably choose burning, because odds are you would pass out due to lack of oxygen pretty quickly.
  3. Lol, you seriously went to the Dagganoth Kings with someone who even considered not telling you about the loot he got? That's pretty pathetic on his behalf, saying something in the end was all well and good, but he should have just cheered and said so as he got it.
  4. Heh, it would have been just one swear before he didn't get anything back.
  5. You get trained attack monkeys from Japan. *Inserts Coin*
  6. Don't really know you :( so uh 1/10 maybe? Chance are I will have read a post and not paid a heap of attention.
  7. Uh, probably The Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time or Majoras Mask. I loved them both. ATM I am playing WoW a heap, but as soon as I finish my tier two set I will probably quit.
  8. I've been clean since October 7th 2005. As a sidenote I also started my first WoW toon on that day.
  9. That is beyond awesome. I am very tempted to restart Runescape just to examine all the things that have been added to the game. I really miss the hidden wit behind Runescape examines. (I don't miss anything else though.)
  10. That's the only reason. Bush is making money of it somehow. Know who funds political campaigns? (Which are VERY expensive) Petrochemical companies, and tobacco companies predominantly. George Bush needs to keep them happy, or he won't ever have the money to support another campaign.
  11. Halo 2 imo. After the first one, that was just insulting. Nothing changed at all? Bland gameplay for anyone who had played the original.
  12. Oh damn, they have already stopped making American Dad? That was probably the best cartoon ever. It has only recently started in Australia :(
  13. How it seemed to work for me was "zomg, 16 million!!11 he am rich!!" But then something like the Barrows came out and I made 30-40 million in a week. At that point it became "zomg!!!11 he am have 110 million. He am rich!!11" Etc etc.
  14. Strength. I broke the million mark in strength, then did attack a lot faster XD Defense always came last :( I ended up getting it like a month later than the others
  15. Will scamming? Probably not, but a heap of cash will.
  16. Are you sure? I have a screenshot somewhere that has a Jmod showing that guy from the forums whos name looks like a phone number (00700560435 or whatever) a partyhat.
  17. I honestlycannot remember how long I have been here overall, I can certainly remember having to reregister ages ago though, I had a little over 600 post count before the forums died :(
  18. "So long, and thanks for all the fish."
  19. I have a friend, and his views on homosexuality are well.. Lets just say he does not like gays. Anyway, we were having a discussion about how so many criminals were making so much money off drugs. The person who dislikes homosexuals then proceeded to say "Yeah, being straight gets you nowhere." I knew what he meant, but it didn't prevent me from laughing for several hours.
  20. You know what makes this situation much worse? This utter trash is still on the air because morons watch it, and it still has decent ratings. I won't shed a tear if the creator of this show were run down by several cars, and i'll pay the drivers legal fees.
  21. Hah, me too. I wish one year I could go... Yeah I hope some day I can go. Maybe if I do work on artwork for some game company there is a chance.... :( lol. A friend of mine does that >.< She is at the stage where it's just not a big deal for her. One day I will manage to steal her access pass and fly over ;)
  22. Heh, I am a large pile of mathematics and a very large essay (three months of work, or it's supposed to be) that are weighing me down at the moment. The math is due tomorrow, and the huge essay is due Friday.
  23. Lol, there is a cinema in one of the scummier parts of Melbourne where there is always a wallet that has been stolen and stripped sitting in the front row. A friend of mine used to work there and they were up to 30 somthing wallets when he left.
  24. I started my best account (level 100 when I quit) on September 11th 2002. I can remember because there were NPC's running about named "Beastly Man" advertising a memorial for the attacks, the memorial was to be held in Varrock Park and I never found it ;)
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