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Everything posted by Dalcyte

  1. It's hard to tell when something nerfed, until you get a ton of people reporting it. One person, or a few people just could be bad luck.
  2. Gl Seprpent! Got some tough goals there, you can do it pl0x \ Thanks for coming out to my levelup
  3. Krohn is mah hero! Good to see you back, up and running. Gratz on 90 slayer. 9 more to go? :ohnoes:
  4. Went to school, took a quiz, did a 2.5 Miles hard, hung out with friends at an art fair, posted on TIf. Ah, what a day. Could be good with an hour of rs, but who knows if ill be able to play tonight.
  5. I agree. I think that some new type of "something", whether it be ess, or whatever will be introduced. However, pure essence isn't necessarly saradomin related, it's just "pure" as in refined. So, we could still be seeing the same old same old. However, the new altar is very hard to imagine. i hope it doesn't change the rc system that we have now, as we know it.
  6. bump... went out to an art fair with friends today, was fun, got rained on, went to a gelato place and hung out...ja. May play today. Rhyme r kewlio
  7. for a second there, thought you were quitting :shock: Meh, you can only play twice a week? I've been doing that for such a long time...u nub
  8. :shock: wow, thanks a lot.... although i probably won't be on till like 10:00 CST or so...thank you so much! If you want any of those gems to be made into something, feel free to ask, i'm willing to make anything anyone wants, that i can. (as long as its not like a fury or something, and i need to provide the items...)
  9. get more space on the website for top 2 million i assume. or even 1.5M
  10. Bandos plate would make me sincerely happy
  11. I can't...figure out...how canifis..works :x lol... Thanks though, it should be a while before i get, with ya know...not being able to play. Good news, is that i can play late at night secretly :-$ Thanks for the tip! I'm not going to be as alching as much as you, that's not in my plan, but i will be alching some, and when i don't feel like crafting on the way back, i'll do that! Thanks for the tip!
  12. good luck with your senior year...and have fun working. I don't need to take a business class like you to make money. *sells e-mail to various websites* :-w
  13. So you drop, ask for another, then pick up? :-s Wow good find, i'm very impressed that no one has found this in the history of puzzle boxes.
  14. It's a long story, from a long time ago. I don't have any really good pics from when it happened, because i didn't know how. Some person on TIF told me how to take pics, or i used the help guide...doesn't matter. Earliest pic i have: Meh (heh, that santa? got for 160k in christmas 04 \ ) Aaaaanyway, give me your farming
  15. Yep, having the ability to wear magical dishwear is exciting. :P In all seriousness, with all the new armour updates the quest reward from Dragon Slayer seems obsolete... if you're higher level...what other type of armor do you have at 40-60 def, and even at 60, most people don't get dragon armor, cept legs. Priest in peril is pretty useful....whole other chunk of the world is available to use, along with lots of quests, and what i predict, blood crafting.
  16. might have to say pest control for now, and come back to this later :P But i don't like pest control.
  17. see that eagle? It cries not for 9/11 only, but for all the idiots who have made this mistake. That's one SAAAAD eagle.
  18. Hey, haven't seen you in a while... gl with 60 def with lamps of the genie variety. Ur in for the long haul :P
  19. Like getting 7 yellow phats and 8.3M *cough cough*? Heh heh, drum is stinky but cool
  20. Bronze dragons are rarely worth it, since the chance of drops are bad, and the normal ones aren't that great either. Dogs and black demons also run amuck in that area, so sometimes its hard to attack one. Plus, your stats would not make it worthwhile, so i'd buthorpe it.
  21. Flax Gem Rocks-Mine your own Gold-Alch Jewelry Cowhides (kill your own cows of course...ugh) Well, good luck. It's not too hard, i remember i got to that level using studded chaps, and then had a friend who was working on smithing together make studs, and then i split the chaps with him. It was a little loss, a really odd way of crafting, and fairly annoying (Why do studs take so long to attach?)
  22. mmm.. I eat dray. Dray taste gud :D Gratz on 70 farming, and 99 magic while i was away...whydidntutellmenub?
  23. um...what are you talking about? :? That's a real chain dude...get your eyes checked rofllmao :roll: hehheh. Gratz on the chain and 79 def.
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