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Everything posted by Triquos

  1. Sudoku is a type of puzzle where there is a 3x3 grid with smaller grids also containing 3x3 grids, where numbers 1-9 are used. These numbers can only appear once in each smaller grid and only once in both horizontol and vertical lines going accros the bigger grid. They simply chucked chaos in front of it so it ties in with the chaos elemental.They also replaced the numbers with runes. Why has jagex done it so 2 runes are aloud to appear in each column/grid. yes i know what sudoku is but don't you think it's weird how it also has "kudos" in it when the island hasn't been released yet and jagex said it will be revealed soon enough and the fact that the other anagram that said aborted ark also relates to the boat that goes to kudos island? sorry for trying to help out though i guess.. i'll leave everything up to you since you seem to know everything
  2. i just did an anagram for "trek abroad" and guess what it came up with? aborted ark coincidence? i think not. There's that aborted ark sort of boat near the digsite, which leads to kudos isle which also happens to be mentioned when you do an anagram for "chaosudoku" whereby giving us the word "kudos"
  3. just did an anagram for chaosudoku and the first option came up: a ouch kudos notice the word kudos? definitely could be where summoning starts.. who knows =D
  4. Hmm, that's ironic.. because it seems you can't spell either - it's "grammar" not "grammer". Great guide! I might try it out sometime ^_^
  5. i've always been fascinated by the archaeology skill, and to my knowledge, i'm pretty sure it's coming out on the 11th of october, due to the combination of hints and facts i gathered from rs forums about when new skills come out, and one of my friends knowing a j mod who gave him hints towards treasure/digging in october, who knows if it's true but no new skills have come this year and i'm sure 1 skill will come out this year atleast anyway add me to the list ^_^ \ brilliant idea and extremely well thought out! if only jagex took ideas like this on board =[
  6. ty your suggestion has been added ^_^ keep the comments coming ppl :thumbsup:
  7. I think I speak for all RCer's to be at 99 when I say "{cabbage} YOU JaGeX!" This makes my tireless hours of Rcing seem like a waste. True the random runes thing can be annoying, but 25k an hour? Without S Energies? HOLY {cabbage} this makes me so angry. I will go over to JaGeX HQ and punch the person who came up with this. Compare that to 18k an hour WITH S energies. Yeah, that adds up, A LOT! then i suppose we'd all have to punch them because they also released pest control a long time ago, which gave people massive amounts of exp and brought tons more 126's in the game, i for one, got attack, strength, and hitpoints to 99 before pest control, but did i rant? no. Jagex will always come out with things that make training skills easier, we have to get over it and not throw a tantrum everytime they do so. :shame:
  8. tyvm Apostle i'll change that right now ^_^ Also I found out that whilst doing the course with the karamja gloves, you get MORE EXP! I thought they only worked with the tickets, but the rumour is true and I can confirm this! i'm going to edit the guide again now, will add in another table and the exp difference ^_^ As for why I use low detail - it's less laggy because it uses less memory, there's less distractions, and, you can see the yellow arrow more easier. \ just going to edit the guide for improvement now ^_^
  9. Don't know sorry, i'd go with bashful's answer as I haven't experimented on the obstacles with the gloves on
  10. To be honest, yes, I think if they're willing to break the rules, then they're not real friends. simple as that. O:)
  11. I feel no sympathy for gold farmers, they ruined the game, and you're sympathising for the rule breakers? seems if some of you were to find a bug that would give you better things in rs you would abuse it.. :shame:
  12. i've completely fixed up the guide now, no more repetition, i've also added player's suggestions and i've re-vamped the inventory pic with cakes, not lobs, and 300gp instead of the 210gp. I've also added a suggested -what to wear- picture and removed one of the pictures that didn't show up and wasn't that necessary anyway, as the pic below it related to it somewhat. hope that helped :thumbsup:
  13. by popular demand i've removed the suggested lobster inventory ^_^
  14. My favourites were the sausage link one, very funny ^_^ and the xleman one, soooo much detail and I loved the engravings in the dragon longsword! art ftw \ Funnily enough, the day before my pic was put into the gallery, I gave away my abyssal whip, 30 glory ammies and some rune in world 2 party petes room coz I felt like giving, I think this was my reward ^_^ giving ftw \
  15. ty ^_^ Yes I think I stuffed up on the head and the left arm.. my next one, if, it should get in, will be much better =D
  16. archaeology is coming out on the 11th of October
  17. umega, keep clicking on the message and hazelmere will come and rescue you, i was worried too lol but someone said to try it and i trusted them and it worked ^_^ i was getting freaked out so badly lol
  18. Party Hats: 400 Crackers: 20 Santa Hats: 15000 Masks: 8000 (all of them, red, green, blue) Disk of Returning: 500 Easter Egg: 10000 Half Full Wine Jug: 200 Pumpkin: 1000 those are my predictions
  19. getting revenge on a lurer is not wrong, if anything, by the sounds of it, it looks like you would actually support luring and from memory, it's against the rules. :shame: :-$
  20. nice guide :thumbsup: btw their max hit is 8 not 9 ^_^
  21. Yes his guide is quite short and much of it is common sense but he put the effort in and got flamed. I personally think it has quite a bit of potential, maybe add in more ways, and also high level versions of it, e.g. - flax picking in Lletya is the fastest method, as it's about 15 steps from the bank. - cowhides, have a lot of charged duel rings + skill necklaces, teleport to crafting guide, kill cows, when full, teleport using your ring of duel to castle wars and bank, fast and simple. i'm sure there are more but there's a few you could add ^_^ :thumbsup:
  22. hmm i have to disagree on some parts there, mainly due to the fact you say that there's hardly anything for the mid-player, i'm gonna have to say that it was about time for jagex to give us high levels something, for the last 2 years it's been small quests with pathetic rewards and weekly updates to satisfy the nubs that want them every week. finally they've come out with things for high levels to do before going insane with the nub quests and low level updates. also, i'd have to give it a 90/100 based on the fact that it was a huge update, people love it, the rewards are awesome, and it kept me entertained. the reason it doesn't get a perfect score is because i would have thought there would be monsters that could also drop shards/godswords/the new armour etc. but at a very low drop rate, whereby you'd still have a chance at getting the incredible loot, it would just take much longer, as i don't plan on fighting any of the bosses after seeing them hit people for 57s O_o there's my 2 cents :-w
  23. What I do hope is that it's not ONLY a lvl 110+ dungeon, that there's stuff to do there lvl 80+ too. An update that big targeted at a minority of players only would be lame :( Actually that's precisely what it should be. Last time I checked, low - mid levels have had the majority of all updates, only the last 2 months have high levels actually benefitted from the updates, including the dark bow, d full helm, d fire shield and the Impetuous Impulses minigame, so you can't tell me that levels 3 - 110 aren't getting a fair deal i'm sorry. =;
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